  • 我肯定巴巴拉很快会发生什么可怕的事情,但我不清什么原因,我只是有一种直觉。
    I am certain that something terrible will happen to Barbara very soon. I can't explain why, I just feel it in my bones.
  • 对了,是在1992年巴塞罗那奥运会上。
    That's right. At the Barcelona Olympics in 1992.
  • 钱红21岁了,她的教练冯小东对于一个游泳运动员来,21岁是个不算小的年龄,由于身体又不好,两者凑在一块,所以钱红能夺得巴塞罗奥运会金牌实属不易。
    Qian Hong is 21. her coach Feng Xiaodong said 21 is an age not young for a swimmer. Coupled with poor health, she has paid a high price to win in Barcelona.
  • 很难说。
    It's bard to say.
  • 奥西恩传中公元3世纪盖尔族的英雄和吟游诗人
    A legendary Gaelic hero and bard of the third century a.d.
  • 纽约州哈得孙河畔安嫩代尔市巴德学院的院长列昂·博茨泰因是最有名的鼓吹废除高中的人士。他:"这是过时的做法,是与他们的实际生活不相称的.
    "This is way out of date and incongruous with their real lives," says Leon Botstein, president of Bard College in Annandale-on-Hudson, N.Y, the best-known advocate of abolishing high school.
  • 对我来,只要一句话就行了。
    A bare word will be enough for me.
  • 她只凭词就听信任何人。
    She believes any man on his bare word.
  • 她很激动连话都快不出来了。
    She is so excited that she can barely speak.
  • 米勒先生德士古一直“本着诚意谈判”,并声言是宾州石油公司拒绝商谈和解。
    Mr. Miller said Texaco had been "bargaining in good faith" and asserted that it was Pennzoil that had refused to negotiate a settlement.
  • [谚]尽管狗群乱吠,旅行队照常前进;者自,做者自做。
    The dogs bark, but the caravan goes on.
  • 集市上那个喊叫着招揽生意的人真能,让我们买了很多我们其实并不想要东西。
    That barker at the fair was o persuasive that we were roped into buying a lot of things we didn't really want.
  • 酒吧侍者斯特凡尼亚·祖科蒂介绍:"我们所追求的是一种建立在气味本身基础上的香水文化,而不考虑香水的牌子或销售等。"
    "We're trying to promote a kind of perfume culture that is founded more on smells than on brand names and marketing," the barmaid, Stefania Zuccotti explains.
  • 他对酒吧服务员:“来杯苏格兰威士忌加冰块”。
    "A Scotch on the rocks please," he said to the barman.
  • 我对妻子了一声后就跑向牲口棚去拿锄头。
    Then I head ed for the barn to get a hoe.
  • 昨天熟悉情况的人士,声誉卓著的史密斯·巴尼股票公司里三名职员被解雇,另一名在潘恩·韦伯公司里的职员负债超过三十万,皆因华尔街非法集体豪赌所致。
    Three staffers at the prestigious Smith Barney brokerage got the ax, and another at Paine Webber is more than $300,000 in hock because of an illegal highstakes gambling pool on Wall Street, sources familiar with the situation said yesterday.
  • 杰夫:他为恢复奥运会做出了杰出贡献,还发表过“复兴奥林匹克”的演呢。
    Jeff: Mr. Baron de Coubertin made a great contribution to the re- storing of the Olympic games. He once made a speech on the renais-sance of the Olympics.
  • 杰夫:起冬季奥运会,还要提到顾拜旦,他很早就想单独举办冬季奥运会,但未能如愿。
    Jeff: When we talk about the Winter Olympic Games, we must mention Mr. Baron de Coubertin. Long ago he thought of holding the Winter Olympics separately. Unfortunately, he failed to realize his wishes.
  • 从男爵:“我真想和你一道去伦敦。”
    “I have a good mind to go to London with you.” said the baronet.
  • 一般不“sir福特”,或“madam史密斯”。只有在英国才把“sir”用于称呼“骑士”或“爵士”,比如“约翰爵士”(sir约翰),而他的妻子则称为“史密斯贵妇”(lady史密斯)。
    Don't say "Sir Ford", "Madam Smith" except when "sir" is used as the title of a knight or baronet in England, e.g. Sir John. His wife is addressed as Dame of Lady Smith.
  • 哈里喜欢夸口他在战争中的英勇行为,但有一次我碰巧得知,他在军队的整个服役期间只不过是个科切斯特营房中的一个仓库管理员。
    Harry is fond of shooting his mouth off about his daring exploits in action during the last war, but I happen to know he was a storeman at Colchester barracks for the whole of his time in the army.
  • 电视台遭到一连串的抱怨,电视连续剧中的暴力内容太多。
    The TV station has received a barrage of complaints about the amount of violence in the series.
  • 面对我的责骂,他也回了我一通并气呼呼地一转身冲出家门,:"你真是疯了,我要去图书馆找个和平与宁静的地方。
    He gave a barrage back and stormed out of the house, saying," You're a crazy woman. I'm going to the library for some peace and quiet."
  • 继续往深处挖掘,我想起了训练小狗保持卫生习惯的事儿。就在埃德下班回家前小狗已在沙发椅里撒了尿,于是待他一回家,我便给了他一顿连珠炮般地责骂,我是如何如何地讨厌那条该死的狗。
    Digging deeper, I recalled when we were housebreaking a puppy, and just before Ed got home from work, the pup relieved herself on the couch. As Ed walked in, he got a barrage from me about how I hated his darn dog.
  • 上课时间禁止说话。
    All talking is barred during a classes.
  • 农夫对他的儿子,耕种那块沙质不毛之地不合算。
    The farmer said to his son, that it would not quit cost to cultivate that sandy, barren lot.
  • 他的话方式很唐突。
    his manner of speaking was quite abrupt; her speech was barren of southernisms; I detected a slight accent in his speech.
  • 可是那位经理却是含糊其辞,概括笼统,不搭边际的应付了一阵,很明显的,他是不愿意。华特用尽了办法,也无法使他多,这次谈话简短枯燥,得不到一点要领。
    The president was vague, general, nebulous. He didn’t want to talk, and apparently nothing could persuade him to talk. The interview was brief and barren.
  • 参议院领袖们,除非最后时刻发生变故,明晚美苏条约将作最后表决。
    The Senate leaders said that barring any last-minute hitches, a final vote on the U. S. –Soviet pact would come tomorrow night.
  • 警方,如果他们第二次抓住马里没有交纳牌照税,他们将会让他不好过的。
    The police say they'll make it really hot for Barry if they catch him a second time driving his car without tax.
  • 查尔斯刚开口对巴里怎样踢球,巴里就生气地:“住嘴!”
    Charles began to tell Barry how to kick the ball, and Barry said angrily, "Keep you mouth shut!"
  • blackvoices.com网站的巴里·库伯,“在虚拟环境中,最难的问题就是确定伙伴的真正意图。”
    “ The biggest problem you have in a virtual environment is determining the true intent of your mate,” says Barry Cooper of BlackVoices.com.