  • 任何紫罗兰属饰用花色品种。
    any of various ornamental flowering plants of the genus Malcolmia.
  • 大牌服设计师为航空公司设计制服已经不是第一次了。
    It's not the first time big-name designers have flown their fashions.
  • 用于冲洗厕所的满水的容器。
    holds the water used to flush a toilet.
  • 冲水阀一种冲洗抽水马桶或便池用的阀门,是一种使用供水系统的压力而非利用重力冲洗马桶的备,为了比传统冲水马桶节水而设计
    A device for flushing toilets and urinals that utilizes pressure from the water supply system rather than the force of gravity to discharge water into the bowl, designed to use less water than conventional flush toilets.
  • 膨胀的聚苯乙烯象白色硬泡沫,用于包或绝缘。
    expanded polystyrene looks like a rigid white foam and is used as packing or insulation.
  • "他由于服奇特,一走进办公室便成了大家注意的中心。"
    "Because of his strange clothes, he immediately became the focus of attention when he entered the office."
  • 我的照相机上的调焦置有毛病.
    The focus on my camera isn't working properly.
  • 只有这样做,才能真正地巩固国内和平,停止国内的武敌对,增强国内的团结,以便举国一致抗御外敌。
    Only thus can internal peace be truly consolidated, internal armed hostilities ended and internal unity strengthened, enabling the whole nation to unite and resist the foreign foe.
  • 香烟用锡纸包可以保鲜。
    Cigarettes are wrapped in foil to keep them fresh.
  • 护手钝头剑、剑或刀上的保护手的
    A device on a foil, sword, or knife that protects the hand.
  • 塑胶封袋用来冰冻或蒸干食物的密封的塑料或箔制容器
    A sealed plastic or foil container used in packaging frozen or dehydrated food.
  • 他把信折起来,以便可以到袋里。
    She folded the letter so that it would fit into her bag.
  • 那家服店已经停业了。
    The dress shop just folded up.
  • 这些毯子被叠起来入箱内。
    The blankets were folded up and packed in boxes.
  • 对摺式火柴纸板有安全火柴并且沿底部有可擦着表层的小薄纸板夹
    A small cardboard folder containing safety matches and having a striking surface along the bottom.
  • 我们的折叠椅安得不够,还需要一些。
    We have not set up enough folding chairs; we need a number more.
  • 一根环形的树叶带子或者用来饰的花。
    a circular band of foliage or flowers for ornamental purposes.
  • 穿农民服的民族舞演员
    Folk dancers in peasant dress.
  • 丰饶之角哺乳了宙斯的山羊的角,后来脱落并满了水果。在神话中,它满其主人希望得到的任何东西
    The horn of the goat that suckled Zeus, which broke off and became filled with fruit. In folklore, it became full of whatever its owner desired.
  • 吃药时请按照包上的说明去服用。
    Please follow the instructions on the packet when you take the drug.
  • 他的追随者们随时准备响应他的号召,进行武起义。
    His followers were ready at his whistle to rise in arms.
  • 他们把冰箱里满了冰冻食品。
    They stocked the freezer with frozen foods.
  • 食品被深加工和包的地方。
    a place where foodstuffs are processed and packed.
  • 别装糊涂。
    Don't play the fool.
  • 杰夫:尽管如此,还留下了不少遗憾,比如街头的塑料包、含氟冰箱、禁烟等问题打了折扣。
    Jeff: Even so, there was still much pity to be left. For instance,the plastic bags, refrigerators containing fluorine, and forbidding smoking etc.
  • 杰夫:尽管如此,还留下了不少遗憾,比如街头的塑料包、含氟冰箱、禁烟等问题打了折扣。
    Jeff: Even so, there was still much pity to be left. For instance, the plastic bags, refrigerators containing fluorine, and forbidding smoking etc.
  • 空军是武部队的一种。
    The air force is one of the armed forces.
  • 一个临时的武力量。
    a temporary police force.
  • 武装力量动员
    mobilization of armed forces
  • 装甲兵战术
    tactics for armoured forces
  • 三、武装力量
    III. The Armed Forces
  • 部队为我们增了光。
    Our armed forces do us credit.