  • 巴瑞-劳伦斯来自这家总部设在弗吉尼亚莱斯顿的careerbuilder公司,这家公司5月份对3,200多名随机受访者做了一项休假中是否继续工作的调查。劳伦斯总结调查结果:"公司往往承诺每周七天,每天二十四小时全天候为顾客提供服务,否则他们的公司将会缺乏竞争力。
    "People now have to respond to customers 24-7 or you're not being competitive," explains Barry Lawrence of the Reston, Va. -based Career Builder, which queried more than 3,200 respondents in May for the survey.
  • 凯文·巴特在专门销售车用厨具的网站mobilegear.com工作,他:"我们这儿的车载冰箱几乎是一台接一台飞出去的。
    "The portable refrigerators are flying out of here," says Kevin Bart, of Mobilegear.com, where sells to-go dining products.
  • 在莱克辛顿大道上的凯悦大酒店一位调酒师巴伯,“我看她现在肯定成了一个小人物了。罪有应得。不知道法官和陪审员会不会把那句话考虑进去,可是上天有眼。”
    Dave Barber, a bartender at Lexington's Hyatt Regency Hotel, said:"I think she has definitely become one of the little people now. Just deserts. I don't know if the judge and the jury took that into account, but the man upstairs did."
  • 如果已分给群众,则应服群众归还,或由政府用其他东西从群众手中换回发还。
    if they have been distributed to the masses, we should persuade the masses to return them, or the government should barter with the masses for their return.
  • 巴肖罗缪的传引起了许多艺术家的注意,把他描绘成这样一个形象:手持屠刀,甚至拿着自己的皮。
    The legend of St. Bartholomew's death appealed to artists who often depicted him holding a butcher's knife or even his own skin.
  • 一般来,除了法国5万新教徒被大屠杀外,圣巴肖罗缪已不被记起了,因为那次大屠杀是在1572年圣巴肖罗缪节那天开始的。
    Generally speaking, St. Bartholomew isn't remembered today except for the massacre of nearly 50, 000 Protestants in France. For the massacre began on his feast day in 1572.
  • 从愉快的方面来,伦敦有一所供教学用的医院是以他的名字命名的。还有一个“巴肖罗缪市场”也是以他的名字命名的。这个市场是在他的节日那天开的业,至今已有600年的历史了。
    On a happier note, one of the great London teaching hospitals was named after him, and so too was a famous fair, Bartholomew Fair, that had opened on his day for more than 600 years.
  • 他的家人都他聪明,但我觉得他很傻。
    The man is very smart the way his family bas it, but I think he is silly.
  • 吉姆善于服人,他今后无论和谁打交道都会无往而不胜的。
    Jim bas such a way with him, he'll get on in life whoever he has to deal with.
  • 这部影片是根据D.H.劳伦斯的小改编的。
    This film is based on a novel by D.H.Lawrence.
  • 判断应该以事实为依据,而不应该依靠道听途
    Judgment should be based on facts, not on hearsay.
  • 纽约州的库佰斯顿是棒球的发源地。
    Cooperstown, New York, is said to be the birthplace of baseball.
  • 棒球按理应该是民族的娱乐。
    baseball rightfully is the nation's pastime.
  • fondis公司的让-马里耶·特罗齐尔,对于相同的房间,这种加热器的安装费用与其他护壁板加热器一样,但耗电量可节约15%。
    Fondis' Jean-Marie Trotzier says that installed costs for a given room are similar to that of electric baseboard heat, but that the panels use 15 percent less electricity.
  • 这部小是以历史事实为根据的.
    This novel is based on historical facts.
  • 这故事主要来自传
    The story is based mainly on tradition.
  • 虚无主义学认为一切价值观念都毫无根据且一切都是不可知或不可交流的一种学
    A doctrine holding that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known or communicated.
  • 现在好了,抗战十个月的经验,尽够击破毫无根据的亡国论,也尽够服急性朋友们的速胜论了。
    Now things are better; The experience of ten months of war has been quite sufficient to explode the utterly baseless theory of national subjugation and to dissuade our impetuous friends from their theory of quick victory.
  • 因为这些曲曲折折的行为可是蛇走路的方法,蛇是不用脚而是很卑贱地用肚子走路的。没有一件恶德能和被人发现是虚伪欺诈一般使人蒙羞的。
    which goeth basely upon the belly, and not upon the feet There is no vice, that doth so cover a man with shame, as to be found false, and perfidious.
  • "他们他是个胆小鬼,从而煽动他走进了漆黑的地下室。"
    They goaded him into entering the pitch dark basement by saying he was a coward.
  • 他们如果我叫警察就饶不了我。
    They said they would bash me up if I went to the police.
  • 世界基本矛盾学说
    theory of world basic contradictions
  • 分析家,通过影艺公司向哈考特提出的优厚条件似乎颇有成功的希望,并应可解除这家困难重重的出版商的庞大债务负荷,而使基本上健全的营业得到生机。
    A sweetened offer for Harcourt by General Cinema appears to have a good chance of success, analysts said, and should give the troubled publisher a new lease on life by freeing its basically sound businesses from the burden of overwhelming debt.
  • 基本上,刘易斯处于防守状态。
    Basically, Lewis is defending.
  • 从根本上来他是"谜"的强大后盾。
    Basically he is the force behind ENIGMA.
  • ,"他们要求我继续保密。
    "They basically told me to remain invisible," she says.
  • 一般来,只要有克鲁斯出演的电影都能成为票房热门。
    Basically, any movie that featured Cruise was a box-office hit.
  • 以道听途作为意见的根据是根本错误的。
    It's basically wrong to have observation taken off from hearsay.
  • 嗯,总的来看,我们的法一致。
    Well, basically, we seem to be saying the same thing.
  • 一般来,公司发行两种票据以筹集资金:
    Companies issue basically two types of paper in return for cash:
  • 我刚才只是明这个事实;音乐家们基本上都是懒散的人。
    I was merely stating the fact(that) musicians are basically lazy people.
  • 现在我们有了、或者基本上有了一个安定团结的政治局面。
    Now we have achieved -- or basically achieved -- political stability and unity.