  • 正直正确的式和行为;得体
    Appropriate manners and behavior; propriety.
  • 适合度假的地方
    A place appropriate for a vacation.
  • 在政府的一,如果能更适当地利用手中的权力,对艺术家有更多容忍,对整个大局应该更有利。
    If the government could use its authority more appropriately and show more tolerance towards the artists, this should be conducive to the overall environment.
  • 上级地组织和下级地组织的职权,也应当根据同一原则作适当的划分。”
    The functions and powers of higher local Party organizations and those of lower local Party organizations shall be appropriately divided according to the same principle."
  • 面要做的事还不少,如教育制度要作适当改革,师资不足需要补充等等。
    Many things remain to be done in this respect. For example, we should appropriately reform the educational system and increase the number of teachers, etc.
  • 为保证这类项目的顺利执行,国家将适当增加相应配套资金比例,对地财政确有困难的可以全额配套。
    In order to guarantee the smooth carrying out of these projects, the state will increase the proportion of corresponding supportive funds appropriately, or provide full-amount supportive funds if the local budget is tight.
  • 在中央来说,是对于“肉”的问题注意得不够,恐怕在地来说,对于钱用得不适当的问题应该引起注意。
    As far as the central authorities are concerned, they have failed to pay enough attention to "flesh" projects; the local authorities, for their part, should pay more attention to using their money appropriately, I am afraid.
  • 无产者只有废除自己的现存的占有式,从而废除全部现存的占有式,才能取得社会生产力。
    The proletarians cannot become masters of the productive forces of society, except by abolishing their own previous mode of appropriation, and thereby also every other previous mode of appropriation.
  • 我看这笔广告费用够在我们地电台预定播出时间的。
    I think this appropriation will allow you to book air time on our local broadcasting station.
  • 那些从史前就占据着亚洲平原的幅员辽阔的君主国,最先采用了这种政府占有式。
    The first of these modes of appropriation, by the government,is characteristic of the extensive monarchies which from a time beyond historical record have occupied the plains of Asia.
  • 创新基金支持各种所有制的科技型中小企业,并根据项目的不同特点,分别采取无偿资助、贴息、资本金投入等不同的支持式:
    The Fund supports technology-based SMEs of all kind of ownership, and takes the modalities of financial appropriation, loan interest subsidiary and equity investment according to the distinguished features of projects:
  • 他不赞成这些方针。
    He doesn't approve these policies.
  • 赞同,批准赞同,尤指官认可
    To approve, especially to confirm officially.
  • 他赞成该方案。
    He approved the scheme.
  • 一种被认可的法;那个已批准了的计划正按部就班地进行着。
    an approved method; work on the approved project went ahead on schedule.
  •  审查批准煤矿企业,须由地质矿产主管部门对其开采范围和资源综合利用案进行复核并签署意见。
    Before examining and approving the application for establishing a coal mining enterprise, it is necessary for the department in charge of geology and mineral resources to verify the proposed limits of mining and the plan for comprehensive utilization of the resources and write down its comments with signature.
  • 该处已把批核大厦公契的部分工作,批予私人执业律师承办,并简化批核大厦公契及预售住宅楼宇单位同意书申请的程序,同时会继续研究其他法,进一步加快这些程序。
    The office has contracted out to private solicitors the work of some of the applications for approval of Deeds of Mutual Covenant and has implemented simplified procedures for approving Deeds of Mutual Covenant and applications for consent to sell residential units in uncompleted developments. The office will continue to look into other ways and means to expedite the process.
  •  在山区、丘陵区、风沙区依照矿产资源法的规定开办乡镇集体矿山企业和个体申请采矿,必须持有县级以上地人民政府水行政主管部门同意的水土保持案,可申请办理采矿批准手续。
    Where a township col1ective mining enterprise is to be set up or an individua1 is to apply for mining, in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Mineral Resources, in a mountainous, hilly or sandstorm area, a water and soil conservation programme approved by the department of water administration under the people's government at or above the county level must be submitted before the app1ication for going through the approving procedures for mining operation is made.
  • 体的具有近似立体形状的
    Having the approximate shape of a cube.
  • (大约)呈立体形状的物体。
    something in the (approximate) shape of a cube.
  • 请告诉我您订货的大概日期限、让购项目和付款式。
    Please give me the approximate date you made the order, the items ordered and how payment was made.
  • 现随函寄上贵所需要的电气设备、轮机以及其他材料的估价单,请查收。
    We enclose herewith, as request, approximate estimates. of the electrical apparatus, turbine, and other material.
  • 每平公里大约有200居民。
    Per square kilometer approximately has 200 residents.
  • 形物或形地区大致呈正形或正体的地区、空间或物体
    An approximately square or cubic area, space, or object.
  • 因为捐献卵子的母亲还为每一个胚胎提供少数的线粒体一微小的携带自己遗传物质的细胞内的能量加工厂一这种法甚至为女同性恋夫妇提供了一种近似有性繁殖的可能。
    Because the egg-donor mother also supplies to each embryo a small number of mitochondria -- tiny energy factories within cells that have some of their own genetic material -- this approach even affords lesbian couples an approximation of sexual reproduction.
  • 中堂永远一成不变地分成两个殿,交叉成十字形,上顶端圆弧形后殿是训练唱诗班的地
    There are, invariably, two naves, which intersect in a cross, and whose upper portion, rounded into an apse, forms the choir;
  • 形廊柱大厅古罗马的一种公共建筑,中央有一个正厅,在一边或两边的末端和两边的通道是由几排柱子分隔的半圆形室,它曾用作法庭或公众集会的场所
    A public building of ancient Rome having a central nave with an apse at one or both ends and two side aisles formed by rows of columns, which was used as a courtroom or assembly hall.
  • 她在音乐面极有天赋。
    She has a natural aptitude for music.
  • 他们中间有些人在歌舞面有特长。
    Some of them showed special aptitude in singing and dancing.
  • 考试,测验通过询问或练习的式来测定资格、才能或技巧
    To determine the qualifications, aptitude, or skills of by means of questions or exercises.
  • 香港教育制度的首要目标,应是培育学生各面的才能,因此,我们必须评估现时在中三把学生分流入读理科和文科班的做法,并检讨如采用较多元化的综合课程,会否更有效地达致我们的目标。
    The over-riding objective of our education system should be to groom all-round achievers. In this connection, we have to evaluate the current practice of streaming students into science and arts classes at Secondary three, and ask ourselves whether or not a more broad-based and integrated curriculum would achieve our objective more aptly.
  • 有一天下班回来我发现灯罩上挂着一条水绿色的捆扎皮带子,这不是我的东西。
    I found an aqua-coloured thong hanging over the lampshade one day when I came in from work.It did not belong to me.