  • 气中河水的味道弥漫。
    The smell of river water permeated the air.
  • 正交一条垂直线,尤指一条相对一条平面曲线的切线垂直线或一条相对一条间曲线的平面切线垂直线
    A perpendicular, especially a perpendicular to a line tangent to a plane curve or to a plane tangent to a space curve.
  • 卦限八个区之一,这八个区是由三个正交平分割三维间而成
    One of eight parts into which three-dimensional space is divided by three usually perpendicular coordinate planes.
  • 没错,我们的学校能够培养出各方面的人才,对此我们无需怀疑;但是我们的学校是否让学生们甚至是老师们有足够发展个性的间,则有待进一步的探讨。
    No doubt, our schools have trained professionals in various fields, but it takes a closer look to see whether our students -- or even their teachers -- have enough scope for developing their individual personalities.
  • 我们的学校能够培养出各方面的人才,对此我们无需怀疑;但是我们的学校是否让学生们甚至是老师们有足够发展个性的间,则有待进一步的探讨。
    No doubt, our schools have trained professionals in various fields, but it takes a closer look to see whether our students -- or even their teachers -- have enough scope or developing their individual personalities.
  • 用于修饰或说明一科学分支中的概念,其中涉及到自由电子流的运动、发射和性能等,特别是在真、气体或光电管和特定的导体或半导体中电子的运动。“电子的”和“电气的”不同,后者涉及金属导体中大电流的流动。
    Pertaining to that branch of science dealing with the motion, emission, and behavior of currents of free electrons, especially in vacuum, gas, or phototubes and special conductors or semiconductors. This is contrasted with electric, which pertains to the flow of large currents in metal conductors.
  • 与两个椎骨之间的间有关。
    pertaining to the space between two vertebrae.
  • 气中弥散着一种气味[烟味]。
    The air is pervaded by a smell [smoking].
  • 科学和技术已经开始渗透了我们生活的各个领域;结果,社会正以前的速度改变着。
    Science and technology have come to pervade every aspect of our lives and, as a result , society is changing at a speed which is quite unprecedented.
  • 娜蒂契达趁着到国外旅行出她自己的住房之际,邀请柴可夫斯基在她外出期间住到这里来,翻阅她的书籍,参观她的藏画,好让她回来时能在隐隐之中到处感觉到他的存在。
    When Nadyezhda vacated her own home for a trip abroad she asked Tschaikovsky to visit it in her absence, to go over the books and to inspect her paintings, so that when s he re turned she world feel the atmosphere pervaded by his personality.
  • 监测的339个城市中,有117个城市气质量达到二级标准,占监测城市数的34.5%,比上年提高1.1个百分点;
    Among the 339 cities under the environment monitoring program, the air quality of 117 cities met Grade II, accounting for 34.5 percent of all, up by 1.1 percentage points over the pervious year;
  • 特罗亚妮发现,“悲观的、情绪低落的人容易受到那些老爱打击人的家伙的影响,让他们把自己脑海里积极想法一扫而
    "Pessimistic and depressed people allow emotional vampires to suck their positive feelings right out of their skulls," observes Troiani.
  • 因此,农业、水利、交通、能源、通讯、建造、机械、电子、石化、汽车制造、新材料、航、海洋等,是国家政策扶持的投资项目。
    Therefore, agriculture, irrigation, transportation, energy resources, telecommunications, construction, machinery, electronics, petrochemical industry, car assembly, new materials, aviation and shipping are sectors that the national policy aims to sustain investment.
  • 汽车引擎排放的汽油烟气毒化了气。
    Petrol fumes from car engines poison the air.
  • 跳马的五步骤是:踏起、第一腾、推手、第二腾和着地。
    Take-off, pre-flight, repulsion, post-flight and landing constitute the five phases of a vault.
