  • 越過以令人滿意的速度越過指定距
    To traverse a given distance with satisfying speed.
  • 行進或經過(一段距)。
    travel or traverse (a distance) This car does 150 miles per hour.
  • 行程運動中所經過的距
    The distance traversed in such a movement.
  • 明年年?quot;3年植樹計劃"將全部完成,12百萬棵緑樹,占地1萬公頃的緑色生態隔帶將環繞北京城。
    A three-year program of tree planting will be completed by the end of next year, forming an ecological green belt around the city of Beijing, covering an area of 10,000 hectares with 12 million trees.
  • 以往的發明也曾改變過我們進行戰爭的方式,使我們遠了塹壕戰。
    They changed the way we fought war--caused us to back away from trench warfare.
  • 鹿已跑過樹叢,這個距我無法射到它。
    The deer has gone past the tress; I can't shoot at it at this distance.
  • 這些故事的情節幾乎總是不開三角戀愛。
    The plot of these story almost always turn on love triangle.
  • 演講還未結束,人們就漸漸開了。
    The speaker didn't finish his talk the people began to trickle out.
  • 起先,大廳裏擠得滿滿的,但是他一開始講話,人們便陸陸續續去,不一會兒,剩下聽他發言的人便寥寥無幾了。
    At first the hall was full, but people began to trickle out soon after the beginning of his speech, and soon there were very few left to hear the speaker.
  • 瑞士航空公司的三叉戟20飛倫敦。
    There's a Swissair Trident out of London at 0920.
  • 我要12點15分飛紐約的漢莎三叉戟的機票。
    I want a Luthansa trident out of New York city at 12:15.
  • 一旦被鈣子——生物介質在b細胞內引發崩潰後所産生的物質——誘發,發光蛋白質立即産生光亮。
    The aequorin instantly emits light when triggered by calcium ions -- a substance that is produced when the bioagent-induced cascade occurs in the B cell.
  • 當皮膚暴露在陽光下,紫外綫輻射會引發遊原子團的形成,轉而破壞皮膚細胞中的dna,引起腫瘤的生長。
    When the skin is exposed to sunlight, the radiation triggers the formation of free radicals which, in turn, damages the DNA in skin cells, causing tumours to grow.
  • 三角測量法一種測量技術,通過將某一地區分成許多三角形,這些三角形是以一條已知長度的綫為底,由此可通過使用平面直角三角形計算工具精確地測量距和方向
    A surveying technique in which a region is divided into a series of triangular elements based on a line of known length so that accurate measurements of distances and directions may be made by the application of trigonometry.
  • 聽衆開始成群結隊地去。
    The audience began to troop away.
  • 我對心分機鋁管的用途沒有什麽專門研究,但是作為一名陸軍老兵,我可以告訴你兩件事:第一,令我非常奇怪的是這些鋁管的耐力將遠遠超過美國相同級別的火箭彈彈體材料,也許伊拉剋比美國製造常規武器的標準更高,但我不這樣認為。
    I am no expert on centrifuge tubes, but just as an old Army trooper, I can tell you a couple of things: First, it strikes me as quite odd that these tubes are manufactured to a tolerance that far exceeds U.S. requirements for comparable rockets. Maybe Iraqis just manufacture their conventional weapons to a higher standard than we do, but I don't think so.
  • 有遠污濁想法的特徵;特別例如罪行。
    characterized by freedom from troubling thoughts; especially e.g. guilt.
  • 逃課的男學生;這個士兵擅職守幾乎一個星期了。
    truant schoolboys; the soldier was AWOL for almost a week.
  • 他可能上星期二已經開了。
    He may have left last Tuesday.
  • 我要提前一上晚上開。
    I'm going to leave on Tuesday.
  • 我想衹要飛機開這個亂流就沒事了。
    I think I'll be all right as soon as the plane gets out of this turbulence.
  • 在圖書館裏我們感到非常舒服,但關閉時我們衹好開。
    We were very comfortable in the library but we had to turf out when it closed.
  • 英語世界通行,但土耳其語開本國就很少有人說了。
    English is understand all over the world while turkish is speak by only a few people outside turkey itself.
  • 英語世界通行,但土耳其語開本國就很少有人說了。
    English is understood all over the world while Turkish is spoken by only a few people outside Turkey itself.
  • 當然,幫助功能有時也解决不了你的問題,但這時你可以求助於其他幫助途徑,如在綫指導、技術支持電話,或者宿舍裏那位一個星期都沒屋的技術內行。
    Granted,sometimes the help feature won't be able to answer your question,but that's when you turn to other sources of help e.g.,online tutorials,tech support lines,or that tech kid down the hall who hasn't left his room in a week.
  • 這不禁使我想起了二十年代在遠上海的浙江上虞農村位於白馬湖邊的春暉中學。
    This reminds me of the Chun Hui Middle School in the Twenties. Situated by the banks of the Baima Lake, in Zhejiang Province's Shangyu Village, the school is a long distance away from Shanghai.
  • 我們開那裏時已是傍晚。
    Twilight was falling as we left the place.
  • 葡萄藤纏繞着笆柱子
    The fence post was twined by vines.
  • 而這兩重革命任務的領導,都是擔負在中國無産階級的政黨——中國共産黨的雙肩之上,開了中國共産黨的領導,任何革命都不能成功。
    The leadership in this twofold revolutionary task devolves on the Chinese Communist Party, the party of the proletariat, without whose leadership no revolution can succeed.
  • 當男人想到結婚的時候,他害怕的並不是把自己跟一個女人綁在一起,而是與其餘的女人隔開來。
    It is not tying himself to one woman that a man dreads when he thinks of marrying; it's separating himself from all the others.
  • 當男人想到結婚的時候,他害怕的並不是把自己跟一個女人綁在一起,而是與其餘的女人隔開來。
    It is not tying himself to one woman that a man dreads when he thinks of marrying; it 's separating himself from all the others.
  • 她為了脫她那個暴虐的母親而結婚。
    She married to get away from her tyrannical mother.