  • 本镇三家银行合并组建一个大银行。
    The three banks in this town will consolidate and form a single large bank.
  • 联合国通过在筹备和举行选举方面提供技术援助,已帮助近80个国家巩固民主进程。
    By providing technical assistance in preparing and holding elections, the UN has helped nearly 80 nations to consolidate the democratic process.
  • 五个分公司合并为一个部门
    Consolidated five separate agencies into a single department.
  • 工农联盟在社会主义现代化建设的新的基础上更加巩固和发展。
    The worker-peasant alliance will be further consolidated and developed on the new basis of socialist modernization.
  • 抗日战争最后胜利的取得,是在工、农、兵、学、商的统一战线大大地巩固和发展的时候。
    Final victory in the War of Resistance will be won when this united front is greatly consolidated and developed.
  • 让我们在树液坚固成团之前之收集起来。
    Let's collect the sap before its consolidation into a hard mass.
  • 由建筑公司组成的集团建造该发电站.
    A consortium of construction companies will build the power-station.
  • 由建公司组成的集团建造该发电站.
    A consortium of construction companies will build the power station.
  • 尽管兰德韦伯对这种技术来可以达到100%准确率的能力持乐观态度,但是她与其他研究人员很快就指出,与传统运算方法相比,他们研究的课题还处于刚刚起步的阶段,而且对于许多应用领域来说,硅材料制成的微芯片总是会略胜一筹。生物分子运算研究协会会长、杜克大学计算机科学家约翰·赖夫指出:"硅运算技术不会退出历史舞台,硅运算技术的应用也一样。"生物计算机研究领域里的大多数研究人员都认为,他们真正需要的是一个特别适合dna运算技术解决问题方式的"非常能够说明问题"的应用领域。此类现实世界中的问题可能会涉及大量军事信息的加密,或者关系到硅运算技术和dna运算技术在某种程度上的结合。
    Although Landweber is optimistic about the ability of the technique to find the right answers with 100 percent accuracy in the future, she and other researchers are quick to point out that the field is in its infancy compared with conventional computing methods and that for many applications, siliconbased microchips will always be better."Silicon computing won't go away, and the applications that it's used for won't go away, " says John Reif, a compute scientist at Duke University and director of the Consortium of Biomolecular Computing. What's really needed, according to most researchers in the field, is a"killer" application particularly suited for the way DNA computing solves problems. Such real-world Problems might involve the encryption of large amounts of military information, or they might involve some combination of silicon and DNA computing.
  • 曾有一密谋要武器出口的消息封锁起来,但面这一秘密被新闻界发现并揭露了出来。
    There was a conspiracy to hide the truth about arms exports but now the newspapers have found out and blown the whole affair wide open.
  • 警官使车停住并司机扣留。
    The constable stop the car and arrest the driver.
  • 警官使车停住并司机扣留
    The constable stopped the car and arrested the driver
  • 拜占庭城在今土耳其伊斯坦布尔城址上的一座色雷斯古城。公元前7世纪时由希腊人所建。公元196年被罗马人强占。康斯坦丁一世于330年命令重建该城,并重新之命名为康斯坦丁堡
    An ancient city of Thrace on the site of present-day Istanbul, Turkey. It was founded by the Greeks in the seventh century b.c. and taken by the Romans in a.d.196. Constantine I ordered the rebuilding of the city in330 and renamed it Constantinople.
  • 有组织的研究工作的赞助力量扩大到国际规模,还有另外两个更为重要的原因。
    There are yet two other and more significant justifications for enlarging the constituency of organized research to an intemational dimension.
  • 立法会共设六十个议席,其中二十席以直接选举方式选出,三十席由功能组别选出,另外十席经由一个选举委员会选出。
    Of the total 60 seats together, 20 will be directly elected; 30 will come through a functional constituency arrangement and 10 through an Election Committee.
  • 熔合通过或似通过熔化(各成分)混合在一起;混合
    To mix(constituent elements) together by or as if by melting; blend.
  • 我们必须自己建成一个生机勃勃、忠心耿耿、顺应民意的反对党。
    We must constitute ourselves a vigorous, loyal and public-spirited opposition party.
  • 死国际象棋中的一着,攻击对手的国王使之无法逃脱或抵抗
    A move that constitutes an inescapable and indefensible attack on a chess opponent's king.
  • 倘若如此,议会不会对此设置障碍。
    If it is, there is no constitutional bar to joining.
  • 高级法院对这条新法规的合宪性作出裁决
    The high court will rule on the constitutionality of the new law.
  • 这一新的功能为uddi注册中心中的数据表达提供了全新的支持,使得uddi注册中心得以包含新的类别和标识符系统,同时这些类别和标识附属一个或多个商业实体。
    This new functionality provides a way to do innovative things with the data in a UDDI registry by making it possible to constrain the classifications and identifiers that can be attributed to one or more businesses.
  • 适合的各部分放在一起制造。
    construct by fitting or uniting parts together.
  • 我们建设更多的造纸厂。
    We will construct even more paper mill.
  • 如果他想要建立海市蜃楼,我们让他去为此而欢跃。
    We shall leave him to exult over any mare's nest which he may choose to construct.
  • 中国今后继续发挥独特的建设性作用。
    China will, as always, continue to play its unique and constructive role.
  • 答:中美共同致力于发展建设性合作关系。
    A: China and the United States will work together to build constructive and cooperative relations.
  • 加入世贸组织后,中国与包括欧盟在内的世贸组织各成员密切合作,发挥积极和建设性的作用,推动新的多边贸易谈判的进程。
    After entering the WTO, China will closely cooperate with all WTO members including the EU playing a positive and constructive role in promoting the new round of multilateral trade negotiations.
  • 我必须强调,这三位议员是协助我和行政会议在制订政策方面提供意见,他们以非正式的架构展开工作,与有关官员共同努力,以他们的经验、专长作深入研究。
    With close co-operation between these Members and Government officials, I am sure we will strike the right balance between continuing our well-tried policies and looking for constructive and innovative changes.
  • 如果是指向对象的一个句柄,则必须初始化那个句柄,用一种名为“构建器”(第4章会对此详述)的特殊函数其与一个实际对象连接起来(就象早先看到的那样,使用new关键字)。
    If it is a reference to an object, you must initialize that reference to connect it to an actual object (using new, as seen earlier) in a special function called a constructor (described fully in Chapter 4).
  • 明年要修建一条超级高速公路。
    A superhighway will be constructed next year.
  • 居住于香港以外地区的人士,应申请书递交到当地的中华人民共和国驻外使领馆,由其转交香港特别行政区审批并制备个人护照。
    Persons residing outside Hong Kong should submit their applications to the local Chinese diplomatic or consular mission for onward transmission to the HKSAR for approval and personalisation of passports.
  • 赵:我们给您寄去一整套的提单,商业发票,出口许可证,保险单,检验证,原产地证明书,领事发票及开经您方的即期汇票。
    We are going to send you a full set of B/L, a commercial invoice, an export license, insurance policy, a certificate of inspection, a certificate of origin, consular invoice and our sight draft on you.