Chinese English Sentence:
  • im方案允许用户生成按部门或工作地点安排的全司员工名单,并分发给所有员工,让他们不用计算时差,一看就知道司中现在谁在上网、可以进行通信。
    IM solutions allow you to create and distribute a companywide buddy list, organized by department or location, to all your employees, letting them know at a glance, and without having to calculate time zone differences, who in the company is online and available to communicate.
  • 人们期望财政大臣布在本年度预算中削减税收。
    The Chancellor of the Exchequer is expected to announce tax cuts in this year's budget.
  • 一种软而厚的天然色水牛或牛皮革。
    a soft thick undyed leather from the skins of e.g. buffalo or oxen.
  • 浅黄色皮革一种主要由水牛皮,驼鹿皮或牛皮制成的柔软的,坚韧的未染色的皮革
    A soft, thick, undyed leather made chiefly from the skins of buffalo, elk, or oxen.
  • 美国的第一国家园;位于怀俄明州;以旧费斯富尔泉、水牛和熊著名。
    the first national park in the United States; located in Wyoming; famous for Old Faithful geyser and for buffalo and bears.
  • 而所有这些工作要做得更出色,司须有足够的“本钱”和“缓冲”才行。
    All these can flou-rish much better if the organisation has enough "capital" and "buffer" to do so.
  • 而所有这些工作要做得更出色,司须有足够的“本钱”和“缓冲”才行。
    All these can flourish much better if the organization has enough "capital" and "buffer" to do so.
  • 南昌前面的一幅大型游憩用地,已于一九九八年初建成供市民使用,并作为住宅区与西九龙快速路之间的缓冲区。
    A large open space fronting Nam Cheong Estate serving as a buffer zone between the residential area and West Kowloon Expressway was opened for public use in early 1998.
  • 警察在我办室装了窃听器。
    The police have bugged my office.
  • 新经理产生了很多问题;计算机病毒在办室里产生混乱。
    The new manager generated a lot of problems; The computer bug generated chaos in the office.
  • 我们到了园,我可以弯下腰,让自己忙着把米莉弄出婴儿车。
    We're at the park now so I am able to bend down and busy myself letting Mille out of her buggy.
  • 市政会只能雇人来打扫、清除园中被人抛下的废物。
    The council has to employ somebody to go round the park clearing up after the litter bugs.
  • `水晶宫'是为1851年的`世界博览会'在海德园建造的。
    The Crystal Palace was built in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of 1851.
  • 根据一家叫做careerbuilder的职业咨询司所做的一份非正式调查显示,尽管只有22%的员工表示司希望他们休假期间与办室保持联系,实际上有将近40%的人是这么做的。
    An informal survey by job counseling firm Career Builder found that even though only 22 percent of workers say they're expected to keep in touch with the office while on vacation, nearly 40 percent actually do it.
  • 建筑装修(装饰)工程
    Building Decoration Engineering Company
  • 建筑材料服务公司
    Building Material Service Company
  • 建筑材料供应公司
    Building Material Supply Company
  • 建材贸易公司
    Building Material Trading Company
  • 公共建筑采光
    daylighting for public building
  • 公共建筑照明
    illumination for public building
  • 新型建筑材料公司
    New Building Material Company
  • 华为司的产品已进入俄罗斯、立陶宛、保加利亚、香港等11个国家和地区,为香港新机场提供的现代电信服务,经受了机场全面启用的考验。
    The products of Huawei Technology Co.Ltd find market in 11 countries and regions such as Russia, Lithuania, Bulgaria and Hong Kong. The telecom facilities provided by Huawei for Hong Kong's new airport have had satisfactory performance since the full operation of the airport.
  • 大。中国人的钱包越来越鼓,对洋酒的需求也越来越大。结果,销售洋酒的司也越来越多了。
    Yes, and with their bulging wallets, the people in result, the number of companies selling foreign wine is also on the rise.
  • 公路大件运输
    highway transportation for bulky cargo
  • 牛队由十五个运动员组成。
    The Bull Team is made up of 15 players.
  • 阉牛是去势的公牛.
    A bullock is a castrated bull.
  • 明天我们用他的牛与我们的母牛配种。
    His bull will come to serve our cows tomorrow.
  • 牛,已肥育阉
    A castrated bull; a steer.
  • 小牛年幼的母牛或
    A young cow or bull.
  • 公牛冲向那个男孩。
    The bull ran at the boy.
  • 牛正跨骑在母牛上。
    The bull was riding the cow.
  • 牛经由大鼻孔喷气而低鸣。
    The bull woofed through wide nostrils.