  • 我又一次被空虚和孤独深深地刺痛,然后,就在我的手指触到键盘,就在我准备关掉电脑的时候,玛葛的最后一信息出现了,上面写着,“代我向爸爸说晚安。”
    I felt again the sharp ache of emptiness and otherness. Then, just as my fingers reached for the keys, just as I was about to return the screen to black, Margo's final message appeared. It read, "Tell Dad good night for me too."
  • 这条河流入南海。
    This river empties into the South Sea.
  • 北美的河流;发源于加拿大西南,向南流经华盛顿,形成了华盛顿和俄勒冈州的边界,最后汇入太平洋;由于这里春季的鲑鱼鱼汛而闻名。
    a North American river; rises in southwestern Canada and flows southward across Washington to form the border between Washington and Oregon before emptying into the Pacific; known for its salmon runs in the spring.
  • 在我看来,您的信是相当不切实际的。
    En my opinion, your belief' re quite unreasonable.
  •  ——民族自治地方的人民代表大会有权依照当地政治、经济和文化的特点,制定自治例和单行例。
    The people's congresses of the autonomous areas have the right to enact regulations on the exercise of autonomy and separate regulations in light of local political, economic and cultural characteristics.
  •    第一百一十六民族自治地方的人民代表大会有权依照当地民族的政治、经济和文化的特点,制定自治例和单行例。
    Article 116. People's congresses of national autonomous areas have the power to enact autonomy regulations and specific regulations in the light of the political, economic and cultural characteristics of the nationality or nationalities in the areas concerned.
  •  第三十三 证券交易所、证券登记结算机构可以根据情况,对合格投资者境内证券投资制定相应的业务规则或者对原有业务规则进行修订,报中国证监会批准后施行。
    Article 33. Stock exchanges and securities registration and settlement institutions may enact new operation rules or revise previous operation rules on QFII's domestic securities investments, the implementation of which will be effective upon approval of the CSRC.
  • 自《防止盗用版权例》于一九九八年五月制定后,光碟制造商必须向海关关长申领制造光碟牌照。
    Following the enactment of the Prevention of Copyright Piracy Ordinance in May 1998, optical disc manufacturers are required to take out a licence from the Commissioner of Customs and Excise.
  • 各位议员当选成为临时立法会议员的时候,在非常艰难的工作环境和件下,开展临时立法会的各项准备工作和香港特别行政区的立法工作,在精神上更面临着很大的压力。
    Upon being selected as PLC members, you set out with the painstaking groundwork of the PLC and the work of law enactment for the HKSAR under trying circumstances and tremendous pressure.
  • 《1992年外汇基金(修订)例》通过扩大外汇基金的功能,赋予基金另一项任务,就是维持货币金融体系稳定健全,藉以保持本港的国际金融中心地位。
    Its functions were extended on the enactment of the Exchange Fund (Amendment) Ordinance 1992 by introducing a secondary role of maintaining the stability and integrity of the monetary and financial systems, with a view to maintaining Hong Kong as an international financial centre.
  • 为纪念《古物及古迹例》制定和古物谘询委员会成立二十周年,古物古迹办事处与该委员会及奕信勋爵文物信讬合办文物年计划,所需经费大部分由该信讬拨款赞助。
    To mark the 20th anniversary of the enactment of the Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance and the establishment of the Antiquities Advisory Board, the AMO organised the Year of Heritage project jointly with the Board and the Lord Wilson Heritage Trust. The latter sponsored most of the funding.
  • 彩色区域由细金属隔开的搪瓷器。
    enamelware in which colored areas are separated by thin metal strips.
  • 据一项对全世界范围内的大型信息系统机构的调查表明,用户已经很快迷恋上内部基于web的应用程序,因为这些程序容易使用、容易编制、成本有效、立竿见影以及没有附带件。
    According to a worldwide survey of large IS organizations, users have quickly become enamored with internal Web-based applications because they are easy to use, easy to build, cost-effective, and immediate, and don't have strings attached.
  • 划一条线包围;围绕
    To draw a line around; encircle.
  • 这些问题是:几种根据地,游击区和根据地,建立根据地的件,根据地的巩固和发展,敌我之间的几种包围。
    These problems are the types of base areas, the guerrilla zones and the base areas, the conditions for establishing base areas, their consolidation and expansion, and the forms in which we and the enemy encircle one another.
