  • 翰被法庭罚款500英镑。
    John was mulcted in £ 500 by the court.
  • 自然和人类的多态世界-翰·杜威。
    the multiform universe of nature and man- John Dewey.
  • 现行为国际贸易和金融而设的国际和跨国经营体制,大是在五十年前制定的,我们实有必要因应二十一世纪的新环境,改善整个体制,以符合新时代的需要。
    The existing international and multinational structure for international trade and finance designed some 50 years ago needs to be upgraded to suit the new environments of 21st Century.
  • 现行为国际贸易和金融而设的国际和跨国经营体制,大是在五十年前制定的,实在有必要改良,以切合二十一世纪新的环境。
    The existing international and multinational structure for international trade and finance was designed 50 years ago and that needs to be upgraded to suit the new environments for the 21st Century.
  • 我也想指出,现有的国际和跨国金融架构,是在大五十年前为促进国际贸易和金融活动而制订的。我们现在必须加以改良,以配合二十一世纪的新环境。
    Let me point out that the existing international and multinational structure for international trade and finance designed some 50 years ago needs to be upgraded to suit the new environments of 21st Century.
  • 不可通的,无共同尺度的没有一个公数或一个数值能使所有给出的长度或度量成为其整数倍数
    Having no common measure or number of which all the given lengths or measures are integral multiples.
  • 你要永远在我面前生活并做个完美的人,这样我就可以和你立,使你的后代繁衍兴旺。
    Live always in my presence and be perfect, so that I may set my covenant between myself and you and multiply your descendants.
  • 巴拉巴斯《新》中被判刑的小偷,民众要求彼拉特释放他而处死耶稣
    In the New Testament, the condemned thief whose release, instead of that of Jesus, was demanded of Pilate by the multitude.
  • “妈妈,翰尼把蛋糕都吃了。”“你还说他,彼得——你把面包黄油吃了个精光!”
    "Johnny's eaten all the cakes, Mummy." "You can talk, Peter—you've eaten all the bread and butter!"
  • 艺术家翰看出委托制作壁画的事己告吹了。
    John, the artist, could see the commission for the murals going up in smoke.
  • 他大发脾气地告诉我,壁画的合失效了。
    He flew into a temper and told me the contract for the murals was off.
  • 新闻及艺术部长李玉全三月在国会发表了《文艺复兴城市》报告书,豪情壮志地宣布政府有意把新加坡变成一个世界级的顶尖艺术城市,最终与纽、伦敦等艺术名城比美。
    Mr Lee Yock Suan, Singapore's Minister for Information and the Arts, produced an ambitious report in a March parliamentary session. The government, he declared, was keen to establish the island-state as a global city of arts and culture eventually on par with such sites of the Muses as New York and London.
  • "一英里博物馆"(位于第五大道,70街和104街之间)是为纽城的一组最具名望的博物馆而起的名,其中包括大都市艺术博物馆、纽市博物馆、全国设计学院。
    “ The Museum Mile” (5th Avenue,between 70th & 104th streets)is named to the group of the most prestigious museums the city has to offer: The Metropolitan Museum of Art,The Museum of the City of New York,The National Academy of Design among others.
  • 纽约的音乐活动
    Musical life in New York.
  • 在中国,有十个少数民族有食用清真食品的传统习惯。
    In China, about ten minority peoples have the tradition of eating Muslim food.
  • 按照定的检查单,对设备进行检查;
    Check the equipment according to a mutually-agreed check-list;
  • 四十年来塞斯顿走遍世界各地,他惊人的魔术绝技,风靡了无数的观众,有六千万以上的观众看过他的表演,而使他有二百万元的收入。
    For forty years he had traveled all over the world, time and again,creating illusions, mystifying audiences, and making people gasp with astonishment. More than 60 million people had paid admission to his show, and he had made almost $2 million in profit.
  • 丁托列托意大利画家,以宗教、神话和历史为主题,也画肖像画。他的作品包括圣乔治和龙(大1550年)
    Italian painter of religious, mythological, and historical subjects as well as portraits. His works include Saint George and the Dragon(c.1550).
  • (《旧全书》在耶稣基督神话中的人物;人类的第一个男人和祖先。
    (Old Testament) in Judeo-Christian mythology; the first man and progenitor of the human race.
  • 这匹老马跟随翰这么多年了,翰很难与它分离。
    The nag has been with John for so many years that it is hard for him to part from it.
  • 这匹老马跟随翰这麽多年了,翰很难与它分离。
    The nag have is with john for so many year that it is hard for him to part from it.
  • 他们给小孩取名叫翰。
    They named the child John.
  • 他们给婴孩取名为翰。
    They named their baby son John.
  • 她接著讲翰未讲完的故事。
    She took up the narrative where John had left off.
  • 她接著讲翰未讲完的故事。
    She take up the narrative where john have leave off.
  • 大风以40英里的时速刮断了塔科玛纽湾海峡大桥。
    40 miles an hour was the wind that dropped the Tacoma Narrows Bridge.
  • 纳罗斯纽东南的一个海峡,介于布鲁克林和纽市的斯塔腾岛之间,连接纽湾的上端和下端。弗拉德诺-纳罗斯桥的建立使纳罗斯海峡得到延伸,该桥于1964年竣工,是世界上最长的吊桥
    A strait of southeast New York between Brooklyn and Staten Island in New York City and connecting Upper and Lower New York Bay. The Narrows is spanned by the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, completed in1964 and one of the longest suspension bridges in the world.
  • 为维护新的国际海洋法律制度和国家海洋权益,全国人大常委会于1996年5月批准了《联合国海洋法公》,并郑重声明:按照《联合国海洋法公》的规定,中华人民共和国享有200海里专属经济区和大陆架的主权权利和管辖权;
    To uphold the new international marine legal system and the state's marine rights and interests, the NPC Standing Committee approved the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea in May 1996, and solemnly stated: "In accordance with the provisions of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, the People's Republic of China enjoys sovereignty and jurisdiction over the EEZs and continental shelves up to 200 nautical miles off its coasts.
  • 中美商约
    Sino-American Treaty of Friendship,Commerce and Navigation
  • 戴维斯,翰1550?-1605英国航海家,在寻找西北航道时发现了北极,后来又航行到南海地区,他于1592年发现了福克兰群岛
    English navigator who explored the Arctic while searching for the Northwest Passage and later sailed to the South Seas. He discovered the Falkland Islands in1592.
  • 然而,就价格而言,oracle公司和sun公司推崇的nc机为700至800美元,而相对应的netpc机依其配置不同价格在1000至1500美元之间。
    However, as far as the price point is concerned, NC boxes touted by Oracle and Sun costs about US$700 to US$800, compared to NetPC prices that roughly range from US$1,000 to US$1,500 depending on configuration.
  • 那块地有2英亩,四周整齐地围着高大的棕榈树。
    It was some two acres in extent, neatly fenced in with tall palms.