  • 这几个市镇相距有很英里;两腿叉开站着;出生时间相距两年。
    These towns are many miles apart; stood with his legs apart; born two years apart.
  • 这公寓有多大?
    How big is the apartment?
  • 这套单元房房租是少钱?
    What's the price for this apartment?
  • 翁布里亚亚平宁半岛意大利中部的一个寺区。在古代被翁布里亚人占领,后来被伊特鲁利亚人,然后是罗马人(约公元前300年)占领。翁布里亚在经历很次政权移转以后,在16世纪由教皇国控制,于1860年加入撒丁尼亚尼亚王国
    A region of central Italy in the Apennines. Occupied by the Umbrians in ancient times, it later fell to the Etruscans and then the Romans(c.300 b.c.). After passing to various powers, Umbria came under the control of the papacy in the16th century and joined the kingdom of Sardinia in1860.
  • 在意大利罗马繁华的购物街,当大数人聚在酒吧享受鸡尾酒的时候,在一间新潮的酒吧里,女士们品味的却是另一道"开胃酒":香水。
    It's cocktail hour in Rome's posh shopping district, but women at one trendy bar are trying a new kind of aperitif: perfume.
  • 你使用多大的光圈?
    What aperture are you using?
  • 种热带海生蜗牛,成体带孔的外部唇缘产生出一串长而弯曲的刺。
    any of numerous tropical marine snails that as adults have the outer lip of the aperture produced into a series of long curved spines.
  • 苎麻一种亚洲热带的年生草本植物(苎麻属微绿苎麻),有宽大的叶子,密集分枝的复总状花序,该花序由雌雄异花、无花瓣的小花构成
    A tropical Asian perennial herb(Boehmeria nivea) having broad leaves and densely branched panicles of small, unisexual, apetalous flowers.
  • 地榆,美洲地榆一种地榆属年生植物,有羽状复叶和无花瓣的花。其嫩叶有时加在沙拉中作装饰和配料
    A perennial plant of the genus Sanguisorba, having pinnately compound leaves and apetalous flowers. The young leaves are sometimes added to salads as a garnish.
  • 古希腊人为爱神阿弗罗狄特造了许神庙。
    The ancient Greek dedicated many shrines to Aphrodite.
  • 尼斯被阿佛洛狄忒所恋的美少年
    A strikingly beautiful youth loved by Aphrodite.
  • 港口区总经理奥斯卡·贝纳说:"我们需要更的时间才能决定这些假猫头鹰是不是真的不起作用。"他说这些每只价值40美元的假猫头鹰,只能吓退百分之三十至四十盘旋在附近的海鸥。
    "We need to give them more time before we decide they don't work," said Oscar Pena, the Port District's general manager, who noted the owls, which cost about $40 apiece, only are supposed to scare 30 percent to 40 percent of the gulls that land nearby.
  • 不少地区贫雇农获得了每人一百斤米左右的果实,有的地方相当于中农所得的果实,数乡村贫雇农取得了农会的主要领导地位。所以,凡属完成了土改的地方,农村基础更加强固,煮夹生饭的比重不大。
    As a result, in many localities poor peasants and farm labourers received about 50 kg. of rice apiece and in others the amount they received per person was equal to the amount middle peasants reaped from production. In most villages poor peasants and farm labourers secured the leading posts in peasant associations, so in areas where agrarian reform has been completed, solid groundwork has been laid and the reform has been carried out thoroughly in most of them.
  • 然而空间行星不可数;
    But with planets aplenty;
  • 姑且不论这些“预言”的可信程度有高,只要放眼目前纷乱违常的世界局势,就可以想见世界末日虽不一定遭言中,却也并非不可能发生。
    Let us not wonder how reliable these "prophecies" are for the moment. When we look at the chaos in the world around us, we can well imagine that even if these apocalyptic prophecies may not be wholly true, they are nevertheless not totally impossible.
  • 许许的人在电视上看到宇宙火箭“阿波罗”10号发射时倒数计时的情景。
    Millions of people saw Apollo 10 being counted down, on television.
  • 美国宇航员随阿波罗11号升空,并于1969年7月20日登陆月球,这已经成了大数人都认可的事实。
    Most people accept that US astronauts first walked on the moon aboard the Apollo 11 mission on July 20, 1969.
  • 维纳斯送给她美貌,墨丘利送给她利嘴灵舌,阿波罗送给她音乐的天赋,还有其他种种。接受了这些禀赋后她被送到地上交给了厄庇墨透斯。厄庇墨透斯的哥哥虽然早就嘱咐过弟弟要提防朱庇特和他的馈赠,但他弟弟还是欣然接纳了潘拉。
    Venus gave her beauty, Mercury persuasion, Apollo music, etc. thus equipped, she was conveyed to earth and presented to Epimetheus, who gladly accepted her, though cautioned by his brother to beware of Jupiter and his gift.
  • 实在抱歉给您带来这么麻烦。
    I do apologize for the trouble.
  • 格雷格对其行为表示道歉,并以那一次他酒喝了为借口。
    Greg apologized for his behaviour and gave as his excuse that he was half seas over at the time.
  • 在路上毙命的人数之使我胆寒。
    The number of people kill on the road appal me.
  • 我觉得很现代建筑十分糟糕。
    I find much modern architecture quite appalling.
  • 那麽人逃税,真是惊人。
    It is appalling that so many people evaded pay taxes.
  • 中央公园是公开调情做爱的中心,这里公开调情做爱之事之,简直令人震惊。
    Central Park is a hug center. The amount of love made visible in the Park is simply appalling.
  • 现在的大案子很,性质都很恶劣,贪污的或者损害国家利益的,都不止是什么“万字号”。
    There are many appalling cases of embezzlement or other damage to the national interest running to sums far in excess of 10,000 yuan.
  • 企业里浪费惊人,也是普遍现象,要好好整顿,争取利润上缴一点。
    The waste in some enterprises is appalling. And it is a common phenomenon. This situation should be rectified so that the enterprises may hand in more profits to the state.
  • 今年叁赛的二百项作品中,有电子产品、电器用品、纺织品、成衣、建筑材料、食品、饮料、玩具和工业护膜等,种类繁,不胜枚举。
    The 200 entries this year cover a wide range of products, from electronics and electrical products to textiles and apparel; from construction materials to food and beverage; from toys to industrial coating; to quote but a few examples.
  • 除了他自己大量(而且还在增长)的个人财富外,假如把乔丹影响下的实业加在一起,那就包括运动鞋和服装的销售;较高的电视收视率;比赛观众的增;他支持宣传的商品给公司带来的效益;录像带;古龙香水还有其他的东西。人们要问,乔丹对经济总的影响是什么?
    Beyond his own vast (and growing) personal fortune, if you add up all the Jordan -- influenced business -- the sneaker and apparel sales, the higher television ratings, the increased game attendance, the endorsement value, the videos, the cologne, and the rest of it -- what is his overall economic impact?
  • 她粗鲁是粗鲁, 但还有许优秀品质.
    She had many good qualities despite her apparent rudeness.
  • 语言之间词语的借用随着国际交往的频繁而日益增
    the borrowing of ancient motifs was very apparent.
  • 很明显你们已经做了很工作。
    Apparently, you have done a lot of work.
  • 实际上,有很人也和你一样正处在这样的窘境。
    Apparently, you're in good company.