  • 我想“水债险”应包括全部主要风险,而据你所说的,这种水渍险所承保的责任却是很少。
    I thought that the W.P.A. insurance should cover all principal risks whilst, according to what you say, it means very little.
  •  中国政府在推行计划生育的实践中,既坚持从本国的实际情况出发,又充分考虑和遵守国际机构和组织制定的有关人口、计划生育的原则及各项规定,逐步确立了反映人民的本利益和各项权益的方针、政策及措施、方法,并使之随着实际情况的变化不断完善,从而更好地维护中华民族的生存权和发展权。
    In the practice of carrying out family planning programme, whilst persistently proceeding from its reality and taking into full account and observing principles and regulations concerning population and family planning formulated by international institutions and organizations, the Chinese government has gradually set up guiding principles, policies, measures and methods that reflect the basic interests and various rights and interests of the people, and has continuously improved these as the actual situations change, so as to better safeguard the right to subsistence and development of the Chinese nation.
  • 据偶然性、冲动或者一时的兴致来决定而不是据必要性和理智。
    determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason.
  • 某些党的领导同志本不愿意研究上级政府的法令指示,甚至把上级政令故意置之高阁,单凭自己的聪明去指导同级政府工作,这等于胡行乱为!
    Some leading Party comrades did not bother to study higher-level government decrees or directives and even ignored them entirely, guiding the work of the government at their level according to their own whim. This is irresponsible!
  • 西方民主那一套我们不能照搬,中国的事情要据自己的实际情况办。
    We cannot mechanically copy Western-style democracy, taking it over wholesale;
  • 茜草亚洲西南部的多年生(茜草属欧茜草)植物开有小黄花,生有卷状叶和红
    A southwest Asian perennial plant(Rubia tinctorum) having small yellow flowers, whorled leaves, and a red root.
  • 据无线保真联盟所进行的调查,主要由于以上提到的种种努力,今年全球范围内与无线保真相关的硬件销售额估计是21亿美元,明年将超过30亿美元。
    Driven in large part by those efforts,worldwide sales of Wi-Fi-related hardware are estimated to total $ 2.1 billion this year and more than $ 3 billion next year,according to research compiled by the Wi-Fi Alliance.
  • 淌蜡从一灯芯燃烧形成的中空两边慢慢熔化。用于指蜡烛
    To melt away through the side of the hollow formed by a burning wick. Used of a candle.
  • 传播无据的谣言是不对的。
    It is wicked to give currency to lying scandals.
  • 如果你本不愿冒险,总是求四平八稳,你就不会获得得很大成功。
    If you are never willing to chance your arm, but always play for safety, you will not very far.
  • 法案草案的语言是这样的:这次意外利益的受益者是据旧法案著作权保护到期的著作权人。
    And the language of the proposed bill bore this out: the recipient of this windfall was the rightsholder at the time duration would have expired under the old law.
  • 试管插入了病人的气管。
    A tube was introduced into the patient's windpipe.
  • 3个星期以后,我近乎疯狂地冲到这个沙滩上,我的情绪差极了,甚至本没心思跟温迪打招呼。
    Three weeks later, I rushed to my beach in a state of near panic. I was in no mood even to greet Windy.
  • 改变在这些通道上信号传输的方式(数据沿一线传送,即串行连接,而不是沿多线同时传送,即并行连接)。
    A change in the kind of signaling over those channels (data would be sent along one wire, a serial connection, instead of being sent simultaneously along many wires, a parallel connection).
  • 根本不;无论如何
    In no wise; in any wise.
  • 他们撤退本没什么关系。
    Their withdrawal doesn't matter a damn.
  • 他们撤退本没什么关系。
    Their withdrawal do not matter a damn.
  • 他们撤退本没什么关系。
    Their withdrawal does not matter a damn.
  • 这一新闻报道是毫无据的。
    The news report was completely without foundation.
  • 主绳索能经受180,000,000磅的重量。
    Each main cable of the GW Bridge can withstand the pull of a hundred and eighty million pounds.
  • 猎人被一群狼困住,他挥舞着一很重的棍子向四面八方乱打。
    The hunter trapped by a pack of wolves laid about with a heavy stick.
  • 这个年轻人拿着棍子左右乱打,直到把狼群赶跑。
    The young man set about him with a stick until her had driven the wolves off.
  • 图林德国中部一历史地区,位于哈茨山脉南部,从一条由生有树木的低矮山脉组成的山岭图林林山中穿过。该地区在公元6世纪落入法兰克人手中并于11世纪成为神圣罗马帝国的一个公国
    A historical region of central Germany south of the Harz Mountains and crossed by the Thuringian Forest, a range of low, wooded mountains. The region fell to the Franks in the6th century a.d. and became a principality of the Holy Roman Empire in the11th century.
  • 笛由一一端封闭的纤细管子组成的高音木管乐器,侧边有按键和指孔,靠近封闭端有一个使气流进入的开口
    A high-pitched woodwind instrument consisting of a slender tube closed at one end with keys and finger holes on the side and an opening near the closed end across which the breath is blown.
  • 据训练量,我们这堂课练习100米短跑,首先我们从起跑技术开始。
    According to the workout, we are going to practise on 100mdash in this class. And we will begin with start techniques.
  • 他是据自己的经历写成这本书的。
    He wove the book from his own experience.
  • 据历史书上的几段事实编了一个有趣的故事。
    He wove an interesting story from a few facts in a history book.
  • 鱼骨鲠在他喉咙里,他挣扎了许久,总算把它咽下去了。
    A fishbone get stick in his throat, and after a long wrestle, he manage to swallow it down.
  • 在悲剧写作方面他本不能与莎士比亚相比.
    He cannot compare with (ie is not nearly as great as) Shakespeare as a writer of tragedies.
  • 有许多海外华人到西安来寻
    Many overseas Chinese come to Xi'an to seek their root.
  • 据这一思路,我们在“十大工程”中选择了两个铁路项目,即“西安至南京铁路西安至合肥段”和“重庆至怀化铁路(渝怀线)”。
    Therefore, two railway projects are chosen to be included in the "ten key projects", they are Xi'an to Hefei railway (part of Xi'an to Nanjing railway) and Chongqing to Huaihua railway (also called Yu Huai railway).
  • 据这一设想,西部地区民航机场建设,今年将开工建设西安咸阳国际机场,同时建设以成都双流机尝昆明巫家坝机尝西安咸阳机尝兰州中川机场和乌鲁木齐机场为中心的支线航空网络。
    According to the above-mentioned idea, construction of Xianyang International Airport in Xi'an will be started this year, and a regional air network with Shuangliu Airport in Chengdu, Xianyang Airport in Xi'an, Wujiaba Airport in Kunming, Zhongchuan Airport in Lanzhou and Wulumuqi Airport as communication hubs will be built at the same time.