  • 临时区域市政局负责管理新界区内各公园、园、运动场、足球场、体育用地及儿童游乐场的草树木,这些绿化地带占地达703公顷。
    The Provisional Regional Council maintains 703 hectares of greenery in parks, gardens, sports grounds, soccer pitches, games areas and children's playgrounds in the New Territories.
  • 国王林荫大道北端有漂亮的霍夫园供人们小憩。公园内已经尝试在僻静的小块区域种植草木。
    The pretty Hofgarten at the north end of the Konigsallee offers a brief respite and, within the grounds, attempts have been made to pro-vide quiet pockets of greenery.
  • 他们在房里种了很多
    They planted many flowers in their greenhouse.
  • 他正在园中建温室。
    He is building a greenhouse in his garden.
  • 这些在温室里长得很好。
    The flowers are coming along well in the greenhouse.
  • 我们的新房子有一个车库,而且还有一间玻璃暖房和一间园小屋。
    My new house has a garage, greenhouse and garden shed to boot.
  • 加利福尼亚的一种草本植物,呈钟形,颜色呈褐紫色或绿色。
    California herb with brownish-purple or greenish bell-shaped flowers.
  • 开小白或绿的美洲杂草。
    an American weedy plant with small white or greenish flowers.
  • 主要以无果和其它果实为食的黄绿色澳大利亚金莺。
    greenish-yellow Australian oriole feeding chiefly on figs and other fruits.
  • 北美西部的一种植物,具有草状叶和微绿色
    plant of western North America having grasslike leaves and greenish-white flowers.
  • 藜属植物一种藜属的莠草,有小绿
    Any of various weeds of the genus Chenopodium, having small greenish flowers.
  • 欧洲南部的兰淡绿色、有香味;有时归入玉凤属。
    south European orchid having fragrant greenish-white flowers; sometimes placed in genus Habenaria.
  • 欧洲南部的一种草本植物,通常由于它的具总状序的淡绿白色的而栽培。
    southern European plant commonly cultivated for its spikes of small starry greenish-white flowers.
  • 一个粗糙草本属,头状序,呈绿色的,钩状刺毛。
    coarse herbs having small heads of greenish flowers followed by burrs with hooked bristles.
  • 繁叶茂迎来美好的春天。
    The leaves and blossoms came forth to greet the sweet spring.
  • 他在园里种了一些三色紫罗兰。
    He grew some pansies in the garden.
  • 他为我种了一些花。
    He grew me some flowers.
  • 她的头发有些花白。
    Her hair is tinged with Grey.
  • 我的头发渐变白了。
    My hair is going grey.
  • 他的头发开始变得白。
    His hair is beginning to turn grey.
  • 他凝视著镜中自己日见白的头发, 感慨岁月不待人.
    He gazed ruefully in the mirror at his greying locks.
  • 我们还有洋葱铁扒猪排,白豆焖猪排,炖羊肉、红酒烩腰等等。
    We also serve Grilled Pork Chop with Onion, Braised Pork Chop with White Beans, Stewed Mutton, Kidney in Red Wine, etc.
  • 这些新车的尾部较车头前面的格架还要考究些。
    The rear ends of these new cars are fancier than the grillwork in front.
  • 他的太太很会钱,所以他不得不努力辛苦工作。
    His wife was wasteful and he had to keep his nose to the grindstone.
  • 金属物体表面或边缘上的一系列小峰或凹槽,如指旋螺钉,使更容易握紧
    One of a series of small ridges or grooves on the surface or edge of a metal object, such as a thumbscrew, to aid in gripping.
  • 他用手把住他那有白胡须的下巴,温柔地冲我微笑着。
    He nestled his grizzled chin in his hand and smiled softly at me.
  • 了两个晚上计算出食品杂货店帐单的总数。
    It took him two nights to sum up bills at the grocery store.
  • 当我们了解到中国了整个世纪的时间,来寻找一个适合自己的政治制度时,就不足为奇了……。
    Why not, when one realises that China has spent the entire 20th century groping for a satisfactory form to her modern political aspirations.
  • 当我们了解到中国了整个世纪的时间,来寻找一个适合自己的政治制度时,就不足为奇了……
    Why not, when we have realized that China has spent an entire century groping for a satisfactory form to her modern political aspirations...
  • 刻有奇异荒诞的人或怪兽纹的滴水嘴。
    a spout that terminates in a grotesquely carved figure of a person or animal.
  • 本世纪二十年代,伦敦贫民区的小孩子们捡来牡蛎壳、彩色小石头或陶片,再加上树叶和鲜等,垒一个小神龛,然后跪在神龛旁,手里端着帽子乞讨小钱。
    In l920s, in the poorer parts of London small children collected oyster shells, bits of coloured stone or pottery, with leaves, flowers, etc., built a litt1e "grotto", and knelt beside it with their caps ready for pennies.
  • 窗帘是蓝底白花的。
    The curtains have white flowers on a blue ground.