  • 公司债券的主要缺点,是投资者只能通过可信贷程度,接分享公司的成果,而不能像股票持有者那样,从公司的扩充中获益。
    The main disadvantage of corporate bonds is that an investor only indirectly participates in the company's success, through its credit-worthiness, but other- wise will not benefit from corporate ex-pansion in the way that equity holders will has no participation in the company's suc-cess.
  • 休息时这种停顿持续的时
    The period of such cessation.
  • 淡季一年中的一段时。其显著特点是正常的活动,如商业活动停止或减少了
    A part of the year marked by a cessation or lessening of normal activity, as of a business.
  • 绝经期月经自然性永久停止的时期,常常发生于45岁至55岁之
    The period marked by the natural and permanent cessation of menstruation, occurring usually between the ages of45 and55.
  • 暂停比赛中应比赛队伍或教练要求短时的停止比赛,用来休息、商议或换人
    A brief cessation of play at the request of a sports team or an official for rest, consultation, or making substitutions.
  • 乘客们因长时的耽搁而坐得很不耐烦.
    The passengers sat chafing at the long delay.
  • 很多旅客因长时晚点不耐烦了。
    Many of the passengers sat chafing at the long delay.
  • 精神病医院是多萝西娅·迪克斯在19世纪40年代的一场改革运动中创办的。多萝西娅·迪克斯是波士顿的改革者,她当时曾警告说,患精神病的人正被关在笼子、壁橱、地窖、小单、牲口棚中,用链子拴着,光着身子,用棍子打和鞭子抽以使他们驯服。
    Mental hospitals, or asylums, grew out of a crusade in the 1840's by Dorothea Dix, the Boston reformer, who warned that "insane persons" were being confined in "cages, closets, cellars, stalls, pens; chained, naked, beate with rods and lashed into obedience."
  • 主持人故意拖时间。
    The chairman is talking against time.
  • 正式候选人尤其是两名村主任候选人要向村民公布治村方案,允许选民当场提问,也允许候选人之相互提问,以利于选民差额挑眩
    Candidates, especially those for chairmen and vice-chairmen of villagers committees, shall announce their administration plans and answer questions raised by the voters or other candidates on the spot. This practice helps the voters to make their own choices in the multi-candidate election.
  • 挑战该系统生气蓬勃的团体;迷人的活泼的女主人;活泼的民舞蹈。
    a vibrant group that challenged the system; a charming and vivacious hostess; a vivacious folk dance.
  • 挑战者被击倒在地,在规定时内未能起身。拳王卫冕成功。
    The challenger is down for the count and the King of Boxer wins.
  • 在不到一年的时内,java已成了微软的pc操作系统windows系列的主要挑战者,比dos和windows挑战传统的大型机和小型机的速度还要快。
    In scarcely a year, Java has evolved into a major challenger to Microsoft's Windows family of PC operating systems -- faster even than DOS and Windows, rising to challenge traditional mainframes and minicomputers.
  • 国际结算银行在香港设立办事处的时,刚巧是亚洲货币危机在过去十二个月造成破坏之后,亚洲面对艰巨挑战的时刻。
    The timing of this BIS initiative is very fortuitous because Asia is facing a very challenging time after the havoc with the Asian currency crisis over the past twelve months.
  • 法官的私人房间
    A judge's private chamber.
  • 使备有房间
    To furnish with a chamber.
  • 有通道保险装置的房
    The chamber formed by a canal lock.
  • 小房,私室小的私人房,如学习或祈祷用
    A small private chamber, as for study or prayer.
  • 我服从了,就离开了这卧室。
    I obeyed, so far as to quit the chamber;
  • 旋壳乌贼属的热带小型头足类动物,眼睛突出,臂短,多个隔的壳卷成扁平的螺旋状。
    a small tropical cephalopod of the genus Spirula having prominent eyes and short arms and a many-chambered shell coiled in a flat spiral.
  • 女服务员还没有打扫房
    The chambermaid have not dust the room.
  • 女服务员还没有打扫房
    The chambermaid has not dust the room.
  • 女服务员正在房里整理什物和文件。
    In his chamber, the chambermaid was setting things and papers to rights.
  • 双房的分为或包含两个房
    Divided into or containing two chambers.
  • 心脏各室的被动有节律的膨胀或扩张,在此期为血液所充满。
    the widening of the chambers of the heart between two contractions when the chambers fill with blood.
  • (生物学)分为、包含两个细胞或房
    (biology) divided into or containing two cells or chambers.
  • 屋子的地上都铺了红砖,每星期洗一次,床的前面都铺着麦秸席。
    The chambers were paved in red bricks, which were washed every week, with straw mats in front of all the beds.
  • 近九点钟时,两位妇女退到楼上自己的房去,让他独自留在楼下,直到天明。
    Toward nine o'clock in the evening the two women retired and betook themselves to their chambers on the first floor, leaving him alone until morning on the ground floor.
  • 其中一切都具有豪华的气派,主教的私邸,大小客厅,各种房,相当宽敞的院子,具有佛罗伦萨古代风格的穹窿的回廊,树木苍翠的园子。
    Everything about it had a grand air,--the apartments of the Bishop, the drawing-rooms, the chambers, the principal courtyard, which was very large, with walks encircling it under arcades in the old Florentine fashion, and gardens planted with magnificent trees.
  • 窃贼把房弄得乱七八糟。
    The burglars left the house in chaos.
  • 它在很长的一段时内将仍是一个主要的问题,内部网要花很多年才能从混乱中脱颖而出。
    It will remain a major problem for a very long time, and intranets will take many years to emerge from the chaos.
  • 这样一环套一环,不久,在富人和穷人之就有了一条可怕的鸿沟,混乱就会爆发。
    Soon, there will be such a horrifying gap between the rich and the poor that chaos will break out and another great civilization will collapse.