  • 拉瓦锡,安托万·洛朗1743-1794法国化学家,被认为是现代化学的奠基人。他分离出气中的主要成分,证明了氧气在燃烧中所起的作用从而否定了燃素理论,并把化合物进行了分类。拉瓦锡在恐怖统治时期被处死
    French chemist who is regarded as the founder of modern chemistry. He isolated the major components of air, disproved the phlogiston theory by determining the role of oxygen in combustion, and organized the classification of compounds. Lavoisier was executed during the Reign of Terror.
  • 否则你的劳动就没有对象,你就只能做鲁迅在他的遗嘱里所谆谆嘱咐他的儿子万不可做的那种头文学家,或头艺术家⑹。
    Only then can they proceed to creative work. Otherwise, you will have nothing to work with and you will be nothing but a phoney writer or artist, the kind that Lu Hsun in his will so earnestly cautioned his son never to become.[5]
  • 通过电子管与面上荧光粉相撞而产生光,这里的电子不是通过热发射而是电场产生的,这种真管要比常规的crt薄得多。
    This produces light through collisions of the electrons with phosphors on the tube surface.The electrons are produced by electric fields rather than the mionic emission, and the vacuum tubes are much thinner than conventional CRTs.
  • 照相排版中的一种退格技术,借此可以把一个字符挤入另一个字符所占的间里,从而避免因字符的形状不同和不同的字符组合而引起的间隙过大所产生的不理想的视觉印象。
    In photocomposition, a backspacing technique whereby one character is tucked into another in order to avoid the optical impression of excessive spacing that can arise from the varying shapes of characters and combinations of characters.
  • 在ibm的3800印刷子系统中,一种镀有光电导体的中圆筒。印刷时鼓连续旋转,带着光电导体通过不同的位置。鼓还包括光电导体电源和提升卷轴。
    In the3800 Printing Subsystem, a hollow cylinder around which the photo- conductor is wrapped. The drum continuously rotates during printing and carries the photoconductor part the various stations in the printing process. The drum also contains the photoconductor supply and takeup spools.
  • 没有,影印机太贵了,而且我没有足够间摆放。
    No, it's too expensive to buy a photocopier and I don't have enough space for one.
  • 医学与大气或间飞行有关的生理或心理紊乱的医学研究与治疗
    The medical study and treatment of physiological and psychological disorders associated with atmospheric or space flight.
  • 一声尖叫响彻夜空。
    A sharp cry pierced the night air.
  • 火箭穿过太空
    The rocket pierced through space.
  • 中或地面上向后翻筋斗的鸽子。
    pigeon that executes backward somersaults in flight or on the ground.
  • 如果有了正确的理论,只是把它谈一阵,束之高阁,并不实行,那末,这种理论再好也是没有意义的。
    If we have a correct theory but merely prate about it, pigeonhole it and do not put it into practice, then that theory, however good, is of no significance.
  • 双边合作的形式多种多样,从制定互利的间计划、互派专家学者、组织研讨会,到共同研制卫星或卫星部件、进行卫星搭载服务、提供商业发射服务等等。
    Bilateral space cooperation is implemented in various forms, from making reciprocal space programs and exchanges of scholars and specialists, and sponsoring symposiums, to jointly developing satellite or satellite parts, and providing satellite piggyback service and commercial launching service.
  • 双边合作的形式多种多样,从制定互利的间计划、互派专家学者、组织研讨会,到共同研制卫星或卫星部件、进行卫星搭载服务、提供商业发射服务等等。
    Bilateral space cooperation is implemented in various forms, from making reciprocal space programs and exchanges of scholars and specialists, and sponsoring symposiums, to jointly developing satellite or satellite parts, and providing satellite piggyback service and commercial launching service ,etc.
  • 迈克的妈妈在地下室里有间房子,我们把它清理出来,把几百本的小人书搬了过去。
    Mike's mom had a spare room in the basement that no one used. We cleaned it out, and began piling hundreds of comic books in that room.
  • 入侵的军队将该市掠夺一.
    The town was pillaged by the invading army.
  • 我是日本航公司的一名飞机驾驶员。
    I'm a pilot with the JAL.
  • 驾驶(太空飞船)
    To pilot(an aircraft or a spacecraft).