  • 一年或年生草本植物的一个属。
    annual or perennial herbs.
  • 一种一年生或短命年生草本植物,生长于沼泽地区,茎中空,叶肾形,上部叶较小,以三个线性裂片为特征。
    annual herb growing in marshy places.
  • 一年生或年生的亚灌木。
    annual or perennial herbs or subshrubs.
  • 年息(率)是多少?
    What's the annual interest rate?
  • 一个一年或年生草本属;垫子草;猪殃殃。
    annual or perennial herbs: bedstraw; cleavers.
  • 公司的年销售额是少?
    What are the company's annual sales figures?
  • 热带和亚热带的一个一年或年生禾草属。
    annual or perennial grasses of tropics and subtropics.
  • 温暖地区一个一年或年生禾本属;狗尾草。
    annual or perennial grasses of warm regions: bristlegrasses.
  • 一个一年或年生草本或小灌木属;主要分布于地中海。
    annual or perennial herbs or subshrubs; mainly Mediterranean.
  • 温带地区一个汁的一年或年生禾草属。
    annual or perennial succulent grasses of warm regions.
  • 积雪多深?
    What's the snow level?
  • 全区各级藏医院(科)门诊量达年均50万人次。
    Tibetan medicine establishments at all levels throughout Tibet give over 500,000 out-patient consultations annually.
  • 每一年,它都从我们的有限人力资源中,吸引了相当的人才。
    It attracts a good proportion of the nation’s limited talent pool into its ranks annually.
  • 这个国家的许公司在老年雇员退休后发给他们养老年金。
    Many company in this country grant their old employee annuities after they retire.
  • 他们每年的营业额是少?
    What is their turnover per annum?
  • 年来,香港的人口一直以每年约2%的速度增长,高於世界上任何一个大都会的人口增长率。
    For a number of years, our population has been growing at approximately two per cent per annum, higher than any metropolis in the world.
  • 房顶至今尚完好,但是这儿教士的收入每年只有二十镑,外带一所有两间屋的屋子,而且眼看恐怕就要决定只给一间了,所以没有一个教士愿意担当牧羊人的责任,特别是传说他的“羊群”宁可饿死他,也不愿从他们自己腰包里掏出一分钱来养活他。
    The roof has been kept whole hitherto; but as the clergyman's stipend is only twenty pounds per annum, and a house with two rooms, threatening speedily to determine into one, no clergyman will undertake the duties of pastor: especially as it is currently reported that his flock would rather let him starve than increase the living by one penny from their own pockets.
  • 有关此点,我在十月的首份《施政报告》中已概略介绍过项主要的新措施,包括提供足够土地每年兴建八万五千个住宅单位,以加强住屋费用方面的竞争力;研究方法解决人手不足,特别是专才短缺的问题;提高本港制造业的增值能力,以及寻找更佳方法,务求即使在邻近经济体系币值占优的情况下,仍能像以往般吸引游客访港等等。
    I have outlined a number of major initiatives in this respect in my first policy address in October - by providing sufficient land to build 85,000 units of apartments per annum to enhance the competitiveness in the cost of our housing and by examining what needs to address the manpower shortage especially at the high end of the market, by enhancing the value-added in our manufacturing industry, by finding better ways to attract tourists back to Hong Kong despite the currency advantage in the neighbouring economies, and so on.
  • 蚂蚁把这滴蜜露舐食了,再到另一只蚜虫那里去舐食更的蜜露。
    The ant laps it up and goes to the next cow bug for more.
  • 1991年,马拉纳因吸毒被停赛15个月。
    In March 1991 Maradona was found positive to an ant doping control and this costed him a disqualification for 15 months.
  • 这样就要最大地激起它国内的阶级对立、日本民族和中国民族的对立、日本和世界大数国家的对立。
    All of which will arouse to the utmost the class antagonisms within Japan, the antagonism between the Japanese and the Chinese nations, and the antagonism between Japan and most other countries of the world.
  • 这家出版社对敌对的关键很好奇;能干的警察机关,具有真正的询问信息的天才——沃尔·弗兰克。
    the press was inquisitorial to the point of antagonism; a practical police force with true inquisitorial talents- Waldo Frank.
  • 战争绝不能解决两岸的对立,我觉得我们花那么的钱在武器上是非常错误的。
    War has absolutely no way to resolve the antagonism between the two sides. I think it is a gross mistake that we are spending so much money on weapons.
  • 然而西安事变后和平实现是事实,这种情况是由方面促成的(日本进攻的基本方针,苏联和英美法的赞助和平,中国人民的逼迫,共产党在西安事变中的和平方针及停止两个政权敌对的政策,资产阶级的分化,国民党的分化等等),不是蒋介石一个人所能决定和推翻的。
    But the fact is that peace was attained after the Sian Incident and was the product of several factors (Japan's fundamental policy of invasion, the favourable attitude of the Soviet Union and also Britain, the United States and France towards internal peace in China, the pressure of the Chinese people, the Communist Party's peace policy during the Sian Incident and its policy for ending the antagonism between the two regimes, the differentiation within the bourgeoisie, the differentiation within the Kuomintang, and so on); peace cannot be made or unmade by Chiang Kai-shek alone.
  • 阶级使社会分化为许对立体,阶级消灭后,那时就有了整个的人类之爱,但是现在还没有。
    Classes have split society into many antagonistic groupings; there will be love of all humanity when classes are eliminated, but not now.
  • 科学家小组很快开始了对南极臭氧层的检测。
    Many groups of scientists quickly began monitoring the Antarctic ozone layer.
  • 一个一年和年生草本属,生长于潮湿环境;除南极洲外世界性生长。
    annual and perennial herbs of damp habitats; cosmopolitan except Antarctica.
  • 他们每人先下了少钱作赌注?
    How much did they each ante up?
  • 巴吞鲁日美国路易斯安那州的首府,位于密西西比河下峭壁的东南中心部,保留许闻名的战前古建筑。人口219,531
    The capital of Louisiana, in the southeast-central part of the state on a bluff above the Mississippi River. It has notable antebellum houses. Population, 219,531.
  • 巴吞鲁日美国路易斯安那州的首府,位于密西西比河下峭壁的东南中心部,保留许闻名的战前古建筑。人口219,531
    The capital of Louisiana, in the southeast-central part of the state on a bluff above the Mississippi River. It has notable antebellum houses. Population,219, 531.
  • 数法律中都包含这样的语言,即,即使“没有专家证据的先例”,dna鉴定是也是可接受的;它是一个“值得信赖的、可靠的方法”。
    Most of the legislation contains language that DNA testing is acceptable "without antecedent expert testimony" that it is "a trustworthy and reliable method."
  • 方向的电视天线;立体声扬声器
    A multidirectional television antenna; multidirectional stereo speakers.