  • 但在美国的三个夏季假日——阵亡士纪念日、七月四日(独立日)和劳动节——人们是以户外烧烤来度过的。
    But in the American ritual cal-endar, the three summer holidays - Memorial Day,the Fourth of July (Independence Day), and Labour Day- are consecrated to outdoor barbecues.
  •  依照专利法第三十一条第二款规定两项以上外观设计作为一件申请提出的,应当各项外观设计顺序编号标在每件使用外观设计产品的视图名称之前。
    Where two or more designs are filed as one application in accordance with the provision of Article 3l, paragraph two of the Patent Law, they shall be numbered consecutively and the numbers shall precede the titles of the view of the product incorporating the design.
  • 如果未能达成共识,已经失去造钱能力的政府无力挽回银行体系的崩溃。
    If consensus is not achieved, then the government, having lost the ability to print money, will have no way of averting the collapse of the banking system.
  • 这个设计目标是针对以下潜在问题的,当一个实体虚假地宣称其注册的businessentity数据是一个大公司的一个组成部分,那么会对这个未同意该断言的大公司带来损失。
    The problematic scenario that was addressed was one where a party falsely claims that the businessEntity data that it registered were part of a large company, resulting in damages to the non-consenting company.
  • 华尔德是很得人心的候选人,因而他当眩
    Walter is the popular candidate , consequently he will be elected.
  • 军最终答应军队快速撤离墨西哥。
    The general consequently promised to withdraw his troops speedily from Mexico.
  • 因此,业余工作挣来的钱强有力地支持学生们继续他们的求学生活。
    Consequently, the extra money obtained from part-time job will strongly support students to continue to their study life.
  • 约300亿元的投资用于加强农林水利基本建设。
    Some 30 billion RMB yuan will be invested into the construction of agriculture, forestry and water conservancy facilities.
  • 有必要保护树木,否则不久会没有森林了。
    There is a need for the conservation of trees, or there will soon be no forests.
  • 保守主义不论是由于贪图安逸而发生的,或由于对敌人力量的过高估计而发生的,均给予抗日战争以损失,对于游击战争及其根据地的本身也是不利的。
    Whether originating in the desire for an easy life or in overestimation of the enemy's strength, conservatism can only bring losses in the War of Resistance and is harmful to guerrilla warfare and to the base areas themselves.
  • 所有犯罪团伙作为一个集团来考虑。
    All gang consider as a group.
  • 极受尊敬的将军
    a very highly considered general
  • 当局现正考虑这个规定伸延至其他车辆类别。
    The government is considering extending it to other vehicle classes.
  • 他们将他移交监狱。
    They consign him to jail.
  • 他们已该商品销于本公司。
    They consign the goods to us.
  • 我们以快递把货物寄给他。
    We will consign the goods to him by express.
  • 我们已第一次寄信品寄交贵公司,价值19,000,000元。
    We have consign the goods, value $19, 000, 000 as the first consignment to you.
  • 我们现下列委托品装上“美国”号货轮,该船今天从这里启航。
    We now consign the following, per M.S. America maru, which sail today from here.
  • 我们已50包棉花装“大和号”货轮,运往贵公司代销。唛头g1/50,价值5,000,000元。
    We have consign to you, per m.s."yamato maru," 50 bales cotton, g1/50, valued at $5, 000, 000.
  • 根据贵公司3月1日来函的要求,我们已货物装“东京号”发运,该船今日驶离横滨港。
    In accordance with your request of march1, we have consign the goods to you, per m.s. "Tokyo Maru", leave Yokohama today.
  • 史:假如承运人借口拒绝,那时收货人会不知所措,难以解决。
    If the carrier were to make an excuse and disallow the claim, then the consignee would be at a loss for settlement.
  • 希望贵公司具体计划以及作为代售人有何要求,简略见告。
    Will you please give us an outline of your concrete sales plan as well as your terms for acting as our consignee.
  • 如果案件确系侵权已有定论,则成员可授权该主管当局发货人、进口人及收货人的姓名、地址以及有关商品数量等信息提供给权利持有人。
    Where a positive determination has been made on the merits of a case, Members may provide the competent authorities the authority to inform the right holder of the names and addresses of the consignor, the importer and the consignee and of the quantity of the goods in question.
  • 贵方为这批货保险吗?
    Are you going to have the consignment covered?
  • 我们估计托销货物于下周三到达这里。
    We expect the consignment to arrive here next Wednesday.
  • 对此货你方投保什么险?
    What coverage will you take out for this consignment?
  • 天气是晴天和小雨相间。
    The weather will consist of sun shine interchanging with periods of light rain.
  • 混合物搅拌得硬度与软牛油相当
    Beat the mixture to the consistency of soft butter.
  • 一个界于pc和游戏机之间新的玩家团体会产生。
    New communities will form for console players.
  • 所以我们相信我们和游戏机的制商会有很好的合作前景---比如sony和任天堂。
    Part of what we believe is that there will be partnerships with major console manufacturers --like Sony and Nintendo.
  • pc玩家团体会不会受到游戏机玩家也可以上网玩游戏的冲击呢?下一代游戏机(比如ps2和xbox)掀起网络上的又一场革命。
    How will the old PC community be affected by the console community coming online?The next generation consoles [like the Internet-ready Playstation 2and Microsoft's Xbox] are going to revolutionize the Net.They're Trojan horses into the living room.
  • 这两家银行明年7月合并。
    The two banks will consolidate in July next year.