  • 于某种原因彩票抽奖活动在90年代初阿富汗混乱的内战期就终止了。1996年塔利班上台后实行阴沉毁灭主义的统治,大多数娱乐形式都被禁止了。值得庆幸的是塔利班政府去年已经土崩瓦解了。
    It was not clear why the lottery was halted during the chaotic civil war of the early 1990s, but most forms of entertainment were banned under the solemn and destructionist rule of the Taliban who swept to power in 1996 and were sent packing last year.
  • 门廊中世纪英国教堂西端的小或门廊
    A small chapel or porch at the western end of a medieval English church.
  • 倾斜的天花板下面那一点点空,如同意大利还愿礼拜堂那样密密地贴满了图画。
    What little space there was below the sloping ceiling was as closely covered with pictures as an Italian votive chapel.
  • 以前生活在开普敦湖和圣劳仑斯河之的易洛魁族人。
    a member of the Iroquoian people formerly living between Lake Chaplain and the Saint Lawrence River.
  • 公众喜爱他,并且电影销售商索要越来越多的卓别林的片子,在极短的时内,他成了电影界的重要人物……
    The public loved him and distributors were demanding more and more Chaplin films. In an incredibly short time, Charlie had become a very important man in motion picture...
  • 家庭问题研究专家查普曼说:“人们回到家里时都已经精疲力竭了,根本就没有时和精力来营造高质量的家庭生活,因此他们匆匆地做爱,在家里是这样,别处也是这样。
    People work hard, and they play hard, so hard they often neglect their emotional lives. "By the time they get home from the job, they are used up," says family therapist Chapman. "There is no time or energy for a quality home life, so they get sex on the run, at home and otherwise.
  • (科幻小说中的)时错位
    A warp in his character
  • 圆通的性格;灵活的时安排。
    a flexible character; flexible schedules.
  • 萤火虫几种夜活动的萤科昆虫中的任意一种,明显的特征是腹部的后端内有发冷光的物质,能产生闪烁的亮光
    Any of various nocturnal beetles of the family Lampyridae, characteristically having luminescent chemicals in the posterior tip of the abdomen that produce a flashing light.
  • 到目前为止,公司财务情况甚佳。绘图拼字——基本上是一种在纸上比手划脚——使公司在两年之销售额从零增至1亿2500万元。
    So far, the company is on a roll. Pictionary—which is basically a way of playing charades on paper—took it from zero to more than $125 million in sales in just two years.
  • 煤或木炭燃烧的大的金属容器;温暖在外面待了很长时的人。
    large metal container in which coal or charcoal is burned; warms people who must stay outside for long times.
  • 下班时打办公电话你们收不收费?
    Do you charge for the use of the office telephone at off-duty time?
  • 狗被训练来攻击闯入者;孩子们冲出房
    Dogs trained to charge at intruders; children charging through the house.
  • 截至一九九八年底,这类泊车位共有15000个,收费时大多为星期一至星期六上午八时至午夜十二时。
    At the end of 1998, Hong Kong had 15 000 metered parking spaces, with meter charging mainly between 8 am and midnight from Monday to Saturday.
  • 年底时,全港设有收费表的泊车位共有14190个,收费时大多为星期一至星期六上午八时至午夜十二时。
    At the end of the year, there were 14 190 parking spaces in Hong Kong, with meter charging mainly between 8 am and midnight from Mondays to Saturdays.
  • 她请求梅里曼不要透露她向孤儿院捐赠礼物的事情,而且还在采访的结尾呼吁阿拉伯人、犹太人和黑人之建立“亲密关系”。
    She asks Meryman not to mention her charitable giving to a home for orphans and, finally, appeals for a 'greater feeling of kinship' between Arabs, Jews, Negroes and labourers.
  • 她一进房就使我们都着了迷。
    She charmed us all when she came into the room.
  • 战争期,曾有一颗子弹把手上的手枪打掉了,可是他却有天护神佑,安然无恙。
    During the war a bullet knocked the pistol out of his had, but he had a charmed life.
  • 房就其特点而言是十分漂亮的了。
    It was, in its way, a very charming room.
  • 藏骸所放置尸骨或骨骸的建筑物、房或储藏室;藏骸所
    A building, room, or vault in which the bones or bodies of the dead are placed; a charnel.
  •评价的时间构架 frame for comparisons
  • 分镜头剧本一种为避免电影中镜头的不相符而查阅详尽的电影剧本或分镜头剧本
    A detailed script or scenario consulted to avoid discrepancies from shot to shot in a film.
  • 小书写体一种在7世纪至9世纪之从安色尔字体发展而来的小的手写字体,用于中世纪时的书写
    A small, cursive script developed from uncial between the seventh and ninth centuries and used in medieval manuscripts.
  • -按照《宪章》第八章的规定,加强联合国同各区域组织之的合作。
    To strengthen cooperation between the United Nations and regional organizations, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter VIII of the Charter.
  • 陆瓦尔登荷兰北部的一个城市,位于艾瑟尔湖东北。1435年被租赁,16世纪到18世纪期以其金器和银器的制造而闻名。人口85,435
    A city of northern Netherlands northeast of the Ijsselmeer. Chartered in1435, it was noted for its manufacture of gold and silver articles from the16th to the18th century. Population,85, 435.
  • 他经过长时的追赶才抓到它。
    He caught it after a long chase.
  • 经过长时的追赶,我们终于抓住了那小偷。
    After a long chase we caught the thief.
  • 警察在经过一段很长时追捕以后将强盗逮捕。
    The police grabbed the robbers after a long chase.
  • 他花费了很多时努力寻找一切可能的线索。
    He spent much of his time chasing down all possible clues.
  • 一些男孩子花很多时和钱财去追求姑娘。
    Some boys spend a lot of time and money chasing after girls.
  • 假如托比没有花费这么多时追求女孩子的话,或许能够通过期终考试。
    If Toby didn't spend so much of his time chasing around after girls he might have some chance of getting through his finals.
  • 你和他之的裂痕不是我们能解决的。
    The chasm between you and he can not be solved by us.