  • 厨房已每盒里装的内容标在外面了。
    The cook wrote the contents on each box.
  • 公司为每个参赛者免费提供一张票。
    The company will furnish each contestant with a free ticket.
  • 一个正确的字用在一个不适当的文化或宗教背景里,也成为一个错字。
    A correct word used in a wrong cultural or religious context is a wrong word.
  • 引发这个上下文问题的原因在错误文本中被明确地指明。
    The error text may contain information about the contextual problem.
  • 韩国登山队登上世界各大洲所有高峰。
    there are seven continents; pioneers had to cross the continent on foot.
  • 根据我的遗嘱,我儿子来可以支配我的所有的不动产。
    By my will, my son has the contingent use of my real property.
  • 来生效或实施的事先制定以便在来生效或具有生效的可能的;视情况而定的
    Intended to go into effect or having the potential of becoming effective at a future time; contingent.
  • 先行条件一条只有在来一个不确定的事件发生后才具有法律效力的条款
    A provision making the effect of a legal instrument contingent on the occurrence of an uncertain future event.
  • 对于无线的个人通信器,连续的软件开发使它们成为更通用的工具。
    As for wireless personal communicators, the continual development of software will make them a much more versatile tool.
  • 使某人烦恼或打扰某人,尤指不断阻止他或他拘留。
    To worry or to bother someone, especially by continually checking on him or take him into custody.
  • 谨奉上价格表和明信片,相信继续得到贵公司的惠顾。
    We enclose you a price-list and postcard, trusting to receive a continuance of your patronage.
  • 1997年召开的中共十五大在总结经验的基础上,从国家跨世纪发展的高度,在重申三步走发展战略的同时,民主法制建设摆到了一个突出的地位,强调要继续推进政治体制改革,进一步扩大民主,健全法制,“依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家”,并依法治国确立为基本的治国方略。
    At the 15th National Congress of the CPC held in 1997, on the basis of summing up experiences, and from the height of China's cross-century development, while reiterating the three-stage development strategy, emphasis was placed on democracy and legal system building.The congress stressed the continuance of the reform of the political system, the further expansion of democracy, the perfection of the legal system, and making "exercising the rule of law'' a basic state policy.
  • 这个趋势继续下去。
    This trend will continue.
  • 我们继续新的旅程。
    Our new journey will continue.
  • 警察局继续他们的调查
    The police will continue their investigation.
  • 为安全着想和确保电力供应不会中断,新规例于一九九九年实施,以防工程进行时电力供应电缆遭到损坏。
    A new regulation will be introduced in 1999 to protect electricity supply lines from damage during works activities, in the interests of safety and of ensuring the continuity of electricity supply.
  • 从过去到现在甚至到来的依次发生的事件的绝对连续统一体。
    the continuum of events occurring in succession leading from the past to the present and even into the future.
  • 第一阶段管理改革于一九九七年七月十一日展开,泊位外批给大部分现有经营者承办,为期3年。
    The first phase of the management reform, i.e. contracting out berthing spaces to a majority of existing operators for three years, was implemented from July 11, 1997.
  • 新图书馆由本地的一个承包商建造。
    The new library will be put up by a local contractor.
  • 在公共的非商业使用场合,如果政府或政府授权之合同人未经专利检索而知或有明显理由应知政府使用或为政府而使用某有效专利,则应立即通知权利持有人;
    In the case of public non-commercial use, where the government or contractor, without making a patent search, knows or has demonstrable grounds to know that a valid patent is or will be used by or for the government, the right holder shall be informed promptly;
  •  在承包期内,经发包方同意,承包方可以转包所承包的土地、山岭、草原、荒地、滩涂、水面,也可以农业承包合同的权利和义务转让给第三者。
    With consent of the party awarding the contract, the contractor may, within the period of the contract, sub-contract the lands, mountains, grasslands, unreclaimed lands, beaches and water surfaces he has contracted for, and may also transfer the rights and duties agreed upon in the agricultural contract to a third party.
  • 继续工作直到我得到相反的命令。
    I will go on with my work unless I get the order to the contrary.
  • 这画和那画对照。
    I contrast this picture with that one.
  • 这两位作家加以比较是很有意思的.
    It is interesting to contrast the two writers.
  • 这个新发现对全人类作出贡献。
    This new discovery will contribute to all humanity.
  • 此项安排有助于巩固我们良好的关系。
    The arrangement will contribute to cement our pleasant relationship.
  • 积蓄的一半捐献给救济基金会。
    He contribute half of his savings to the relief fund.
  • 如果条件不错,我们投资500万美元。
    If the condition is not bad, we'll contribute us$5 million.
  • 我们希望你的建议有助于解决这个问题。
    We hope your suggestion will contribute to sloving he problem.
  • 我们希望你的建议有助于解决这个问题。
    We hope your suggestion will contribute to solving the problem.
  • 如果条件不错,我们投资500万美元。
    If the condition is not bad, we 'll contribute US $ 5 million.
  • 你的帮助对供应食物给那些挨饿的人们有所贡献。
    Your help will contribute toward providing food for these starving people.