  • 路经此处时,要小心臭昭著的长刺海星。
    As you float over this ledge watch for the infamous Crown of Thorns Sea Star.
  • 他边说边把手指向那个花畦。说完,他的手就无力地垂落下来,显然,他又陷入了自己的沉思。而此时,我则像一称职的记者应该做的那样,走进那座房子,去找个人,为我提供一张那个刚会蹒跚而行的小女孩的近期照片。
    He stretched his hand toward the flower?bed, then let it flop to his side. He lapsed back into his thoughts, and I, like a good reporter, went into the house to find someone who could provide a recent photo of the toddler.
  • 软件保护中,把不能复制的标记或签存放在软盘上的方法,用一个特殊测试程序来检测签是否存在,如不存在,则被保护的程序不能运行。
    In software protection, a method of giving a mark, or signature, that cannot be duplicated, to a floppy disk. A special test routine detects if a signature is present, and if it is not found the protected program will be disabled.
  • 软磁碟以它的相对慢的速度和小容量和低价位著
    floppy disks are noted for their relatively slow speed and small capacity and low price.
  • 去年春,两美国东芝笔记本电脑用户以电脑软盘驱动控制器在使用过程中存在数据遗失或损坏现象为由,向法院提出集体诉讼。
    Early last year, two American users of Toshiba notebook computers filed a lawsuit collectively against the company over a floppy-disk drive malfunction causing data loss or damage.
  • 护士把伤病员从战斗地域撤走。
    Two nurses evacuated the sick and wounded flora a combat area.
  • 弗洛沦斯南丁格尔是维多利亚女王时代的著人物。
    Florence Nightingale was a famous Victorian.
  • 这幅画画得棒极了,他父亲将一幅普通的油画给了佃户,而卖掉了这幅龙的油画。他还特意将对奥纳多送至佛罗伦萨最著的画师安德里业·韦罗基奥处去做学徒。
    The dragon painting was so excellent that Leonardo's father gave the peasant an ordinary piece of painting instead and sold the dragon lie, also saw to it that Leonardo was apprenticed to the most famous painter in Florence, Andrea Verrochio.
  • 对南美洲海岸进行探险的佛罗伦萨航海家;为纪念他,南美洲以他的字命(1454-1512)。
    Florentine navigator who explored the coast of South America; America was named in his honor (1454-1512).
  • 佛罗里达州东南部的一座城市和旅游胜地,濒临比斯开湾;佛罗里达州最著的城市。
    a city and resort in southeastern Florida on Biscayne Bay; the best known city in Florida.
  • 乔叟在14世纪末享有盛
    Chaucer flourished at the end of the 14th century.
  • 后的花笔,花押在签后或其下的一个最初是为了防止冒充的花饰
    A flourish made after or below a signature, originally to prevent forgery.
  • 她用惹眼的花体字签;一段充满华丽辞藻的讲话
    Signed her name with a distinctive flourish; a long speech with many rhetorical flourishes.
  • 这种花叫什麽名字?
    What do you call this flower?
  • 她心里漾起了一阵阵不可状[说不出]的强烈喜悦。
    A strange violent joy kept ebbing and flowing through her.
  • 受伤水手由飞机从船上运出去。
    Three wounded sailore were flown off the ship.
  • 在一次有55学生候选人的考试中, 有一半将问题答错了。
    In an examination of 55 student candidates, half flubbed the questions.
  • 经过一番连棋评家都莫其妙、快速而戏剧性的过招以后,卡斯帕罗夫今日无可奈何地与挑战者握手。此举令他棋坛霸主的地位岌岌可危。
    After a flurry of quick and dramatic moves that left chess analysts confused, Gary Kasparov shook hands with his clallenger today in a gesture of resignation that left his hold on the world chess championship hanging by a thread.
  • 这位参议员严重受损的誉;被玷污的声;被玷污的声;继承了一个受了玷污的字。
    the senator's seriously damaged reputation; a flyblown reputation; a tarnished reputation; inherited a spotted name.
  • 哈尔是一个真正有抱负的人,仅在二十几岁时就开创了自己的事业,在40岁生日前就成了一百万富翁。
    Hal's a real high-flyer; he started his own business when he was only in his twenties and he was a millionaire before his fortieth birthday.
  • 贝蒂开始致力于为他哥哥洗清罪
    Instead she focused on clearing her brother.
  • 沿着南方丝绸古道,游客可观赏众多胜古迹、火山地热景观,体验傣族、景颇族、傈僳族民风,游瑞丽江、大盈江,领略中缅边境亚热带风光和异国情调。
    Along the ancient Southern Silk Road, visitors will get chances to visit many places of natural beauty and historical relics, see the magnificent volcanic geothermal scenes, experience the folklore of the Dai, Jingpo and Lisu ethnic minorities and enjoy the landscape along the Ruili and Daying Rivers. They will also get chances to see the sub-tropical scenery at the Chinese and Myanmar frontier and the exotic atmosphere.
  • 型的词一般指某人的追随者或某集团的成员
    Nouns withB-itebgenerally indicate a follower of someone or a member of a group.
  • 服从精神你无须凡事唯唯诺诺才算是一好的追随者。
    5. Followership You don't have to be a spineless yes-person to be a good follower.
  • 追随者崇拜者或追随者,尤指一个人的追随者和崇拜者
    Admirers or followers, especially of a famous person.
  • 那运动员回头看了一眼后面的运动员,结果让人追上,痛失了第一
    The runner lost the first prize by glancing back to see his followers.
  • 哪支新歌唱队被誉为去年主要乐队的符其实的追随者?
    Which new singing group is being touted as the worthy followers of the leading band of last year?
  • 用於数字及复数词之後
    Following a numberand apl n
  • 以下是他在华府所发表的那篇著的演讲中的一些摘录。
    What follows is some excerpts of the famous speech he delivered in Washington D.C.
  • 他们的名字如下。
    Their names are as follows.
  • 它的另一层意义,则在于数以千计的柯灵顿活动房屋购买者,已深深记住该公司的字,并且在下一次要购买时会先考虑到它。
    it also means that thousands of home buyers in South Florida have reason to remember Clayton Homes very fondly when it comes to their next purchase.
  • 第戎法国东部里昂北边的一个城市。它是一个工业中心和运输中心,其食品(包括芥末和黑茶)很有。人口140,942
    A city of eastern France north of Lyons. It is an industrial center and a transportation hub noted for its foodstuffs, including mustard and cassis. Population,140, 942.