  • 前缀词缀,如disbelieve中的dis-,加在个词前面以产生个派生词或词尾变化形式
    An affix, such as dis- in disbelieve, put before a word to produce a derivative word or an inflected form.
  • 种整流器是这样造成的、把铜片在空气中加热,直到在面形成层薄薄氧化铜。再把这铜片切成圆片,夹在起,中间垫进铅垫圈。
    One kind of rectifier is made by heating; a sheet of copper in air until a thin layer of copperoxide forms on one side. The sheet is cut into disks, and these are clamped together with lead washers in tetween.
  • 用整流器充满电容器释放并驱使电离子通过加速管的种高压机器。
    a high-voltage machine in which rectifiers charge capacitors that discharge and drive charged particles through an accelerating tube.
  • 请你纠正下我帐单上的错误好吗?
    Would you rectify the mistakes in my bill?
  • 中国政府衷心希望,有关国家的政府能够采取措施,纠正这做法。
    The Chinese Government sincerely hopes that the governments in question will take measures to rectify the situation.
  • 纽波特说:"很遗憾有许多人被误导了,希望现在可以把这局面扭转过来。
    "It's unfortunate that some people may have been misled, but hopefully this will rectify it," he said.
  • 我们现在不搞那个方法,自觉地整整风也需要吧!
    That indiscriminate method won't be used any more. But it is still necessary that we voluntarily rectify incorrect styles of work.
  • 不论整顿领导班子,整顿作风,整顿政治机关,没有股子劲头不行。
    We have to take vigorous action to consolidate both the leading bodies and the political organs and rectify their style of work.
  • 新的领导要首先抓这个问题,这也是整党的个重要内容。
    The new leaders should first of all address this problem, which is also an important part of our efforts to rectify the Party.
  • 虽然谁不听他的话,他就想整下,但是整到什么程度,他还是有考虑的。
    Despite the fact that Comrade Mao wanted to "rectify" anyone who disobeyed him, he still gave some consideration to how far he should go.
  • 坚持不懈地开展反腐败斗争,大力纠正部门和行业不正之风,依法惩处了批违法违纪的腐败分子。
    We ma de unremitting efforts to combat corruption, rectify unhealthy tendencies in some departments and trades and punish according to law quite a few corrupt elements.
  • 在大部分工业化世界里,空气、水和土壤长期缓慢的污染所引起的系列问题难以解决和纠正。
    In many parts of the industrialized world, long-term chronic pollution of air, water, and soil pose problems that are difficult to resolve and rectify.
  • 第三十条使用注册商标,有下列行为之的,由商标局责令限期改正或者撤销其注册商标:
    Article 30.Where any person who uses a registered trademark has committed any of the following, the Trademark Office shall order him to rectify the situation within a specified period or even cancel the registered trademark:
  • 沿着条直道;壁纸上的直线图案
    Following a rectilinear path; rectilinear patterns in wallpaper.
  • 它当然很“现代”,却是种富于表现力的现代主义,与同时代的垂直式的“国际风格”相去甚远。
    It is "modern", certainly, but it is an expressive modernism that was quite at odds with the rectilinear "international style" of its time.
  • 在凡尔赛,我们把这些剪成圆锥形的树木对很整齐地种成个圆圈,或种成直行,象排排的军队那样。
    And at Versailles, we plant these conically cut trees in pairs and arrange them with perfect symmetry along a perfectly round circle or in perfectly rectilinear rows in army formation.
  • (书的)左页书中左连的书页或者与正面相反的页的背面
    A left-hand page of a book or the reverse side of a leaf, as opposed to the recto.
  • 教区牧师英国英车圣公会牧师,在基督教法律下拥有对个教区的完全的法律控制权;教区长
    An Anglican cleric with full legal control of a parish under ecclesiastical law; a rector.
  • 读者或许会感到惊讶,董事是重要人物,但“董事”词却没有法定的定义。
    The readers may be surprised to note that despite its importance, the term ''di-rector'' is not statutorily defined.
