| - 鑲嵌在她的房門外墻壁上的兩幅老德伯傢族的肖像閃着不祥的幽光,剋萊和苔絲發現肖像中邪惡卻又高貴的鼻、眼,看得出與苔絲有微妙的相似之處時,不禁感到不寒而慄。
From the paneled wall outside her door two old D'Urberville portraits gleam evilly and Clare and Tess shiver as they trace a subtle likeness to her own in the malignant yet noble features. - 我告訴你們,上帝能從這些石頭中為亞伯拉罕造出子孫來。
I tell you that God can make children for Abraham out of these stones here. - 不僅有可能測定魚群的位置,而且可以根據魚群回聲的圖象區分出鯡魚.鱈魚或其他人們所熟悉的魚。
it is now possible not only to locate a shoal but to tell if it is herring, cod, or other well- known fish, by the pattern of its echo. - 重要的食用魚;出沒於北大西洋衆多的淺灘。
important food fish; found in enormous shoals in North Atlantic. - 感動得說不出話;震驚得說不出話。
struck dumb; speechless with shock. - 他驚駭得說不出話來。
He was shocked into silence. - 魔術師口中念念有詞, 把兔子從禮帽中掏了出來.
`Abracadabra,' said the conjuror as he pulled the rabbit from the hat. - 我震驚得幾乎說不出話來。
I was so shocked I could hardly speak. - 驚呆的震驚得說不出話的
So shocked or astonished as to be rendered speechless. - 他超出同輩人之上。
He towered above his contemporaries. - 在優秀性上超越了或者超出了比較。
eminent beyond or above comparison. - 可以想像這幅畫在1928-1929年首次展出時一定震驚世界,反響強烈,但請註意它的影響涉及一種藝術理論如不是藝術對人類生活的作用。
Supposedly the effect of this painting was shocking and generated much interest when it was first shown in 1928-1929, but observe how its impact deals with a theory of art and not art's effect on human life. - 我想在此喚起我的同事和美國人民對這兩頁文件的關註,這是1995年7月31日期《美國新聞與世界報導》雜志上刊出的標題為“schockwave”(震波)的文章,記述了由核攻擊或核彈引爆所造成的屠殺和破壞。
I want to call particular attention to my colleagues and to the American people this two-page spread that was in the July 31st. 1995 issue of US News and World Report entitled "Shockwave" documenting the annihilation and destruction that would be caused by a nuclear attack or a nuclear bomb going off. - 為了演出,所有的馬都必須釘上馬蹄鐵。
All the horses must be shod with new horseshoes for the show. - 多人出席了會議。
people attended the meeting. 200 - 打開或關閉(某物)並突然發出尖利聲音;(使某物)突然發出尖利聲音
Shoes made of snakeskin - 我們的新洗衣機老出毛病--完全是因為做的質量太差。
Our new washing-machine keeps breaking down it's entirely due to shoddy workmanship. - 繼續抓好專項整治,突出重點,依法打擊製假售假等違法犯罪行為。
We should continue to focus on special areas and key links and crack down on the making and selling of counterfeit and shoddy goods and other illegal and criminal activities in accordance with the law. - 緊緊圍繞當前的突出問題,着力抓好以下幾個方面:一是進一步嚴厲打擊各種製售假冒偽劣商品的違法犯罪活動,特別是狠狠打擊嚴重危害人民生命健康的食品、藥品、醫療器械等方面的製假售假行為。
We need to pay great attention to the current outstanding problems and concentrate on the following tasks: First, we need to severely crack down on all illegal and criminal activities related to the production and sale of counterfeit and shoddy goods, especially food, medicines and medical apparatus that seriously endanger people's lives and health. - 把這些支持放進內核,通常會使這些功能更快、更強。但是,當把越來越多的功能硬塞進內核時,就更難生産出能維護、能升級和能按時提交給客戶的操作係統。
Putting such support in the kernel usually makes those functions faster and more robust. But as more and more capabilities are shoehorned into the kernel, it's harder to produce operating systems that can be maintained, enhanced and delivered to customers on time. - 六個鞋砧,練出一個鞋匠。
Six awl make a shoemaker. - 她的臉上因年輕而發出光彩。
Her face shone with youth. - 他臉上露出興奮的神色。
His face shone with excitement. - 太陽透過雨雲發出有雨意的光.
A watery sun shone through the rain clouds. - 她的勇氣不斷通過行動充分表現出來。
Her continuing courage shone through all her actions. - 一顆孤星在黑色夜幕的襯托下發出光亮。
A lonely star shone out against the black sky. - 金剛石在陽光下放出五顔六色的光芒。
The diamond shone with every hue under the sun. - 對一個德國出生的猶太人來說,這樣青雲直上,又有實權又有盛名,即使是在一個霍雷肖·阿爾傑比比皆是的國傢裏,也是無與倫比的。
For a German-born Jew,it was a unique rise to power and fame even in a country where Horatio Algers abound. - 雲已消散,露出了亮晶晶的星星。
The clouds cleared away and the stars shone very brightly. - 我們不喜歡被迫接受強行提高的出中産品的價格。
We don't like, having the export prices shooed at us. - 她從瓶裏倒出兩片阿斯匹林。
She shook two aspirins from a bottle. - 嚮某人提出一連串問題,緊緊追問某人
Shoot questions at sb.