  • “我们当中没有人知道该怎么办,”居住在纽市的德布拉·盖勒·利伯曼说。39岁的利伯曼如今已是两个孩子的母亲,她称科佩尔曼在1970年代骚扰过她。”
    “None of us knew what to do about it back then,” says Debra Geller Lieberman, 39, a mother of two, in New York City, who alleges that Copperman molested her in the 1970s.
  • 别人得到这份工作的消息使翰一时间烦恼不已。
    The news that someone else had been given the job threw John momentarily off balance.
  • 欧洲西北部的一个君主立宪制国家;欧洲经济共同体和北大西洋公组织的总部。
    a monarchy in northwestern Europe; headquarters for the European Common Market and for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
  • 汉人;汉族中国占主导地位的种族集团的成员,占人口总数的大百分之九十三,主要区别于满族、蒙族、回族以及其它少数民族
    A member of the principal ethnic group of China, constituting about93 percent of the population, especially as distinguished from Manchus, Mongols, Huis, and other minority nationalities.
  • 翰把所有的财产送人成为一名修道士。
    John gave all his possessions away and became a monk.
  • 基于旧圣经和犹太法典的一神教。
    the monotheistic religion of the Jews; based on the Old Testament and the Talmud.
  • 翰的兄弟得到一辆新自行车,妒火使得翰和他打了起来。
    When John's brother got the new bicycle, the green-eyed monster made John fight with him.
  • 黄石河美国怀俄明州西北部和蒙大拿南部及东部的一条河流,长1080公里(671英里),向北流经黄石湖和黄石国家公园,然后向东和东北流入密苏里河,该公园有大量间歇泉,其中包括旧费斯富尔泉
    A river, about1, 080 km(671 mi) long, of northwest Wyoming and southern and eastern Montana. It flows northward through Yellowstone Lake and Yellowstone National Park then east and northeast to the Missouri River. The park includes numerous geysers, including Old Faithful.
  • 大约1个月。
    For about a month.
  • 港的自由岛上的一樽巨大的象征自由的纪念性的雕塑。
    a large monumental statue symbolizing liberty on Liberty Island in New York Harbor.
  • 翰这些天来似乎有些精神恍惚。你最好和他谈谈。
    John seems to take to mooning about a great deal these days. You'd better have a talk with him.
  • 可怜的翰整个星期都闷闷不乐,我真十分替他担心。
    Poor John has been moping the whole week away, I'm getting quite worried about him.
  • 道德上束的或者必需的。
    morally binding or necessary.
  • 抵押单据,抵押证明一种具体规定抵押条件的合和证书
    A contract or deed specifying the terms of a mortgage.
  • 莫顿不再满足于呆在那个小镇上,到纽去了。
    No longer content to poke about in that little town, Morton went up to New York.
  • 第五卷;包括摩西律法第二条陈述。
    the fifth book of the Old Testament; contains a second statement of Mosaic Law.
  • 政府已与莫斯科签了一项条
    The Government has signed a treaty with Moscow.
  • (旧)通过燃烧这种灌木上帝和摩西说话。
    (Old Testament) the bush that burned without being consumed and from which God spoke to Moses.
  • 亚伦《旧》中摩西的哥哥,帮助他引导希伯来人逃出埃及
    In the Old Testament, the elder brother of Moses who helped lead the Hebrews out of Egypt.
  • 第四卷;记录了跟随摩西离开埃及的以色列人的数量。
    the fourth book of the Old Testament; contains a record of the number of Israelites who followed Moses out of Egypt.
  • 腓力去找到拿但业,说:“我们遇到了摩西律法上写的、众先知提到的那个人了,他就是瑟的儿子拿撒勒人耶稣。”
    Philip went to find Nathanael, and told him,"we have met the man spoken of by Moses in the Law, and by the prophets: it is Jesus son of Joseph, from Nazareth."
  • 周六一枚威力强大的汽车炸弹彻底摧毁了车臣首府格洛斯尼南部一处靠近阿尔卡汉特清真寺的广场,并造成二十一人死亡。
    Twenty-one people died Saturday after a powerful carbomb ripped through a square near the mosque in Alkhan-Yurt, south of the capital Grozny.
  • 伊斯兰教为中国回、维吾尔等10个少数民族中的群众信仰。这些少数民族总人口1800万,现有清真寺3万余座,伊玛目、阿訇4万余人。
    Nowadays in China there are ten national minorities, including the Hui and Uygur, with a total population of 18 million, whose faith is Islam. Their 30,000-odd mosques are served by 40,000 Imams and Akhunds.
  • 伊斯兰教教民1700万人,清真寺26000余座;天主教徒近400万人,有神职人员2700人,教堂4000余座;基督教徒650万人,有教牧传道人员18000余人,教堂8000余座,简易活动场所(聚会点)20000余处。
    There are about 17 million Muslims and more than 26,000 mosques, about 4 million Catholics, including 2,700 clergymen, and 4,000 Catholic churches, about 6.5 million Christians or Protestants, including 18,000 missionaries, 8,000 churches and 20,000 simply equipped meeting places in China.
  • 那家汽车旅馆就在前方大一英里的地方。
    The motel is dead ahead about a mile from here.
  • 好呀,不过我们现在最好先预
    OK, but we'd better make a reservation mow.
  • 沃尔特,翰1739-1812英国报纸发行商,创立伦敦泰晤士报(1788年)
    German conductor noted for his interpretations of Mozart and Mahler.
  • 她在纽仍感觉不知所措。
    She still felt muddled in New York.
  • 翰乱说一气,我们搞不清他想说什么。
    John was muddling on, and we could not follow what he was trying to say.
  • 用蓬松奶油面糊做成的中空松饼(单个的克郡布丁),在深松柄杯里烘焙。
    light hollow muffin made of a puff batter (individual Yorkshire pudding) baked in a deep muffin cup.
  • 20分钟后,他把火闭了,把胡萝卜捞出来放入一个碗内,把鸡蛋捞出来放入另一个碗内,然后又把咖啡舀到一个杯子里。
    In about twenty minutes he turned off the burners.He fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl.He pulled the eggs out and placed them a bowl.Then he ladled the coffee out and placed it in a mug.
  • 昨晚在纽大街上我被行凶抢劫。
    I was mugged in the streets of New York last night.