  • 夏季法國部的氣候多半是晴朗和乾燥的。
    Summers in the south of France are for the most part dry and sunny.
  • 科菲·安秘書長說:“如果國際社會拿出决心,團结起來,結成廣泛的聯盟,就一定能夠擊敗恐怖主義,如若不然,就不能打敗它”;
    “Terrorism will be defeated if the international community summons the will to unite in a broad coalition, or it will not be defeated at all”, Secretary-General Kofi Annan has said.
  • 歐洲部上空的反氣旋給各地區帶來了晴朗的好天氣.
    A high over southern Europe is bringing fine sunny weather to all parts.
  • 在管理制度方面以1762年設立的“伊犁將軍”統一行使對天山北各地的軍政管轄,官府駐地在“惠遠城”(今霍城縣境),分設都統、參贊、辦事、領隊大臣管理各地軍政事務。
    The post of Ili General was established in 1762 to exercise unified military and administrative jurisdiction over the regions both south and north of the Tianshan Mountains, with the headquarters in Huiyuan (in modern Huocheng County) and staffed with officials like supervisors, consultants, superintendents and commissioners.
  • 在港燈負責供電的地區,電力由丫島發電廠供應。
    Electricity for HEC's supply areas is supplied from the Lamma Power Station.
  • 非最高法院所在地。
    the seat of the supreme court.
  • 及至本世紀二十和三十年代,島內反抗日本殖民統治的群衆運動更加波瀾壯闊,席捲臺灣北。
    The 1920s and 1930s witnessed surging waves of mass action sweeping across the island against Japanese colonial rule.
  • 蘇利的首都和最大城市,一個主要港口。
    the capital and largest city and major port of Surinam.
  • 但是醴陵等縣,尚有一部分地方(如醴陵之西兩區),表面上地主權力低於農民權力,實際上因為政治鬥爭不激烈,地主權力還隱隱和農民權力對抗。
    But in counties like Liling there are still some places (such as Liling's western and southern districts) where the authority of the landlords seems weaker than that of the peasants but, because the political struggle has not been sharp, is in fact surreptitiously competing with it.
  • 但若將各個遊擊根據地聯繫起來看,並將各個遊擊根據地和正規軍的陣地也聯繫起來看,我又把許多敵人都包圍起來,例如在山西,我已三面包圍了同蒲路(路之東西兩側及端),四面包圍了太原城;
    However, if one considers all the guerrilla base areas together and in their relation to the positions of the regular forces, one can see that we in turn surround a great many enemy forces. In Shansi Province, for instance, we have surrounded the Tatung-Puchow Railway on three sides (the east and west flanks and the southern end) and the city of Taiyuan on all sides;
  • 於是他派遺了一支部隊去圍住貴陽東的竜裏。
    Then he sent a unit to surround Longli southeast of Guiyang.
  • 尤伯認為,即便火星全球監測機構在部發現了冰水,也不足以消除水缺乏的問題。
    Even if the Mars Global Surveyor finds water ice in the south, it won't come close to eliminating the water shortage, according to Zuber.
  • 監測機構已經揭開了關於火星北邊冰冠的尺寸和結構的令人意想不到的細節,太空船會首次繪製更加鮮為人知的邊極地冰冠的地形圖和構造圖。
    The Surveyor has already revealed unexpected details about the size and structure of Mars's northern cap. The spacecraft will begin mapping, for the first time, the topography and composition of the even more poorly understood southern polar ice cap.
  • 英格蘭部蘇塞剋斯郡的一個城市,是旅遊勝地;布萊登大學所在地。
    a city in Sussex in S England that is a popular resort; site of the University of Sussex.
  • 住在西美國,說塔努安語的民族的人。
    a member of a Tanoan people living in the SW US.
  • 西俄勒岡州的北美印第安族人。
    a member of a North American Indian people of SW Oregon.
