  • 她戴一顶紫色遮阳帽,漂亮极了。
    In a lilac sun bonnet she was it.
  • 一种遮脸的大帽子;通常是女童和妇女戴这种帽子。
    a large bonnet that shades the face; worn by girls and women.
  • 在他告诉了约瑟夫这一天要作些什么之后,他转过身来对辛德雷、凯蒂和我——因为我正在跟他们一块儿吃粥——,他对他的儿子说:“喂,我的漂亮人儿,我今天要去利物浦啦。我给你带个什么回来呢?
    and after he had told Joseph what was to be done during the day, he turned to Hindley, and Cathy, and me--for I sat eating my porridge with them--and he said, speaking to his son, `Now my bonny man, I'm going to Liverpool today, what shall I bring you?
  • 我们是要把书柜靠墙吗?
    Shall we put the bookcase against the wall?
  • 我要是你的话,我就留那只旧书橱,说不定它会很有用哩。
    I'd hang on to that old bookcase if I were you; it might prove very useful.
  • 她正忙为离去的人们进行登记。
    She is busy booking people out.
  • 一个好学的农夫,他口袋里总是装一本书;安静好学的孩子。
    a bookish farmer who always had a book in his pocket; a quiet studious child.
  • 这当儿,大学城宣过誓的书商安德里·缪斯尼埃老公欠身,贴王室皮货商吉尔·勒科尼老公的耳朵悄悄说:
    Meanwhile the bookseller of the University, Matre Andry Musnier, leaned over and whispered to the Court furrier, Matre Gilles Lecornu:
  • 书店前可以看到了一大群人等买那本书。
    Crowds of people were seen waiting outside the bookshop wanting to buy the Book.
  • 有一些人在书店翻阅书。
    A few of people were browsing in the bookstore.
  • 我们倒也很小心看守——可是他一走出法庭,就溜之大吉了。
    We kept a good look out, too-but he topped his boom directly he was outside the court.
  • 闪电而来的响声,在远处听,常是隆隆滚动声,这是由放电通路上空气的突然膨胀所至。
    a booming or crashing noise caused by air expanding along the path of a bolt of lightning.
  • 奖励机制推动生产的发展。
    Incentive scheme is boosting production.
  • 的电话亭;空闲时间。
    an unoccupied telephone booth; unoccupied hours.
  • 去柜台换钱时,对里面的伙计,我脸上也带笑容。
    I smile at the cashier in the subway booth when I ask for change.
  • 我们拐进了一家路边小店,接上次的话题聊了起来。
    We slid into a booth and our conversation picked up where it left off before.
  • 舞台前面的向上突起的供提词员坐的地方;正好冲舞台上的表演者。
    a booth projecting above the floor in the front of a stage where the prompter sits; opens toward the performers on stage.
  • 那时他正穿笨重的靴子走来走去。
    He was clumping about in heavy boots that time.
  • 小孩穿紧绷的靴子很难受。
    The child was uncomfortable in his tight boots.
  • 使劲拖着靴子
    Tugged at her boots.
  • 他们捣毁了敌人的营地,带大批战利品跑掉了。
    They destroyed the enemy camp and made off with a huge booty.
  • (英国)沿公路的一片草地的边缘。
    (British) a grass border along a road.
  • 经过或绕过;沿边界走。
    pass around or about; move along the border.
  • 土垄围绕灌溉畦田的小埂或隆起的地带
    A small ridge or raised area bordering an irrigated field.
  • 江苏中国东部省,毗连黄河。人口稠密,工业发达,在18世纪它成为一个独立的省份。南京是它的首府。人口62,130,000
    A province of eastern China bordering on the Yellow Sea. Densely populated and highly industrialized, it became a separate province in the18th century. Nanjing is the capital. Population,62, 130, 000.
  • 这士兵以巨大的勇气忍受伤口的剧烈疼痛。
    The soldier bore the sharp pain in the wound with great courage.
  • 她忍受吵闹的孩子们。
    She bore with her noisy children.
  • 担负着繁重的家务事
    Bore the brunt of the household chores.
  • 他受冷遇,对此他悻悻不乐地忍受
    He bore it hard to be ignored.
  • 他们很多人拿标语牌和图表。
    Many of them bore posters and charts.
  • 她暗恋着他。
    She bore a secret love for him.
  • 她以巨大的勇气忍受痛苦。
    She bore the pain with great courage.