  • 元素元素,由原子组成的物质,其原子中的每一核子具有同样数量的中子、用一般的化学方法不使之变得更为简单的物质的元素
    A substance composed of atoms having an identical number of protons in each nucleus. Elements cannot be reduced to simpler substances by normal chemical means.
  • 只有做好这个准备工作,与其他oop语言相比,才体会到java的易学易用。
    The benefit of this initial effort is the ability to program in a language that is simpler to learn and to use than many other OOP languages.
  • 郭先生,我并不想叫你气恼,不过我还抓不住要领,你否用更简单的语言谈一谈呢?
    I don't mean to annoy you, Mr Ku, but I don't quite grasp this. Couldn't you say it in simpler terms?
  • 消化在消化管中通过化学的和肌肉的作用,将(食物)转变成被身体吸收和同化的简单化学混合物
    To convert(food) into simpler chemical compounds that can be absorbed and assimilated by the body, as by chemical and muscular action in the alimentary canal.
  • 她的学生连最简单的问题都不理解。
    Her students could not compass the simplest problems.
  • 没有这一点,即使最简单的技艺也不完成;
    Not even the simplest art can be accomplished without it;
  • 这是在遇到危险或灾难的时候发出的最简单的信号。
    It is the simplest signal to make, in time of danger or disaster.
  • 减少到最简单且没有概论损失可的最重要的形式。
    reduced to the simplest and most significant form possible without loss of generality.
  • 把这篇文章译成汉语吗?
    Can you turn this article into Chinese?
  • 今天上午我面试的那个男孩似乎有点笨,他几乎没回答出我的任何问题,甚至连最简单的问题,他也没答出。
    The boy I interviewed this morning seemed somewhat empty-headed; he could answer hardly any of my questions, even the simplest ones.
  • 历史的车轮不倒转。
    The wheel of history cannot be turned back.
  • 要是我都看出她对他的好感,而他却看不出,那他未免太蠢了。”
    If I can perceive her regard for him, he must be a simpleton indeed not to discover it too."
  • 什么也不使他改变目标。
    Nothing will ever turn him from his purpose.
  • 该错误代码仅与分类类别的调用同时使用。
    Used with categorization only.
  • 只有你能猜得出。
    Only you can guess.
  • 只有时间才做出回答。
    Only time will tell.
  • xml为应用程序开发人员提供简单性和强大功
    XML provides simplicity and power to application developers.
  • perl提供了前者的简洁性,又有后者的功性。
    Perl offers much of the simplicity of the former and the functionality of the latter.
  • 我只能猜测。
    I can only guess.
  • 但这种明显的简洁性,让人看不到perl丰富的功集,其中包括内置的符号调试程序和对面向对象编程的支持。
    But that apparent simplicity belies Perl's rich feature set, which includes a built-in symbolic debugger and support for object oriented programming.
  • 工作中也存在着某些简单化和粗暴的倾向,这也不否认和忽视。
    But certain tendencies towards a crude approach and over-simplification cannot be ignored or denied.
  • 极简派音乐当代音乐的一个流派或形态,以其极端简化的节奏和形式、延长的和弦和旋律重复为特征,其经常产生一种震颤的使人出神的效果
    A school or mode of contemporary music marked by extreme simplification of rhythms and patterns, prolonged chordal or melodic repetitions, and often the achievement of a throbbing, trancelike effect.
  • 坚持政企分开,按照精简、统一、效的原则,进一步转变政府职,调整政府机构设置,理顺部门职分工,减少行政审批,提高政府管理水平,努力形成行为规范、运转协调、公正透明、廉洁高效的行政管理体制。
    In keeping with separation of the government from enterprises and the principles of simplification, consistency and efficiency, we should continue to transform government functions, reorganize the government setup, clarify the functions of government departments, reduce administrative examination and approval, and improve government management so as to bring about an administrative system that has standardized behavior and operational harmony and is fair, transparent, clean and efficient.
  • "只有在麻醉师给病人施行麻醉以后,手术才进行。"
    "Only after the anaesthetist gave the patient an anaesthetic, could the operation be conducted."
  • 只有医生才这样做。
    Only a doctor can do that.
  • 那份愉快之情非笔墨所形容;
    My joy is simply indescribable.
  • 只管吃你吃的,但愿人家没有注意你所剩的东西。
    Simply eat what you left.
  • 这本书可有用,只是相当贵。
    The book is likely to be useful, only it's rather expensive.
  • 简单地把它讲一下吗?
    Can you put that mire simply?
  • 那简直不可办得到的。
    It simply can't be done.
  • 没人能驯服这匹马。
    Nobody could school the horse.
  • 没有人经得住她的魅力的诱惑。
    Nobody can withstand her charms.