  • 西美國的北美印第安族人(和阿芝臺剋人有聯繫)。
    a member of the North American Indian people (related to the Aztecs) of the SW US.
  • 公元前1000年分佈於整個歐洲和亞洲的西部的部分地區的一種語族。
    the family of languages that by 1000 BC were spoken throughout Europe and in parts of SW and S Asia.
  • 對牛仔的內地稱呼(vaquero特別在得科薩斯州的西部和中部使用);buckroo特別在加利福尼亞州使用。
    local names for a cowboy (`vaquero' is used especially in SW and C Texas; `buckaroo' is used especially in California).
  • 雅特人部瑞典的古代德國人的一部分,在公元後6世紀被瑞典人徵服
    A member of an ancient Germanic people of southern Sweden conquered by the Swedes in the sixth century A.D.
  • 瑞典是一個北反差很大的國傢。
    Sweden is a land of contrasts;
  • 亞洲部和非洲腿腳敏捷的類鴴陸地生鳥。
    swift-footed terrestrial plover-like bird of southern Asia and Africa.
  • 非洲和亞洲西部長腿帶斑點的貓科動物,爪不能自由伸縮;最敏捷的哺乳動物;可訓練用於追捕比賽。
    long-legged spotted cat of Africa and southwestern Asia having nonretractile claws; the swiftest mammal; can be trained to run down game.
  • 三月,華正處在春耕的熱潮中。
    In March, spring farming is in full swing in South China.
  • 1992年8月,省政府組織歷時83天的武裝掃毒行動,一舉搗毀了在雲省文山州平遠鎮形成的具有黑社會性質的特大販毒販槍集團。
    In August 1992, the Yunnan provincial government organized an 83-day armed drug elimination operation, in which a massive drug- and weapon-smuggling ring which had been operating in the town of Pingyuan, Wenshan Prefecture, Yunnan Province, with the characteristics of a criminal syndicate was smashed at one fell swoop.
  • 科特蘭市錫拉丘茲部紐約州中部城市。1792年有人開始在此定居。人口19,801
    A city of central New York south of Syracuse. It was settled in1792. Population,19, 801.
  • 奧本紐約州中西部一城市,位於塞拉庫茲西偏西的芬格湖群地區。建於1793年,是製造業中心。人口31,258
    A city of west-central New York in the Finger Lakes region west-southwest of Syracuse. Founded in1793, it is a manufacturing center. Population,31, 258.
  • 大馬士革敘利亞的首都和最大城市,位於敘利亞西部。史前時代就有人居住,在羅馬統治時成為繁華的商業中心,在十字軍東徵期間是穆斯林的大本營。人口1,259,000
    The capital and largest city of Syria, in the southwest part of the country. Inhabited since prehistoric times, the city became a thriving commercial center under the Romans and was a Saracen stronghold during the Crusades. Population,1, 259, 000.
  • 戰役上的反攻,例如對付敵人在晉東的軍事“掃蕩”,我們把他打退,這樣的戰役反攻不但會有,而且是必不可少的。
    Tactical counter-offensives, such as our repulse of the enemy's "mopping-up" campaigns in southeastern Shansi, are not only possible but absolutely necessary.
  • 這個語文可以是另一個“世界語文”如法文、西班牙文和德文,或者是我們東亞鄰國的語文如馬來文、他加祿(菲律賓)文和泰文。
    This language can be another "world language" like French, Spanish or German, or perhaps the languages of our Southeast Asian neighbours like Malay, Tagalog and Thai.
  • 倒挂金鐘屬的任何一種植物,是熱帶灌木,因其美麗、下垂的淡紫色、微紅色或白色的花被廣泛栽培;産於中美或美洲、新西蘭和塔希提島。
    any of various tropical shrubs widely cultivated for their showy drooping purplish or reddish or white flowers; Central and South America and New Zealand and Tahiti.
  • 短尾粗毛的美洲嚙齒動物。
    short-tailed rough-haired South American rodent.