  • 终止法律或条约
    Ending( of a law of a treaty)
  • 因为反动政府在粮饷不足的件之下无限制地增加军队,并因此而使战争一天多于一天,使得士兵群众经常处在困苦的环境之中。
    Because the reactionary government, though short of provisions and funds, endlessly expands its armies and thus constantly extends the warfare, the masses of soldiers are in a constant state of privation.
  • 台布价格可接受将订货件是5月底装运请电复。
    Tablecloth price acceptable wilder provided shipment endogamy pls reply by cable.
  • 证券交易委员会应该为在美国营业的所有上市公司制定全国性规章。规章中应有如下款:首席执行官和首席财务官本人必须保证财务报表对公司的运营情况,包括重要潜在走向,作出全面而准确的描述。
    The SEC should endorse national guidelines for all publicly listed companies doing business in the U.S. Among the provisions:CEOs and CFOs must personally warrant that financial statements paint a full and accurate picture of their companies'positions,including critical underlying trends.
  •  除本法第八十八和第八十九规定的程序外,香港特别行政区终审法院的法官和高等法院首席法官的任命或免职,还须由行政长官征得立法会同意,并报全国人民代表大会常务委员会备案。
    In the case of the appointment or removal of judges of the Court of Final Appeal and the Chief Judge of the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Chief Executive shall, in addition to following the procedures prescribed in Articles 88 and 89 of this Law, obtain the endorsement of the Legislative Council and report such appointment or removal to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for the record.
  • 国会有权以适当立法实施本
    Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
  • 第二款国会有权以适当立法实施本
    Section 2.Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
  • 第二款国会有权以适当立法实施本
    Section 2.The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
  • 第五款国会有权适当立法实施本规定。
    Section 5.The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.
  • 第九 动植物检疫机关检疫人员必须忠于职守,秉公执法。
    Article 9 Any quarantine functionary of an animal and plant quarantine organ must be devoted to his or her duties and enforce the law impartially.
  • 这位教师引用实例来强调这原则?
    The teacher enforced the principle by examples.
  • 土地管理及执行契约款。
    Land Management and Lease Enforcement
  • 这条路设计得很好。
    The road is very well engineered.
  • 他设计过一条铁路。
    He engineered a railway.
  • 这条山路修得很好。
    The mountain road is very well engineered.
  • 在国共间各项主要争点未得合理解决之前,我们对国民党内亲日派反共派所造成的皖南事变和各种政治的军事的压迫,仍应继续严正的抗议运动,扩大第一个十二的宣传,不要松懈。
    Until there is a reasonable settlement of the major points at issue between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, we must not show any slackening in our campaign of stern protest against the Southern Anhwei Incident, which was engineered by the pro-Japanese and anti-Communist cliques in the Kuomintang, and against their political and military oppression in all its forms, and must intensify our propaganda for the first twelve demands.
  • 影线用于填充素描、雕刻或油画的线或其它痕迹以展示颜色或暗度的梯度
    The lines or other marks used to fill in outlines of a sketch, an engraving, or a painting to represent gradations of color or darkness.
  • 应加强国际军控约的普遍性;
    the universality of the international arms control treaties should be enhanced;
  • 人民解放军适应现代战争特点,以提高高技术件下防卫作战能力为主要目标,不断加强和改进军事训练。
    The PLA strives to adapt itself to the characteristics of modern warfare, takes enhancement of the capability of defensive operations under high-tech conditions as the main objective, and continuously strengthens and improves military training.
  • 颁布实施沿边开放战略的有关法规,赋予新疆等西部地区扩大对外开放八优惠政策;
    Relevant regulations on the strategy of opening up the border areas have been promulgated, providing eight preferential policies for enlarging the opening-up of the western areas, including Xinjiang.
  • 我不明白这建议,你能不能启发我一下。
    Can you enlighten me--I don't understand this proposal.
  • 争取英、美、法同情我们抗日,在不丧失领土主权的件下争取他们的援助。
    Enlist the sympathy of Britain, the United States and France for our resistance to Japan, and secure their help provided that it entails no loss of our territory or our sovereign rights.
  • 起初希尔走的是一传统的发展道路,高中毕业便升入大学预科。
    At first embarking on a conventional path,Hill enrolled in junior college after graduating from high school.
  • 巩固和提高九年义务教育成果,重点加强贫困地区和少数民族地区普及九年义务教育工作,城市和有件的农村地区基本满足高中阶段教育的社会需求,初中毛入学率达到90%以上,高等教育毛入学率进一步提高。
    China would consolidate and improve its achievements made in the nine-year compulsory education. Priorities would be given to popularizing the nine-year compulsory education in poverty-stricken areas and areas where ethnic minorities live in compact communities. Social needs for senior middle school education in urban and some rural regions would be met, with junior middle school enrollment rate reaching over 90% and higher education enrollment rate further increased.
  • 安妮:会员制的体育俱乐部都有一定的规章,入会人员必须符合一定的件,如定期交纳会费等,享受服务的同时履行一定的义务。
    Annie: There are certain regulations for the sports clubs of mem-bership system. The enrollment members should accord with certain qualifications, such as paying the membership fees regularly and enjoy-ing the services while fulfilling certain obligations.
  • 中国自拥有核武器之日起就郑重声明,在任何时候、任何情况下都不首先使用核武器,此后又承诺无件地不对无核武器国家和无核武器区使用或威胁使用核武器,并一直推动所有核国家以法律形式确定上述承诺。
    On the very first day it came into possession of nuclear weapons, China solemnly declared that at no time and under no circumstances would it be the first to use such weapons. Later, China undertook unconditionally not touse or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon states or nuclear-weapon-free zones, and has consistently urged all nuclear-weapon states to enshrine these commitments in a legal form.
  • 自治区政府于1988年和1993年相继颁布了《新疆维吾尔自治区民族语言使用管理暂行规定》和《新疆维吾尔自治区语言文字工作例》,进一步从法律上保障了少数民族使用本民族语言文字的自由和权利。
    The government of the autonomous region promulgated, respectively in 1988 and 1993, the “Provisional Regulations of Administration for the Use of Ethnic Languages in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region” and the “Regulations for Work Concerning Spoken and Written Languages in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,” which further enshrine in legal form the freedom and right of ethnic minorities to use and develop their own spoken and written languages.
  • 美国国旗是星条旗。
    The ensign of the United States is Stars and Stripes.
  • 翌年,清政府战败,在日本威迫下签订丧权辱国的《马关约》,割让台湾。
    In the ensuing year, as a result of defeat the Qing government was forced to sign the Treaty of Shimonoseki, ceding Taiwan to Japan.
  • 加强配套服务,为高新技术产业创造良好的发展件。
    Strengthening support services to ensure a favorable environment for hi-tech companies
  •  除适用第二十第(1)款(b)项和第二十八第(2)款的规定可能有例外外,批准或加入应自动导致接受本议定书的全部款并享受本议定书的全部利益。
    Subject to the possibilities of exceptions provided for in Articles 20 (1) (b) and 28(2), ratification or accession shall automatically entail acceptance of all the clauses and admission to all the advantages of this Act.
  • 在一个件/事件系统中,一种隐含着冲突的可能性但冲突并非必然出现的情况。冲突最终发生取决于一些并发事件的结果,这种情况是由于并发性和冲突纠缠在一起而引起的。
    In a condition/event system, the situation in which a conflict is possiblyimplied but does not necessarily occur. The final occurrence of the conflict depends on the result of some concurrentevents. This situation is caused by the entanglement of concurrency and conflicts.