  • 普通的北美洲绿色或略带褐色的蛙,长有带边的暗色卵形斑点。
    common North American green or brownish frog having white-edged dark oval spots.
  • 另外一件事我现在还不明,保“水渍险”有什么好处。
    Another thing I don't understand at this moment is the advantage of W. P. a. overage.
  • 那店员穿着色长罩衣。
    The shop assistant was wearing a white overall.
  • 爬行的常绿灌木,有窄的重叠的叶子和初期的色星状的花;在新泽西和卡罗莱纳州的松树的荒地中可见。
    creeping evergreen shrub having narrow overlapping leaves and early white star-shaped flowers; of pine barrens of NJ and the Carolinas.
  • 然而,我本人的经历使我明了,一些人在网上冲浪时是如何面临认知超负荷的。
    However, based on my personal experience I can understand how, as they surf the web, some folks might be confronted with cognitive overload.
  • 宫当场投票表决,共和党人被否决了。
    The Republicans were overruled when the House voted on the bill.
  • 我明,如果我睡过头,那结果会是很不妙的。
    I knew it would turn out to be one of those days when I overslept.
  • 她脸色一阵苍白。
    A paleness overspread her face.
  • 那仪器是在天飞越水域时使用的。
    The instrument is used when fly overwater in the daytime.
  • 一位发苍苍的拓荒者,由于过度劳累和担忧而面容憔悴
    A white-haired pioneer, her face gaunt from overwork and worry.
  • 马哈利酸樱桃一种属于蔷薇科的欧亚小型观赏树(马哈利樱桃李属),开花,结黑色卵形的单个种子的小核果,中东地区将其果实用于烹调
    A small Eurasian ornamental tree(Prunus mahaleb) of the rose family, having white flowers and small, ovoid, black drupes with single seeds that are used in Middle Eastern cooking.
  • 你要知道,光想着生来就得舒舒服服的,那是想。
    It's no use thinking the world owes you a living, you know.
  • 东南亚的野牛,有时被认为是肢野牛的驯养品种。
    ox of southeast Asia sometimes considered a domesticated breed of the gaur.
  • 一种粘性液体,有强力的氧化性能,一种有效的漂剂,也用作消毒剂和火箭燃料中的氧化剂(高浓度时)。
    a viscous liquid with strong oxidizing properties; a powerful bleaching agent; also used as a disinfectant and (in strong concentrations) as an oxidant in rocket fuels.
  • 一种色的二羧酸,由糖或淀粉氧化形成。
    a white dicarboxylic acid formed from oxidation of sugar or starch.
  • 尿模素一种色晶状尿酸氧化物,c4h6n4o3,该尿酸为脊椎动物嘌呤的代谢终产物,在医药方面用来刺激组织生长
    A white, crystalline oxidation product, C4H6N4O3, of uric acid that is the metabolic end product of vertebrate purine oxidation and is used medicinally to promote tissue growth.
  • 一种不稳定的弱酸,已知仅以溶液和盐的形式存在,用作漂剂和氧化剂。
    a weak unstable acid known only in solution and in its salts; used as a bleaching agent and as an oxidizing agent.
  • 鲟,匙吻鲟匙吻鲟科的一种鱼,有长的桨状吸盘,特别是匙吻鲟密西西比河流域的这种鱼
    A fish of the family Polyodontidae, having a long paddle-shaped snout, especially Polyodon spathula of the Mississippi River basin.
  • 山上大井、小井、上井、中井、下井、茨坪、下庄、行洲、草坪、银湖、罗浮各地,均有水田和村庄,为自来土匪、散军窟宅之所,现在作了我们的根据地。
    In the mountains there are paddy-fields and villages at Big Well, Small Well, Upper Well, Middle Well, Lower Well, Tzeping, Hsiachuang, Hsingchow, Tsaoping, Painihu and Lofu.All these places used to be infested by bandits and deserters but have now been turned into our base area.
  • 闸口白塔
    White Pagoda at Zhakou
  • 辽阳白塔
    White Pagoda in Liaoyang
  • 庆州白塔
    White Pagoda in Qingzhou
  • 妙应寺白塔
    White Pagoda at Miaoying Temple
  • 妙应寺白塔
    White Pagoda of Miaoying Temple
  • 杭州闸口白塔
    White Pagoda in Zhakou, Hangzhou
  • 妙应寺白塔
    White Pagoda of the Miaoying Temple
  • 他白白辛苦了一场。
    He got little reward for his pains.
  • 房子被粉刷成白色。
    The house is painted white.
  • 房子漆成了白色。
    The house was painted white.
  • 他们把房子粉刷成色。
    They painted their house white.
  • 这件木制品已漆成的了。
    The woodwork is painted white.
  • 垩粉,粉一种碾碎的并洗过的纯净垩,用于油漆、墨水和油灰
    A pure white grade of chalk that has been ground and washed for use in paints, ink, and putty.