  • 除非学董认为学府势力强大而国王弱小,出面进行干预,那是因为在校内被吊死是学子们的种特权。
    unless the rector, feeling the university to be strong and the king weak, intervened; for it was the students' privilege to be hanged on their own grounds.
  • 去年两位长春藤大学前任校长有把握地提出项有影响的统计调查,试图证明不仅对于促使校园中有更多少数民族,而且对消除某些职业最高层次的种族限制,倾斜政策都取得了成功。
    Two former Ivy League presidents weighed in last year with an influential statistical study which attempted to prove that affirmative-action programmes succeeded not only in fostering diversity but also in integrating the highest levels of the professional world.
  • 大人阁下此刻正陪伴奥地利大公派来的尊贵的使团,使团这时在博代门听大学学董先生的演讲,等显贵的红衣主教大人驾临,我们就开演。”
    His Eminence accompanies at this moment the most honourable Embassy of the Duke of Austria, just now engaged in listening to the harangue of Monsieur the Rector of the University at the Porte Baudets. As soon as the Most Reverend the Cardinal arrives we will commence.
  • 就实际情况来说,要确定个人是不是影子董事并不容易,这牵涉到是否能够证明:有关的董事会长久以来推卸董事应尽的责任,而仅遵照被断言为影子董事的人的指导、指示办事。
    In practice, it is not always easy to establish a person as a shadow director of a company, which involves the proof that the relevant board of directors has been failing to exercise any discretion or judgment, contending instead to act upon the directions and instructions of the alleged shadow di-rector as a matter of practice over a period of time.
  • 3月8日,当沃德·康奈利,这位在加州结束少数民族优先政策的过程中起推动作用的人在该校进行演讲时,这是他的全国竞选运动的部分,愤怒的学生猛烈地敲击墙壁以示抗议。
    On March 8th, angry students pounded the walls while Ward Connerly, the driving force behind the demise of affirmative action in California, was inside making a speech as part of his national campaign.
  • 这里姑且不谈老巴黎城种种次要的特点,也不谈那随心所欲的过路税,只是从般的观点和整体上来看看市政管辖的混乱状况,大体来说,小岛归主教管辖,右岸归府尹管辖,左岸归学董管辖。
    Neglecting here the originalities, of secondary importance in old Paris, and the capricious regulations regarding the public highways, we will say, from a general point of view, taking only masses and the whole group, in this chaos of communal jurisdictions, that the island belonged to the bishop, the right bank to the provost of the merchants, the left bank to the Rector;
  • 学校说他们差点儿就要实行“对男生的优先政策”了,不过有些人吐露,大学入学考试中给男生点优惠正在变成常规的做法,尽管不说,实际上是这么干的。
    Schools say they stop short of offering "affirmative action for men," but some confide that giving male applicants a slight break is becoming a standard, albeit unspoken, practice.
  • 外展神经,外旋神经颅内六对神经中的对,可以将运动刺激传达到每只眼边侧的直肌
    Either of the sixth pair of cranial nerves that convey motor impulses to the rectus muscle on the lateral side of each eye.
  • 关于赞成行动的最高法院的项裁决;法庭在1978年裁决医学学校有权在他们的入学政策中认为种族是个因素。
    a ruling by the Supreme Court on affirmative action; the Court ruled in 1978 that medical schools are entitled to consider race as a factor in their admission policy.
  • 你很快就会康复,你所需要的只是好好度上个假期。
    You'll soon recuperate; all you need is a good holiday.
  • 在布赖恩·麦克法登最近患精神衰弱,不得不放弃些演出,回爱尔兰和家人团聚疗养之际,这无疑是男孩儿们需要的好消息。
    This is the good news the boys needed as Bryan McFadden recently suffered nervous exhaustion and had to miss some shows while recuperating back in Ireland with his family.
  • 种促进病人恢复或给慢性病病人以治疗的医院。
    a hospital for recuperation or for the treatment of chronic diseases.
  • 第三是作伪,是积极的,就是个人有意并且显著地装出他实际非是的那种为人来。
    And the third simulation, in the affirmative; when a man industriously, and expressly,feigns and pretends to be that he is not.