  • 这儿我们要给您介绍的是一位够同时兼做两份ceo工作的才华出人。
    Here's a guy with enough savvy and brainpower to effectively hold down two CEO jobs at once--and do a pretty amazing job at both.
  • 如果您在寻找商业头脑和设计知识的精巧的结合,我的背景也许您有兴趣。
    If you've been looking for this rare combination of business savvy and design expertise, my background might interest you
  • 有头脑的雇员寻求支持、听取忠告,够取得他们单枪匹马无法取得的结果。
    Savvy employees who ask for assistance or advice can obtain results that they couldn't achieve on their own.
  • 索尼公司最近推出的小型便携式电脑——sr系列vaio笔记本电脑不仅机形薄,还具有智多媒体的功
    Sony's latest little laptops the SR series Vaio notebooks are as multimedia savvy as they are slim.
  • 成群游动的似鳗的非常小的银色鱼,在沙滩中打洞。
    very small silvery eellike schooling fishes that burrow into sandy beaches.
  • 组织才“办公室政治”已经声名狼藉。
    8. Organizational Savvy "Office politics" has got a bad name.
  • 北太平洋体表无磷的银色小鱼,在沙中打洞。
    either of two small silvery scaleless fishes of the north Pacific that burrow into sand.
  • 和您跳下一个舞吗?
    May I have the next dance?
  • 同构发生,同源发生源于同一祖先,可不同的器官或部分在结构上的相似
    Similarity of structure between organs or parts, possibly of dissimilar function, that are related by common descent.
  • 暴风眼中心欺骗性的平静;故意骗人的包装;令人误解的相似之处;统计数字可出现误导人的形式。
    the deceptive calm in the eye of the storm; deliberately deceptive packaging; a misleading similarity; statistics can be presented in ways that are misleading.
  • 由于格调、式样和气势相类似,各有一定数量的民房与上述每座独具特色的历史古迹紧密相联系。这些民房分散在不同的街区,但行家的目光还是一眼便可把它们区分开来,并确定其年代,只要善于识别,哪怕是一把敲门槌,也从中发现某个时代的精神和某个国王的面貌。
    To each of these characteristic monuments there is attached by a similarity of taste, fashion, and attitude, a certain number of houses scattered about in different quarters and which the eyes of the connoisseur easily distinguishes and furnishes with a date. When one knows how to look, one finds the spirit of a century, and the physiognomy of a king, even in the knocker on a door.
  • 类似心脏的结构无脊椎动物类似的功结构
    A similarly functioning structure in invertebrates.
  • 有钱能使鬼推磨。
    Money makes the mare go. Money talks.
  • 钱本身不给人以快乐。
    Money, qua money, cannot provide happiness.
  • 货币本身不满足任何需要。
    Money, as money, satisfies no want;
  • 同样,英国人谈话时声音很轻,并克制住自己,大声讲话被看作为缺乏教养。
    Similarly,conversation in Britain is general quiet and restrained.Loud speech is considered ill bred.
  • 同样地,中国将利用wto争端解决机制来保护自己的贸易利益。
    Similarly, it will be able to defend its trade interests using the WTO dispute-settlement system.
  • 被……得到;让遇到;为……力所
    Fall in one's way
  • 添加双向消息处理功
    Adding 2-Way Messaging Capabilities
  • 西蒙总是吹嘘自己在高尔夫球场上的杰出才
    Simon's always talking big about his prowess on the golf course.
  • 给我们建议一个好办法,让我们请大家送钱给我们,然后让我们在回到大陆时再购买礼物?
    Can you suggest a good way for us to ask people to send us the money, and let us buy the gift when we get to the mainland?
  • 西蒙各处兜了一下,看看他的建议够得到一些什么支持。
    Simon was shopping around to see what support he could get for his proposals.
  • 我发觉我们的新邻居在各方面都共处。
    I find our new neighbor simpatico in every respect.
  • 通过水解产生其他糖的单糖(如蔗糖或果糖),是碳水化合物最小的基。
    a simple sugar (like sucrose or fructose) that does not hydrolyse to give other sugars; the simplest group of carbohydrates.
  • 鱼精中发现的一种简单蛋白质,富含精氨酸,其成分比球蛋白或白蛋白简单,抵消肝磷脂的抗凝作用。
    a simple protein found in fish sperm; rich in arginine; simpler in composition than globulin or albumin; counteracts the anticoagulant effect of heparin.
  • 我们不能后退。
    We cannot turn back.
  • 用更简单的英语说吗?
    Can you put it in simpler English?
  • 够被减小或者简化。
    incapable of being made smaller or simpler.
  • 是否简陋一点也指挥生产呢?
    Can they not direct production under simpler conditions?
  • 伴随着量释放复杂物质分解为简单物质的过程。
    breakdown of more complex substances into simpler ones with release of energy.
  • 分解代谢复杂分子转变为简单分子的新陈代谢的分解作用,常引起量释放
    The metabolic breakdown of complex molecules into simpler ones, often resulting in a release of energy.
  • 给手推车加点油,这样它就自由运转了。
    Oil the trolley, and then it will turn more freely.