  • 附加码,附加代码,附加程序用于虚拟硬盘功的一连串机械码指令
    A sequence of machine code instructions used to simulate hardware functions.
  • 没有人回答这个问题吗?
    Can nobody answer the question?
  • 因而,你利用常规的“whatif”(如果这样怎么办)方法模拟经过系统的那些传送。
    Thus, you can simulate passes through your system using a conventional "what if" approach.
  • 模拟生物的动作或自动回答预先设计好的程序、刺激或信号的机器。
    A machine designed to simulate the operations of living things, or to respond automatically to predesigned programs, stimuli, or signals.
  • 通过这种方式,对象被赋予数据特征和行为,因此,使用面向对象程序够更好地反映程序欲模拟的现实世界。
    In this way, the object is given both data properties and behaviors, and so object oriented programs can better reflect the real world they are trying to simulate.
  • 一组机器代码指令,存放在操作系统内,有时也存放在只读存储器中,用来模拟硬件的一些功。例如,如果一台机器没有浮点硬件,则可以用附加程序来提供浮点操作。
    A sequence of machine code instructions stored within the operating system, and sometimes in read-only memory, which is used to simulate hardware functions.Extracodes may be used to provide floating-point operations, for example, on a machine which does not have floating-point hardware.
  • 这个计算机模拟海底环境.
    The computer simulates conditions on the sea bed.
  • 或者情感是否只被模拟。
    Or whether emotion would only ever be simulated.
  • 没人能阻拦我!
    Nobody can stop me!
  • 所以现在,我们已经初次具有了有关磁场怎样发生倒转的三维和随时间变化的模拟信息。
    So now, for the first time, we have three-dimensional and time-dependent simulated information about how magnetic reversals can occur.
  • 教学软件通过演示某一系统或软件的功来指导系统或软件的使用者
    A program that instructs the user of a system or software package by simulating the capabilities of the system or software.
  • 我这菜否不加大蒜?
    Can you serve it without garlic?
  • 在驾驶模拟器中,大麻确实损害了视觉力和心智的灵敏。
    In driving simulators, marijuana does impair visual skills and mental dexterity.
  • 你们最快服务的是什么?
    What can you serve quickly?
  • 一种服务,其中数据通信信道同时独立地发送和接收数据。
    A service in which the data communication channel is capable of simultaneous and independent transmission and reception.
  • 一个大的核子分裂为众多小核子并伴随量释放的核反应过程。
    a nuclear reaction in which a massive nucleus splits into smaller nuclei with the simultaneous release of energy.
  • 核子相互结合形成更大的核子并伴随量释放的一种核反应过程。
    a nuclear reaction in which nuclei combine to form more massive nuclei with the simultaneous release of energy.
  • 电能不足期望值
    expected energy not serve,缩写EENS
  • 互相矛盾的不同时成立的;互斥的
    That cannot be simultaneously true; mutually exclusive.
  • 多色的够同时用两种或两种以上颜色印刷的
    Capable of printing in two or more colors simultaneously.
  • 怀特夫人不来接电话──她正在接待顾客。
    Mrs White can't come to the telephone - she's serving a customer.
  • 我能帮你忙吗?
    Can I serve you in any way?
  • 同时为整个工作站服务的文档服务器。
    (computer science) a file server that can be used simultaneously as a workstation.
  • 自差接收机一种自差无线电装置,其中一只管同时起到振荡器和检测器作用
    A heterodyne radio device in which one tube serves simultaneously as oscillator and detector.
  • 我能再来一个吗?
    Can I have another?
  • 这个年青人很聪明, 他可成为爱迪生式的人。
    This young man is very clever; he may be another Edison.
  • 公共汽车后面还坐下三个人。
    There's room for another three people in the back of the bus.
  • 这男孩很聪明,他可成为另一个爱迪生。
    This boy is very smart; he may be another Edison.
  • 怎样才使你相信我是真心实意的呢?
    How can I persuade you that I am sincere?
  • 我由衷地盼你通过考试。
    I sincerely hope you'll pass the exam.
  • 我(们)期待着您的光临。请提前通知您否出席。
    I/We sincerely hope you can attend. Let me/us know.
  • 她真诚地希望她做点什么来安慰他们。
    She wished sincerely she might do something to comfort them.