  • 这条法律的效力扩展到所有民。
    The law was extended to all citizens; widen the range of applications; broaden your horizon.
  • 167.务员的薪酬水平,原则上应和私营机构的大致相同。
    167. Civil service pay levels should in principle be broadly comparable to those in the private sector.
  • 您可以到百老汇街乘20路共汽车或乘地铁。
    You can catch bus 20 or the subway on Broadway.
  • 因此,新成立的小司,如brocade通信司、gadzoox微系统司和vixel司,正在成为提供san的先驱。
    Consequently, start-ups such as Brocade Communications, Gadzoox Microsystems, and Vixel have emerged as leaders in providing SAN solutions.
  • 我会把司简介即刻给您寄去。
    I'll send you the brochure right away.
  • 刘:我们已收到贵司附有插图的宣传手册。
    We have received your illustrated PR brochure.
  • 我会把司简介即刻给您寄去。
    I 'll send you the brochure right away.
  • 请寄给我公司简介。
    Can you send me a brochure about your company?
  • 旅游司将押金退还给他,并承认旅游宣传手册内容有误。
    The tour company refunded his deposit, with an admission that the brochure was incorrect.
  • 旅游司拒绝保证安排旅游团住进度假手册提到的饭店。
    The tour company refused to give the guarantee that the group will be accommodated in the hotel mentioned in the brochure.
  • 他们公司破产了吗?
    Has their firm gone broke?
  • 他的司已经破产了。
    His firm has gone broke.
  • 我和另外一个经纪人,合用一间办室。
    “I share my office with another broker.
  • 我们现在的经纪人是吉尔和连恩司的吉尔先生。
    Our current broker is Mr. Giles from Giles and Lane.
  • 经纪人的司;通过掌管费用在两个当事人中安排契约。
    the business of a broker; charges a fee to arrange a contract between two parties.
  • 他叫toddturner,三十五岁,是g。b。d司的经纪人。
    His name is Todd Turner, he's 35 years old and is a broker with Green, Bean and Dean.
  • 期货经纪有限公司
    Futures Brokerage Company Ltd.
  • 经营日用品的经纪司。
    a brokerage firm dealing in commodities.
  • 父母为子女在经纪人司设立的账户。
    a brokerage firm account that parents have created for a minor.
  • 对经纪司、呼叫中心、军方以及其他一些机构来说,电子邮件传输证明速度太慢,他们已经采用了瞬时消息传送技术。
    Brokerage houses, call centers, the military, and other organizations for which e-mail transmissions have proved to be too slow have embraced instant messaging.
  • 司代表的工作就是向国外宣传司的产品。
    The representative's job is to bruit the company's products abroad.
  • 您昨天说价格定为每吨60英镑c。i。f。布鲁塞尔。
    You said yesterday that the price was $60/mt, C.I.F. Brussels.
  • 香港华民航空有限司(香港华民航空)继续以3架b747-200型货机,经营飞往曼彻斯特、布鲁塞尔、都拜及大阪的定期货运服务,以及飞往亚洲区内多个地方的不定期货运服务。
    AHK Air Hong Kong (AHK) continued to operate scheduled all-cargo services to Manchester, Brussels, Dubai and Osaka, and non-scheduled cargo services to various destinations in Asia using three B747-200 freighters.
  • 野蛮、不平或者苛刻。
    brutally unfair or harsh.
  • 你应该小心,不要把钱投入泡泡司。
    You should take care not to invest your money in bubble companies.
  • 接着便是网络司陷入困境,去年网络泡沫破裂,致使包括微软在内的所有高技术司的股价直线下降。
    Then there was the dotcom truouble. Last year the bubble burst, dragging down the shares of all high?tech companies, including Microsoft.
  • 必须把一切恶感在发展成开对抗之前,就消灭于萌芽状态之中。
    Any ill-feeling has to be nipped in the bud before it develops into open revolt.
  • 老挝人居住在老挝和泰国境内湄河流域的佛教信徒中的一支
    A member of a Buddhist people inhabiting the area of the Mekong River in Laos and Thailand.
  • 属于或关于居住在老挝和泰国境内湄河流域的佛教信徒中的一支的。
    of or relating to a member of the Buddhist people inhabiting the Mekong river in Laos and Thailand.
  • 生活在泰国和老挝的湄河地区的佛教教徒们所说的台语。
    the Tai language of a Buddhist people living in the area of the Mekong River in Thailand and Laos.
  • 前总统克林顿办室说,克林顿将抱一条新狗回家。他曾说,他的爱犬巴迪之死是他离开白宫后发生的最糟的一件事。
    Former President Bill Clinton who said the death of his dog Buddy was the worst thing to happen to him after leaving the White House, is getting a new puppy to his house, his office says.
  • takara司发言人辉实延藤说:我们从20世纪80年代就开始研制微型玩具汽车。我们在考虑如何留住二三十岁这个年龄段顾客兴趣的时候,就自然而然想到求助于他们最亲密的伙伴--手机。
    "Our miniature toy cars date back to the 1980s and when we were looking at ways to maintain the interest of customers now in their twenties and thirties, it was natural to turn to their best buddy -- the cellphone," Takara spokeswoman Terumi Endo said.