  • 从这里到那个村庄有多远?直线距离大1英里,但是划船沿河而上有3英里,而走陆路则为7英里。
    How far is it from here to the village? About a mile as the crow flies, but three miles up river by boat and seven miles round by road.
  • 大约一英里远。
    It's about a mile away.
  • 大约半英里远。
    It's about half a mile away.
  • 大都市覆盖面积达200平方英里。
    Metropolitan new york cover 200 square mile.
  • 大约半英里远。
    It 's about half a mile away.
  • 地球的圆周长为25000.
    The circumference of the earth is almost 25000 miles/The earth is almost 25000 miles in circumference.
  • 她开车行驶了大十英里。
    She drove for about ten miles.
  • 无独有偶,据《纽时报》7月21日自东京报道,日本的不少军国主义组织暗地里赞同九一一恐怖袭击事件,并支持巴勒斯坦人对犹太人的自杀性攻击。
    A similar phenomenon can be seen elsewhere. According to a New York Times dispatch from Tokyo on July 21, quite a few militarist organisations in Japan quietly approve of the September 11 terrorist attacks and support the Palestinian suicidal assaults against Jews.
  • 对那个问题进行表决时,米勒跟马勒相不参加投票。
    In the vote on that question Miller paired off with Muller.
  • 仍在奥马哈海滩,翰·米勒上尉(汤姆·汉克斯饰)接受另一项任务。
    Still reeling from Omaha Beach, Captain John Miller (Tom Hanks) is given another assignment.
  • ?带在手腕上的重2.3千克声控武器箱,装备有射程为300米的4.6毫米子弹和4个射程为1000米的15毫米火箭弹发射管。
    A wrist- mounted weapons pod, weighing about 5 puonds, that fires on voice command 4.6- millimeter bullets up to 300 meters, and four tubes containing 15- millimeter projectiles with a range of 1,000 meters.
  • 为尽量减少漏水及流失食水,当局现正计划在20年内分阶段更换3050公里的水管。
    To minimise leakage and unaccounted-for water, a 20-year programme for the replacement of some 3050 kilometres of watermains was under planning.
  • 我父亲是在纽州北部,而母亲是在明尼苏达州北部长大的。
    My father grew up in northern New York State. My mother grew up in northern Minnesota.
  • 你去过克大教堂吗?
    Have you been to the York Minster?
  • 担保承担债务,违或计划失败的责任
    To assume responsibility for the debt, default, or miscarriage of.
  • 翰对他的职责的看法不正确。
    John misconceived of his duty.
  • 会的那个美国人竟如此吝啬,晚上会结束时他都会在纸巾背面计算我用了他多少钱,细到一个美分都不放过。
    I dated this one American guy who was so miserly that at the end of the evening he would tot up on the back of his napkin what I owed him down to the last cent.
  • 上的措辞如此清楚明了因而没人可能误解它的意思
    The wording of the lease is so clear-cut that no one could possibly misinterpret its meaning.
  • 可悲的是,“简单就是美”的规则在第一次会着装时经常被错误理解--许多女人穿着暴露,以为这样可以吸引男方更多的注意。
    Sadly, the " less is more" rule is often misinterpreted when it comes to dressing for a first date -- many women wear less thinking that they can get more attention from a guy.
  • 因为在这个教育制度下,这些前30%的优秀学生如果不能精通也应能掌握好英文的,何况有10%的学生还掌握第三种语言呢!
    To call them the "Chinese elite" is misleading because even if this top 30 per cent cannot master English, they are at least good in it. Moreover, about 10 per cent of the students are even taking up a third language.
  • 贸易世纪的缺乏领导的或被误导的混乱-翰·梅斯菲尔德。
    the unled or misled welter of a commercial century- John Masefield.
  • 你对翰的信任是不值得的,他一有机会就会骗你。
    You trust in John is misplaced, he'll deceive you if he gets the chance.
  • 翰·里弗斯要求简做他的妻子,与他同去印度,他打算在那里当个传教士。
    St. John Rivers asks Jane to be his wife and to go with him to India where he plans to become a missionary.
  • (旧全书)参孙的情妇,通过砍掉他的头发而背叛了他。
    (Old Testament) Samson's Philistine mistress who betrayed him by cutting off his hair.
  • 影子摇了摇模糊不清的头,说道:"你的三个愿望是什么,老翰?
    The figure just shook its misty head. "What are your three wishes, Old John?
  • 歌手及词作者尼·米歇尔说得好,她在几年前写的歌词中说:
    The singer and songwriter Joni Mitchell had it right, when she wrote years ago:
  • “我也要去,”翰喊道,“我马上就下楼来。”
    "Don't go without me" John called. "I'll be downstairs in half a mo".
  • 为谋杀此盗匪而定约
    Put out a contract on the mobster's life.
  • 行为模式固定的或定的政策或行为方式
    A fixed or predetermined policy or mode of action.
  • 主要为了束采取不正当手段的运动员。
    The first five modem Olympics did not perform the "vow ceremony".
  • 港元广义货币的增长由二零零一年上半年的5%,下降至十二月时1%。
    Growth of Hong Kong dollar broad money moderated to around 1 per cent in December 2001, from around 5 per cent in the first half.
  • 海事处于一九九六年展开了为期3年的计划,将船队现代化,并除现有7艘船只外购置6艘新的专用船只,以及按合方式合共租用58艘船只,加强垃圾收集服务。
    In 1996, the Marine Department began a three-year programme to modernise its refuse collection and scavenging fleet. Six new specialised vessels will be added to the existing fleet of seven, and a total of 58 contract vessels hired to strengthen the refuse collection service.