  • 事实上,在国士兵到达海湾地区之后,装备短缺就一直困扰着他们。
    Equipment shortages have affected British forces since their arrival in the Gulf.
  • 这炮的射程为五英里.
    The gun has a range of five miles.
  • 这支枪的射程是两里。
    This gun ranges over two miles.
  • 他是国海军的一名炮手。
    He is a gunner of the British navy.
  • 女孩子们总是过分热心讨论俊的电影明星。
    Girls are always gushing over handsome film stars.
  • 我有必要为每周12镑去拼命干吗?
    Why should I sweat my guts out for twelve pounds a week?
  • 我不想为每周12镑的工钱拼死拼活地干。
    I'm not going to sweat my guts out for twelve pounds a week.
  • 我可不打算为一周仅25镑而拼命干。
    I'm not going to sweat my guts out for only £25 a week.
  • 讲一口腔调浓厚的语,例如音调抑扬夸张或喉音过重,都难以把意思向人表达清楚。
    Heavily-accented English which is strangely musical or guttural is unlikely to cut through boundaries so neatly.
  • 乔治敦圭亚那的首都及最大城市,位于该国的北部,临大西洋。由国人于1781年建立,在荷兰人统治期间叫作斯塔布鲁克,后于1812年易名乔治敦。人口78,500
    The capital and largest city of Guyana, in the northern part of the country on the Atlantic Ocean. Founded by the British in1781, it was called Stabroek while it was controlled by the Dutch and was renamed Georgetown in1812. Population,78, 500.
  • 他们离体育馆还有6里。
    They are still six miles away from the gymnasium.
  • 在这一地方的十里的周围内杳无人烟。
    In this place ten miles around there is no signs of human habitation.
  •  而在伦敦哈克尼社区大学教授水管维修课程的肯·丹尼尔斯则说:"最顶尖的水管工人年收入能达到15万镑。
    But Ken Daniels who teaches plumbing at London's Hackney Community College,said:"Plumbers at the very top end are earning around £150,000a year.
  • 而在伦敦哈克尼社区大学教授水管维修课程的肯·丹尼尔斯则说:"最顶尖的水管工人年收入能达到15万镑。
    But Ken Daniels who teaches plumbing at London's Hackney Community College, said: "Plumbers at the very top end are earning around £150,000 a year.
  • 埃里伯斯山南极洲罗斯岛上的火山,海拔3796。6米(12448尺)
    The dark region of the underworld through which the dead must pass before they reach Hades.
  • 她是英法混血儿。
    She's half French and half English.
  • 他想跑12里,但是跑了一半就只得放弃了。
    He tried to run twelve miles, but had to give up halfway.
  • 事件发生在1912年4月15日凌晨,加拿大哈利法克斯以东700里的地方。
    It was early morning, April 15, 1912, 700 miles east of Halifax, Canada.
  • 达特默思加拿大新斯科舍省南部一城市,位于哈利法克斯对面大西洋的一海湾。于18世纪50年代由国人建立。人口62,277
    A city of southern Nova Scotia, Canada, on an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean opposite Halifax. It was founded by the British in the1750's. Population,62, 277.
  • 我们极为尊敬的战斗
    Our hallowed war heroes.
  • 他们走了20里后,决定停止前进。
    After they had walked 20 miles, they decided to call a halt.
  • 火车缓慢地停下来时离损坏了的公共汽车只有几寸的距离。
    The train ground to a halt only inches from the damaged bus.
  • 当我“坦白”的说出自己的父母不会讲文,或者讲起文来结结巴巴的,总觉得很不好意思。
    I always felt embarrassed when I “confessed” that my parents spoke no, or at best, halting English.
  • 汉堡市的纳粹市长曾误以为他是国将军而向他投降。
    The Nazi mayor of Hamburg surrendered to him,believing him to be a British general.
  • 科普利,约翰·辛格尔顿1738-1815美国画家,亲而反对美国独立,在美国独立革命逼近时离开美国前往国,在此之前曾为约翰·汉考克及保罗·里维尔画过肖像
    American Loyalist painter who did portraits of John Hancock and Paul Revere before departing for England when the American Revolution seemed imminent.
  • 国)一种类似手球的游戏;在一个前面和两边都有墙的场地进行。
    (British) a game resembling handball; played on a court with a front wall and two side walls.
  • 手球游戏源于格兰的几种手球中的一种,主要在国学校和大学校园里玩,仅接球一方能得分
    One of several forms of handball originating in England and played mainly at British schools and universities, in which only the receiving side can score points.
  • 《实用语语法手册》将分册出版。
    THE APPLIED HANDBOOK OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR will be published in numbers.
  • 语姓名知识手册》已经出版了吗?
    Has the book"A Handbook of English Name Reference" been off the press?
  • 语姓名知识手册》已经出版了吗?
    Has the book " A Handbook of English Name Reference " been off the press?
  • 在马拉松比赛中,跑出6里后,只有少数选手还在紧跟随着第一位选手。
    After six miles of their marathon race, only a handful of runners were keeping up with the leader.
  • 九十年代以来,西藏共有30多个歌舞团、艺术团、学术团赴美国、德国、法国、国、
    Since the early 1990s more than 30 Tibetan song and dance troupes, art ensembles and academic delegations have visited, given performances, engaged in academic exchanges, and held exhibitions on Tibetan historical relics, books, arts, costume and handicrafts in more than 30 countries and regions, including the United States, Germany, France, England, Italy and Austria.