  • 安全检查仅是反恐怖主义的一种极措施.
    Security checks are only a palliative (measure) in the fight against terrorism.
  • 亮氨酸一种重要的氨基酸,c4h9ch(nh2)cooh,由胰酶在化过程中从蛋白质的水解作用中分离出来,对婴幼儿良好的生长发育及成人保持氮平衡十分必要
    An essential amino acid, C4H9CH(NH2)COOH, derived from the hydrolysis of protein by pancreatic enzymes during digestion and necessary for optimal growth in infants and children and for the maintenance of nitrogen balance in adults.
  • 消息宣布後一片混乱.
    There was pandemonium when the news was announced.
  • 这个息使那一家人顿时陷入惊恐不安。
    The news threw the family into a panic.
  • 这个息把证券交易所里的人吓得惊慌失措。
    The news sent the Stock Exchange into a panic.
  • 敌人听了这息非常惊慌。
    The enemy was panic-stricken when they heard the news.
  • 股市上那场惊惶纯粹是对东京息的过敏反应。
    The stock-market panic was simply over-reaction to the news from Tokyo.
  • 电视只放映一些没有价值仅供遣的东西
    TV shows that offer nothing but pap.
  • 番木瓜酶可化蛋白质的酶,从番木瓜的鲜果汁可得到,用作肉的柔嫩剂,在医药中用于助
    An enzyme capable of digesting protein, obtained from the unripe fruit of the papaya and used as a meat tenderizer and in medicine as a digestive aid.
  • 失的世界/侏罗纪公园之失去的世界。
    Lost World: Jurrasic Park.
  • 撤销动议在议会程序中取或除去对某一行为的考虑
    To recall or remove a motion from consideration in parliamentary procedure.
  • 年内,各地多个费者机构和有关团体到访委会,另外,内地共501名官员来港参与培训计划时,亦有访问委会,作为培训的环节。
    During the year, 501 officials from various parts of China visited the council office as part of a training programme, apart from other visits from consumer organisations and related bodies.
  • 六个月过去了,我们仍然没有他们的息。
    Six months had passed, and we still had no news of them.
  • 我用数驶过学校的小汽车来磨时间。
    I passed the time by counting the cars that drove past the school.
  •  (二)依法应当进行防设计的建筑工程竣工时未经防验收或者经验收不合格,擅自使用的;
    (II) Those who make arbitrary use of a completed construction project which should conduct fire control design in accordance with law but has not passed or fail to pass the fire control acceptance check;
  • 时间的消逝
    The passage of time.
  •  (六)保障疏散通道、安全出口畅通,并设置符合国家规定的防安全疏散标志。
    (VI) Ensure that evacuation passageway and safety exit are unblocked and set up evacuation marks on fire control safety conforming to the state regulations.
  • 极主义极被动的性格、态度、品质或行为
    Passive character, attitude, quality, or behavior.
  • 确信极抵抗的改革者。
    a reformer who believes in passive resistance.
  • 要更积极、更投入、而不是极被动。
    Decide to be active and involved rather than passive or negative.
  • 反对单纯防御的极的作战方针,采取独立自主的积极的作战方针。
    Oppose a passive, purely defensive strategy and adopt an active, independent strategy.
  • 他们有些掉了队,极了起来。
    Some of them dropped out of the revolutionary ranks and became passive.
  • 稍不遂意,就极起来,不做工作。
    Some comrades become passive and stop working whenever anything goes against their wishes.
  • 有的人对政策对工作采取漠不关心的极应付态度;
    some took an indifferent, passive or perfunctory attitude towards policies and their work;
  • 噢,我得说电视只是耗精力的一种极方式。
    Well, I must say television's just a passive way of let off steam.
  • 噢,我得说电视只是耗精力的一种极方式。
    Well, I must say television 's just a passive way of letting off steam.
  • 你是说,电视仅仅是一种发泄的极方法,是吗?
    Will not you say that...television is just a passive way of let off steam?
  • 蒋介石在整个抗日战争时期,完全背叛了他在庐山谈话中所谓“如果战端一开,那就地无分南北,人无分老幼,无论何人皆有守土抗战之责任”的声明,反对人民总动员的全面的人民战争,从一九三八年十月武汉失守以后,更采取极抗日积极反共反人民的反动政策。
    Throughout the War of Resistance Chiang Kai-shek opposed all-out people's war in which the entire people are mobilized, and in particular, after the fall of the city Wuhan in October 1938, he pursued the reactionary policy of passively resisting Japan but actively opposing the Communist Party and the people; thus his actions completely violated his own Lushan statement that "once war breaks out, every person, young or old, in the north or in the south, must take up the responsibility of resisting Japan and defending our homeland".
  • (一○八)我们主张一切有利条件下的决战,不论是战斗的和大小战役的,在这上面不容许任何的极。
    108. We are for decisive engagements whenever circumstances are favourable, whether in battles or in major or minor campaigns, and in this respect we should never tolerate passivity.
  • 党的战斗力组织力虽然弱到如中央所云,但在反革命潮流逐渐低落的形势之下,恢复一定很快,党内干部分子的极态度也会迅速灭。
    Although our Party's fighting capacity and organizational strength have been weakened to the extent described by the Central Committee, they will be rapidly restored, and the passivity among comrades in the Party will quickly disappear as the counter-revolutionary tide gradually ebbs.
  • 时日过去,息全无。
    Days went past without any news.
  • 没有经过高温毒的。
    not having undergone pasteurization.