  • 她哽咽把一小束铃兰塞到我的手里,然后转身离去。
    Thrusting a tiny bouquet of lily of the valley into my hand, she made a sort of choking sound turned and ran.
  • "你的话就像这只气球一样--不过是一堆空话,"我说,手指系在花束上的红色心形气球。
    "Your words are just like this balloon--full of hot air," I said,pointing to the red heart-shaped balloon in the bouquet.
  • 几分钟以后,我在林荫大道上踯躅的时候,看到在那个咖啡馆的一间大房间的窗口,玛格丽特正靠窗栏,一瓣一瓣地摘下她那束茶花的花瓣。
    A few minutes later, as I loitered on the boulevard, I saw Marguerite at the window of one of the restaurant's large rooms: leaning on the balcony, she was pulling the petals one by one off the camellias in her bouquet.
  • 霍然间,那道专用看台的门一下子打开了——这道门本来一直关闭就很不合时宜,此时此刻打开了就更不合时宜了——监门猛然响亮地宣布:“波旁红衣主教大人驾到!”
    the door of the reserved platform which up till then had remained inopportunely closed, now opened still more inopportunely, and the stentorian voice of the usher announced “His Eminence Monseigneur the Cardinal de Bourbon!
  • 个人利欲支配这个资产阶级野心家的行动。
    Ambition for personal gain egged the bourgeois careerist on.
  • 他们是代表民族资产阶级、上层小资产阶级、乡村的富农和小地主。
    Those of the national bourgeoisie, the upper petty bourgeoisie, and the rich peasants and small landlords in the countryside.
  • 他们冲进证券交易所,放火把大厅烧了。
    They stormed into the Bourse and set its main hall on fire.
  • 在交易所广场,是复辟时期的巴黎,雪白的列柱支撑柱顶盘的光滑中楣,整体呈正方形,造价两千万。
    the Paris of the Restoration, at the Bourse: a very white colonnade supporting a very smooth frieze; the whole is square and cost twenty millions.
  • 我该怎么着手办呢?
    How do I go bout it?
  • 一种打宽松蝴蝶结的宽领带。
    a wide necktie worn in a loose bow.
  • 他鞠躬把我送出房间。
    He bowed me out of the room.
  • 在葬礼上他低下头站
    He stood with bowed head at the funeral.
  • 小心谨慎地拿水晶碗
    Handled the crystal bowl with care.
  • 火炉中的火在噼啪响
    My Rice Crispies crackled in the bowl.
  • 请直接就着碗喝汤。
    Please drink the soup directly from the bowl.
  • 他上班总是戴一顶黑色硬礼帽。
    He wears a bowler to go to his office.
  • 有一位头戴黑圆顶礼帽、举止稳重的人跟在英王身后,保持一定距离。
    The king was accompanied by a very sedate gentleman in a black bowler hat, who kept a certain distance and always walked a few paces behind his king.
  • 于是她走进厨房,桌子上摆三碗粥。
    So she walked into the kitchen. There were three bowls of porridge on the table.
  • 餐桌上摆洗指甲的碗、餐巾环,还有许多花!如果她免去这些浮华的摆设,学会一手像样的烹调手艺,他就会把宾馆经营得较好。
    Finger-bowls and napkin rings and flowers! If she would cut out the frills and furbelows and learn to cook a decent meal she would make a better job of running a guest-house.
  • 我们知道那是WAKE-UPS(清醒)麦片粥,因为在这个运动员旁边桌子上放这种麦片粥的盒子。
    We know it is WAKE--UPS because the box is beside him on the table.
  • 船夫在河上咕哝;低声咕哝的拳击手。
    ferries grunting on the river; grunting boxers.
  • 所有的盒子都捆好了,正等运往机场。
    All the boxes were strapped up and waiting to go to the airport.
  • 每天早晨下楼吃早餐以前,他都要对假设对手练15分钟的拳击。
    Every morning he will do fifteen minutes' shadow boxing before going down to breakfast.
  • 大家都欢呼祝福那个男孩生日快乐。
    everybody cheered the birthday boy.
  • 在公园里,她紧紧地依偎男朋友。
    She snuggled up to her boyfriend in the park.
  • 但在亨利的童年,这些发展几乎根本触及不到农业,而农民们一直延续由来已久的务农方式。
    But these developments, in Henry's boyhood, had touched farming hardly at all and farmers went on doing things in the way they had always done.
  • 从我的童年到青年时期,大家一直把我看作一个游手好闲的人,其实我一直在为个人的目标私下忙碌,那就是练习写作。
    All through my boyhood and youth, I was known as an idler; and yet I was always busy on my own private end, which was to learn to write.
  • 他把脚顶着墙站稳。
    He braced his foot against the wall.
  • 加强膝关节力量的支架。
    a brace worn to strengthen the knee.
  • 保护背部的支架。
    a brace worn to support the back.
  • "那么,就让它一团糟吧!"斯泰西低语道,朝门那边点了点头。
    "Well, brace yourself for complications," Stacy muttered, then nodded toward the door.
  • 船梁船的横向结构,用以支撑甲板并固在船体的两则以抵抗压力
    A transverse structural member of a ship's frame, used to support a deck and to brace the sides against stress.