  • 边锋位于并列球全体前锋锋线最边缘位置的球员
    Either of the players in the outermost position on the line of scrimmage.
  • 通货膨胀是战带来的后果
    Inflation is an outgrowth of war.
  • 通过宣布垄断为不合法的方式以促进自由竞的立法。
    legislation intended to promote free competition in the market place by outlawing monopolies.
  • 此书略述了美国的南北战
    The book outlines the American Civil War.
  • 希望各级党委和组织部门在这个问题上来个大转变,坚决解放思想,克服重重障碍,打破老框框,勇于改革不合时宜的组织制度、人事制度,大力培养、发现和破格使用优秀人才,坚决同一切压制和摧残人才的现象作斗
    We hope that Party committees and organizational departments at all levels will make major changes in this area, resolutely emancipate their minds, overcome all obstacles, break with old conventions and have the courage to reform outmoded organizational and personnel systems. We also hope that they will try hard to discover, train and employ excellent, qualified persons by bypassing the conventional rules and that they will firmly oppose any move to keep such people down or to waste their talent.
  • 抗日战打了八年,抗美援朝打了三年,我们有以少胜多、以弱胜强的传统。
    We fought the War of Resistance Against Japan for eight years and the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea for three years. We have a tradition of defeating the enemy when we are outnumbered and weaker.
  • 那年轻姑娘演奏小提琴使所有的竞者相形见绌。
    The young girl violinist outshone (ie was much better than) all the other competitors.
  • 汉斯因为坦率地反对这场战,使得他的一些朋友不再喜欢他了。
    Hans got in bad with some of his friends because of his outspoken opposition to the war.
  • 因为半殖民地中国的革命,只有农民斗得不到工人的领导而失败,没有农民斗的发展超过工人的势力而不利于革命本身的。”
    For in the revolution in semi-colonial China, the peasant struggle must always fail if it does not have the leadership of the workers, but the revolution is never harmed if the peasant struggle outstrips the forces of the workers.
  • 总体和平、局部战,总体缓和、局部紧张,总体稳定、局部动荡,将是今后一个时期国际局势的基本态势。
    The general picture of the international situation for a period of time to come will be that of overall peace and local warfare, overall relaxation and local tension, and overall stability and local turbulence.
  • 他们提出了10多条反对的理由,但是威廉把他们全都驳倒了。他处于绝境时最能斗。
    They made more that ten objections but William overcame them all; he always fights best when his back's to the wall.
  • 你们已经抛开了许多虚伪的东西,比如各种双重标准、残酷的偏见和对环境保护的不重视——我们这代人与这些虚伪的东西斗过,而且才取得部分胜利。
    You've already done away with so many of the hypocrisies -- the dual standards, the cruel prejudices, and environmental insensitivities -- that my generation struggled with, and only partially, overcame.
  • 在后八十年中,中国人民在中国共产党的领导下空前团结和组织起来,冲破重重难关,革命斗不断胜利;
    In the second 80-year period , the Chinese people, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China , have got united and unprecedentedly organized, overcame numerous difficulties and won one victory after another in their revolutionary struggle.
  • 所有这些错误,对于我们的党,我们的革命和战,当然是不利的,然而终于被我们克服,我们的党和我们的红军是从这些错误的克服中锻炼得更加坚强了。
    Of course all these errors were harmful to our Party, to our revolution and the war, but in the end we overcame them, and in doing so our Party and our Red Army have steeled themselves and become still stronger.
  • 大别山斗的胜利,主要是对几个问题的判断比较准确,处置也比较正确,我们伤亡不算很大,费的劲也不算很大,但是完成了战略任务,种种艰难都克服了,站稳了脚,把战线从黄河延伸到长江。
    Our victory in the Dabie Mountains was mainly due to our accurate assessment of the situation and our correct handling of certain problems. We accomplished our strategic task without too much trouble and without too many casualties. We overcame all sorts of hardships, got a firm foothold and extended the battle line from the Yellow River to the Yangtze.
  • 当今社会弥漫着核战的危险
    The threat of nuclear war overhangs modern society.
  • 北京是首都,是全国的政治、文化中心,为了改善首都大气环境质量,体现城市现代文明,树立城市良好形象,提高城市竞能力,必须下决心改变北京以煤为主的能源结构,建立市场化的优质能源供应体系,从而保证社会和经济的可持续发展。
    Beijing, capital of P. R. China, is the political and cultural center of the nation. In order to improve the urban air quality, highlight the urban modern civilization, rebuild impressive images and boost the city's competitiveness and strength, the coal-dominated energy mix must be overhauled to establish a market-based quality energy supply system, so as to ensure the sustainable development of Beijing's social economy.
  • 我偷听到他们论[他们说话]。
    I overheard their argument/them.
  • 战争行为;公开战争
    Acts of war; overt warfare.
  • 由此可见,革命两面政策是合法斗与非法斗、合法形式与非法形式、公开工作与秘密工作的配合,它主要是发展非法的秘密的一面,但必须有合法公开一面的掩护。
    From the above we can see that the dual revolutionary policy means co-ordinating legal and illegal struggles, legal and illegal methods and overt and covert work, with emphasis on illegal struggles and covert work, which must be concealed through the legal struggle and overt work.
  • 估计到敌后斗的犬牙交错此起彼落的特点,决定了公开工作与秘密工作、合法斗与非法斗具有很大的变动性。
    With the struggle behind enemy lines rising here and subsiding there, there must be constant adjustment in the balance between overt and covert work and the legal and illegal struggle.
  • 例如公司如果位居第二,目标当然是超越第一,但摆脱其他竞者的纠缠也同样重要。
    For example, if the company is in the number two position, its goal would be to catch up and overtake the leader. However, it is equally important that it distances itself from the rest of the competitors.
  • 意大利的经济已超过其最接近的几个竞者。
    Italy's economy has overtaken that of its nearest competitors.
  • 突然降临,使教堂都关闭了,于是他们未经教堂议式就“结婚”了。
    War overtook them and closed churches so they "married" without benefit of clergy.
  • 通过论、证词或证据来推翻对方的观点。
    overthrow by argument, evidence, or proof.
  • 当破坏性的战形象颠覆时——莎士比亚。
    when wasteful war shall statues overturn- Shakespeare.
  • 我们每每听到某些同志对上下对同级发生意气之,遇事总以为自己对,人家不对,总想压倒别人,提高自己,一味逞英雄,充“山大王”,结果弄出错误,害党误事。
    We hear from time to time that when some comrade or another is having disputes out of spite against his superiors, subordinates or peers, he always believes he is right and others are wrong and is always trying to overwhelm others, posing as a hero or "king of the mountain". As a result, his mistake harms the Party and impairs its work.
  • "由于即将发生的战危险,今晚议会将召开特别会议。"
    "Owing to the immediate danger of war, there will be an extraordinary meeting of Parliament tonight."
  • 这兄弟俩对土地的所有权有议。
    The two brothers have dispute over the ownership of the land.
  • 南美太平洋战争
    War of the Pacific in Southern America
  • "停下来,不要争吵了!"
    "Pack it in, stop arguing!"
  • 公司的运营理念:走在竞者的前列。
    Business Philosophy: "Lead the pack of competitors.