  • 但是毛泽东同志根据中国的具体件指明了革命的具体道路,在军阀割据的时候,在敌人控制薄弱的地区,领导人民建立革命根据地,用农村包围城市,最后夺取了政权。
    Nonetheless, Comrade Mao Zedong pointed it out as the specific road for the revolution in China's concrete conditions.At a time when the country was split up into separatist warlord domains, he led the people in the fight to establish revolutionary bases in areas where the enemy's control was weak, to encircle the cities from the countryside and ultimately to seize political power.
  • 计算机必须决定棋手可以将“马”放在棋盘的哪些位置上才能使这些"马"无法相互攻击。科学家让每一rna分子链代表一种可能出现的“马”在棋盘上的布局。
    " The computer must determine in which positions a chess player can place the knights on the board so that none can attack another The scientists encoded each stfand of RNA to represent a p0ssible confguration of knights.
  • 在社会主义市场经济件下,政府职能主要是经济调节、市场监管、社会管理和公共服务。
    In a socialist market economy, the government's responsibilities should mainly encompass economic regulation, market oversight, social governance and public service.
  • 第十七 国家鼓励驯养繁殖野生动物。
    Article 17 The state shall encourage the domestication and breeding of wildlife.
  • 第二十八 国家保护水工程及堤防、护岸等有关设施,保护防汛设施、水文监测设施、水文地质监测设施和导航、助航设施,任何单位和个人不得侵占、毁坏。
    Article 28: The State shall protect water projects and related facilities such as dikes, bank revetments, etc. flood prevention facilities, hydrologic monitoring facilities, hydrologic monitoring facilities, navigation aids and navigation facilities. Neither unit nor individual shall encroach upon or damage these facilities.
  • 要求废除一切不平等
    demand an end to all unequal treaties
  • 第三十四 各级人民政府和农业生产经营组织应当建立和健全农药、兽药、农业机械等可能危害人畜安全的农业生产资料的安全使用制度,教育农业劳动者安全生产。
    Article 34 People's governments at various levels and agricultural production and operation organizations shall establish and improve the safe-use system of agricultural means of production such as pesticides, veterinary drugs and agricultural machinery which may endanger the safety of persons or livestock, and shall educate agricultural labourers to ensure safety in production.
  • 第四十一 在煤矿井下作业中,出现危及职工生命安全并无法排除的紧急情况时,作业现场负责人或者安全管理人员应当立即组织职工撤离危险现场,并及时报告有关方面负责人。
    Article 41 When an irresistible emergency occurs which may endanger the lives and safety of the miners who are working underground in coal mines, the person in charge on the spot or other persons in charge of safety shall immediately help the miners to leave the dangerous site and report the matter to the leading members concerned without delay.
  • 亚洲森林中大型的猫科动物,棕色皮毛上带有黑色纹;濒临绝种。
    large feline of forests in most of Asia having a tawny coat with black stripes; endangered.
  • 在本港进口、出口或管有濒危动植物种,均受《动植物(濒危物种保护)例》所规管。该例旨在执行《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》的规定。
    Imports, exports and possession of endangered species are regulated by the Animals and Plants (Protection of Endangered Species) Ordinance, which implements the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).
  • 路还没有开出来,各行各业,包括企业,都要解决这个问题。
    We have to find ways to provide such opportunities. People in all fields of endeavour, including those in enterprises, should try to solve this problem.
  • 第九 国家鼓励草原畜牧业科学研究,提高草原畜牧业的科学技术水平。
    Article 9. The state shall encourage scientific research in animal husbandry on the grasslands in order to raise the scientific and technological level in this field of endeavour.
  • 第十四 地方各级人民政府应当采取措施,防治草原地区牲畜疫病和人畜共患疾病。
    Article 14. The local people's governments at various levels shall take measures to prevent and treat endemic diseases among livestock and diseases contracted commonly by both human beings and livestock in grassland areas.
  •  ——民族自治地方的自治机关自主地决定本地区的医疗卫生事业发展规划,发展现代医药和民族传统医药,加强地方病防治和妇幼卫生保健,改善卫生件,使少数民族的健康水平得到提高(见表二)。
    Organs of self-government of autonomous areas make their own decisions concerning medical and health work. Modern medicine and traditional ethnic minority medicine are promoted, prevention and cure of endemic diseases and maternal and child care have been improved, with the result that the health standards of the ethnic minorities across the country have markedly improved ( see Table 2).
  • 促成约的外交最后阶段
    The diplomatic endgame that led to the treaty.
  • 牌照以偶数结尾的汽车必须走这路。
    Cars with license plates ending in even numbers must go in this way.
  • 终止法律或条约
    Ending of a law or a treaty