  • 这顿饭真是副其实的盛宴。
    The meal was a veritable feast.
  • 这次审判的特色是有一批声显赫的证人
    The trial featured a gallery of famous and flamboyant witnesses.
  • 这出戏有两位著的演员
    The play featured two well-known actors.
  • 想要国人留下来,做一勇敢的“守将”,那么请政府给我们一个我们可以捍卫的空间。
    If offering feedback does not seem to serve a purpose, how many Singaporeans will persist in providing feedback and opinions in the long run?If the government wants Singaporeans to be “stayers”, then please give us the space to stay on.
  • wachau地区因其出产大量的优质葡萄树而著
    Wachau is a region that is famous for the presence of vast holdings of fertile vines.
  • 实际上“friday”这个词源自挪威女神弗莉妮的字——friday。弗莉娅是爱、美和生育之神。
    In fact the word “Friday” comes from the name of Norse Goddess, Freya--the goddess of love, beauty, and fertility.
  • 意大利小说已闻于世。
    Italian fiction has found its place in the sun.
  • 为他的缺席编造借口;虚构的错误;虚构的人物;用假;虚构的故事。
    a fabricated excuse for his absence; a fancied wrong; a fictional character; used fictitious names; a made-up story.
  • 在第一张草图上他以加重手写体写下了“假日酒店”的字样。这是他前一天晚上在一部宾·克罗斯毕的电影中看到的一个虚构的字。我由衷地接受了这个字。
    Firstly, he had blocked out in script the words "Holiday Inn," a fictional name he had seen in a Bing Crosby movie the previous evening.
  • 一个作者采用的假;笔
    A fictitious name assumed by an author; a pen name.
  • 充当某一特殊社会角色时使用的虚构
    a fictitious name used when the person performs a particular social role.
  • 卡贝尔,詹姆斯·布朗奇1879-1958美国作家,以一系列讽刺小说而成,包括朱根(1919年),讲述发生在中世纪时一个虚构的法国省份(叫做鲍克泰斯米)的故事
    American writer best known for a series of satirical novels, including Jurgen(1919), set in a fictitious medieval French province called Poictesme.
  • 成龙扮演的角色跋涉在脚踝深的马粪泥地里,多半时候与一匹叫fido的棕白色夸特马相伴。这匹马像狗一样通人性,它会坐下来舔成龙的脸,并把头倚在他的肩上。
    Trudging around in manure and ankle-high mud, Chan's character spends much of his time with Fido, a brown-and-white quarter horse with the soul of a dog. The horse sits on its hind legs, licks Chan's face and rests its head on the actor's shoulder.
  • 他在自己的领域里已经出了。
    He has become famous in his own field.
  • 参赛者中包括三世界记录保持者。
    The field includes three world record holders.
  • "这位著的语言学家是在实地学会部落语言,而不是在图书馆的书籍上学会的。"
    "This well-known linguistic learned tribal languages in the field, not from books in the library."
  • 其余的马都远远落在叫夏洛克的那匹马后面。
    The rest of the field is / are far behind Shalock.
  • 外场员得到了球:他能把他淘汰出局吗?
    A fielder has the ball; can he throw him out?
  • 那位著的拳击师赤手空拳打死了一头凶猛的恶狼。
    The famous boxer killed a fierce wolf with his bare hands.
  • 业余爱好:美国nba休斯顿火箭队的忠实球迷(每个赛季的比赛都要观看)、跳舞(经常在公司聚会时跳舞)还有网球,他认为网球与他的生意有诸多相似之处。他曾经说过:“这两项活动都竞争激烈,都会嘉奖敢于冒险的人,取得成功既不需要排靠前也不需要丰富的经验。”
    Second loves: The Houston Rockets (season-ticket holder) and dancing (often at company gatherings); also tennis, which he thinks has many parallels to business: "Both are fiercely competitive, both reward risk takers, and in neither is huge size or long experience necessarily a requisite for success," he once said.
  • 士兵善于吹笛子。
    The soldier was good at playing fife.
  • 二十五男生,十五女生。
    Twenty-five boys and fifteen girls.
  • 警员接受基本训练后,需在一训导员的督导下执行职务两个星期,并在入职的首两年每月出席一天的课程,而督察则会接受熟习职务的在职训练,并在入职第15个月再接受两星期的训练课程。
    After basic training, Constables carry out duties under a tutor for two weeks and attend a day of instruction each month during the first two years of their service, while Inspectors receive familiarisation training on the job and attend a further two-week training course in their fifteenth month of service.
  • 年内最瞩目的事件,是一男子于拍摄特别效果时意外丧生。
    The most notable was an accident in which a man was killed during the filming of a special-effect sequence.
  • 损害,损失损害或损失,尤对誉、经济方面的:损伤
    Damage or loss, especially to reputation or finances; detriment.
  • 她随后由母亲抚养,她母亲是一声乐教练兼歌剧演员。母女俩因经济窘困而不得不经常搬家。
    She subsequently was raised by her mother, a voice coach and opera singer, and was forced to move often because of difficult finances.
  • 目前,全国已有8000孤儿得到入学资助。
    At present, 8,000 orphans throughout China are financially supported in their school education. ]]
  • 常见的以在傍晚鸣叫闻的北美洲雀鸟。
    common North American finch noted for its evening song.
  • 系在车上的是一张由第十四警管区一警察签署的违章停车传票。
    Tied to the vehicle was an illegal parking ticket, signed by one of the Fourteenth Precinct’s finest.
  • 美国联邦调查局没有此类标准,而是只要有两或两以上的指纹鉴定人员认为两枚指纹相匹配就可以。
    instead,it relies on two or more fingerprint examiners who agree there's a match.
  • 随后的事件表明,这枚指纹既不是这警官的,也不是拇指指纹(是食指指纹)。
    Subsequent events showed that the fingerprint was neither from the officer nor from a thumb but it was from a forefinger.
  • 17岁的中国姑娘陈露姿态优美,在女子花样滑冰赛中列第三,为中国队赢得了该项目的首枚奥运会奖牌。
    The elegant 17 year old Chinese, Chen Lu, emerged as a third place finisher in the women's figure skating, winning China's first medal in Olympic figure skating.