  • 有几个女孩儿没精打彩地随处坐
    Several young girls were sitting around looking bored.
  • 在看一本枯燥无味的书时,我不知不觉地睡了。
    I fell asleep read a dull book, and I dream that I am reading on, so I awake from sheer boredom.
  • 处于水面上;飘浮
    borne on the water; floating.
  • 是爱国心在支撑他们。
    They were borne up by love of their motherland.
  • 同时,一些原有的紧张局势将依然存在,波斯尼亚和索马里的种族冲突不时提醒革命党人和传统主义者:不管世界上充斥多少芯片和电脑,战争都将继续下去。
    At the same time,some of the old tensions remain,with ethnic conflicts in Bosnia and Somalia reminding the revolutionaries and the traditionalists that wars will continue however many chips and computers may populate the world.
  • 李妈吃完了面,怀里摸出一条大成蓝的手巾,揩一揩嘴插就问。
    asked Li-ma as she finished eating her noodles and drew out from her bosom a large dark blue handkerchief to wipe her mouth.
  • 因此,两人都有丰厚的收入。
    Both earned substantial incomes.
  • 我开电视会不会吵你?
    Will it bother you if I turn the television on?
  • 我正忙,不要打扰我。
    I'm busy, don't bother me.
  • 她从不在穿上费心思。
    She never bothered about clothes.
  • 比尔向他妈妈吵要糖果。
    Bill bothered his mother for candy.
  • 如果出了一件事,接就会出现另一件事,因此我们十分忧虑。
    If one thing gets out, another can. That's why we get all hot and bothered.
  • 用他的叉子在杯子上敲令人讨厌的节奏;在机场附近飞机的噪音非常恼人;发现不得不去征求同意是件很恼人的事;令人头疼的耽搁;恼人的文书工作;讨厌的蚊子;挤满了令人讨厌的小虫子;讨厌的新式保险钩;一个讨厌的、固执的想法令他很生气;令人伤脑筋的小孩;令人恼火的是必须承认自己错了。
    tapping an annoying rhythm on his glass with his fork; aircraft noise is particularly bothersome near the airport; found it galling to have to ask permission; an irritating delay; nettlesome paperwork; a pesky mosquito; swarms of pestering gnats; a plaguey newfangled safety catch; a teasing and persistent thought annoyed him; a vexatious child; it is vexing to have to admit you are wrong.
  • 对水族馆和动物园的宽吻海豚以及野生鲸鱼和海豚的观察表明,它们有两种基本睡眠方式:要么在水中垂直或水平地静养,要么在挨另一个动物慢慢游动时睡觉。
    Observations of bottlenose dolphins in aquariums and zoos, and of whales and dolphins in the wild, show two basic methods of sleeping: they either rest quietly in the water, vertically or horizon- tally, or sleep while swimming slowly next to another animal.
  • 大型平底船,驳船一种长且大,通常平底的船,用于运输通常无动力、由其它船只拖拽或推前进的货物
    A long, large, usually flat-bottomed boat for transporting freight that is generally unpowered and towed or pushed by other craft.
  • 河里漂一个大树枝。
    A bough floats in the river.
  • 我也听见那枞树枝子重复那戏弄人的声音,而且也知道这是什么原因。可是它使我太烦了,因此我决定,如果可能的话,把这声音止住。
    I heard, also, the fir bough repeat its teasing sound, and ascribed it to the right cause: but it annoyed me so much, that I resolved to--silence it, if possible;
  • 我把婴儿放在膝上上下颠
    I bounced the baby on my knee.
  • 我问母亲怎么回事,她温柔地领我进了屋,"我十分抱歉,吉姆,鲍恩斯不在了。"
    When I asked Mother about him,she gently took me inside.“I'm so sorry,Jim,but Bounce is gone.”
  • 随后,我们见过dansez的创新小弹跳胸衣。这是艾伦·伯格曼见他女朋友双手压乳房跑,灵光闪现,制作出来的。
    Since then, we have seen the innovative Minimal Bounce bra by Dans?Ez, created by Alan Bergman, who was inspired by the sight of his girlfriend running with her hands clamped over her breasts.
  • 经过两年的研制,经过顶尖女运动员的测试(一般认为她们的跳动比我们其他人要多),凯瑟琳·里思在俄勒冈州比弗顿的耐克总部宣布了实验结果,胸衣“被科学地证明,可以比其他衣平均减少30%的垂直运动”。
    After two years of research and development, with testing by top women athletes who, presumably, bounce around more than the rest of us, the result is a bra“ scientifically proven to reduce vertical motion by an average 30% compared to others",claims Kathryn Reith at Nike's headquarters in Beaverton, Oregon.
  • 孩子们蹦跳进入房间
    Children bouncing into the room.
  • 球跳弹着滚下楼梯。
    The ball went bouncing down the stairs.
  • 那些怀里坐小动物或让自己旁边的“自杀座”上坐不安分的孩子开车的司机们同样是不负责任的。
    Those who drive with pets in their laps, or with young children bouncing about on the "suicide seat" next to them are equally irresponsible.
  • 21岁、身材瘦削的他一边跳跃,一边大嗓门地吆喝,督促他的35名同学到室外去晨跑。
    The spindly 21-year-old is bouncing around, yelling at top volume as he herds his 35 classmates out the door for their morning run.
  • 狗跳跃朝山下跑去。
    The dog bounded down the hill.
  • 这些小动物在地上跳跑。
    The young animals were bounding about the field.
  • 如果他们继续下去冒一切危险, 一定会失败。
    They are bound to fail if they continue at the risk of all these dangers.
  • 嘴里塞东西的、被缚住的人质。
    bound and gagged hostages.
  • 母狮在平原上跳跃,紧紧地跟在惊恐的小羚羊后面。
    The lioness bounded across the plain, hard on the heels of a terrified gazelle.
  • 刘为喜欢读哲学和中国古典文学方面的书,他在其中体会无穷的美感。
    Liuwei enjoys reading books related to philosophy, history and Chinese classical literature. He can discover boundless beauty inside these books.
  • 他没能参加他们10岁女儿的舞蹈演出会,第二天,他带一束玫瑰来看她们。
    After missing their 10-year-old daughter's dance recital, he showed up the following day with a bouquet of roses.