  • 新来的秘书说一正确的英语。
    The new secretary speaks correct English.
  • 他讲英语带有外国音。
    He speaks English with a foreign strong english accent.
  • 伤口充满了血。
    The mouth of the wound was engorged with blood.
  • 齿伶俐,是件利器。
    A good tongue is a good weapon.
  • 《谜1》和《谜2》在全球范围内的巨大成功超越了一切边界、人统计数据和风格样式:迄今,"谜"的专辑销量在美国已逾500万张,全球2000万张,且另有800万的单曲销量。
    The massive global success of ENIGMA 1 and ENIGMA 2 has transcended all boundaries,demographics,and genres:thus far,ENIGMA is responsible for album sales in excess of five million units in America,20 million units worldwide,and an additional eight million singles sales.
  • 在"谜"的音乐中,头的发声变成了乐器,合成的曲调变成了人声,不同节奏的音乐片段交织成一个有机的、全新的整体。
    "In ENIGMA's music,verbal sounds become instruments,synthesized tones become voices,and distinct rhythmic grooves intertwine into an organic,utterly new whole.
  • 使用此命令扩大当前窗以填充可用空间
    Use this command to enlarge the active window to fill the available space
  • 此外,中国纺织工业将进一步开拓国内市场,积极扩大出
    Moreover, China's textile industry will further tap the domestic market while positively enlarging exports.
  • 通过利用外资、扩大出和鼓励我国有比较优势的企业对外投资,有利于我国产业结构的优化,增强我国产品在国际市场上的竞争力。
    Through utilizing foreign investment, enlarging export and encouraging overseas investment of Chinese enterprises with comparative advantages, China will be in a better position to optimize its industrial structure and raise the products' competitiveness in international market.
  • 巨大的人增长将产生很多问题。
    The enormous increase of population will create many problems.
  • 一支非常强大的舰队集结在海湾的入处。
    An enormously powerful fleet was concentrated at the entrance to the harbour.
  • 不过在检查完“蒂尼二号”之后我长出了一气,这只小猫绝对的、相当的、非常的正常和健康。
    But I was enormously relieved upon examining"Tiny Two" to find he was absolutely, perfectly, wonderfully normal and healthy.
  • 不过在检查完“蒂尼二号”之后我长出了一气,这只小猫绝对的、相当的、非常的正常和健康。
    But I was enormously relieved upon examining "Tiny Two" to find he was absolutely, perfectly, wonderfully normal and healthy.
  • 有个女人要求见你。
    There’s woman at the door, enquiring for you.
  • 高而紧的(但不翻转的)领;有这种领的衣服(尤指毛衣)
    Etc an enquiring etc turn of mind in turn not do a hand's turn on the turn one good turn deserves another out of turn a b serve one's sb's turn take turns at sth do sth turn and turn about a the turn of events a turn of phrase a turn of the screw a turn of speed the turn of the year centuryot turn over like a polo-neck
  • 中国从未出过铀浓缩、后处理和重水生产等敏感技术。
    China has never exported sensitive technologies such as those for uranium enrichment, reprocessing and heavy water production.
  • 在有关的年龄组别中,有18%人能够接受大学教育。
    Of the relevant age group, 18 per cent are enrolled in university education.
  • 全国受教育人近3亿,在校正规学习的人达到2.3亿。
    the educated population was close to 300 million persons, and the number of students enrolled reached 230 million persons.
  • 目前,中国已在90%以上的人地区普及了小学教育,小学学龄儿童入学率为98.81%;
    At present,Primary education is now universal in more than 90 percent of China's populated area, and the enrollment rate for children at primary school age is 98.81 percent.
  • 1994年,全国各级各类学校在校生已达2.7亿人,学龄儿童入学率达到98.4%,青壮年的文盲率已降到7%,在占全国人91%的地区中普及了初等教育。大城市和部分发达地区基本普及了初级中等教育。幼儿教育和残疾儿童的特殊教育稳步发展。
    In 1994, the enrolment at schools, at various levels and of various kinds throughout the country, already reached 270 million, the schooling rate of school-age children reached 98.4 percent, the illiteracy rate of young and middle-aged people dropped to 7 percent, primary education was made universal in areas with 91 percent of the country's population, the major cities and some of the developed regions basically popularized junior middle school education, and infant education as well as the special education for handicapped children developed steadily.
  • 在中国这样一个人众多的发展中国家,如果片面强调夫妇和个人的生育自由,而不同时确立人们在生育问题上对家庭、子女和社会利益应负的责任,只能导致盲目生育,人无限膨胀,绝大多数人包括新生婴儿利益都会受到严重损害。
    In a heavily populated developing country like China, if the reproductive freedom of couples and individuals are unduly emphasized at the expense of their responsibilities to their families, children and societal interests in matters of child bearing, indiscriminate reproduction and unlimited population growth will inevitably ensue. The interests of the majority of the people, including those of new-born infants, will be seriously harmed.
  • 二十世纪中叶世界人形势发生重大变化,世界人增长速度之快及其所带来的严重后果,日益引起国际社会和各国的关注。
    The great changes in the world population situation in the mid-twentieth century, the rapid world population growth and the severe consequence ensuing have aroused increasing attention from the international community and various countries.
  • 每次规范被修改的时候,所有的操作入站点(operatorsite)都相继地被要求支持1.0版api(generic的值为1.0)和当前版本的api(使用generic的最新的值来标识),并且如果有历史版本的话,应当至少支持一个先前的api版本(使用generic属性标识)。兼容的注册中心也要求至少支持1.0版本的api。
    Each time this specification is modified, an ensuing requirement is placed on all Operator Sites to support generic 1, the current generic and at least the previous generic, if any. Compatible registries are encouraged to support at a minimum the generic 1 version of the UDDI API.
  • 蚊子利用气味将“有魅力”和“无魅力”的人分开,以便发现最可的血液,佛罗里达大学昆虫学家杰里·布特勒在一份报告中说。
    "Mosquitoes use odor to sort attractive people from the unattractive to find those that are most tasty," University of Florida entomologist Jerry Butler said in a statement.
  • 文件套,公文夹用来装纸的开信封或文件夹
    An open envelope or folder for filing papers.
  • 过去数十年,香港在各方面都取得十分骄人的成就:香港按人平均计算的本地生产总值为25,000美元,在亚洲名列第二;
    Over the past decades, Hong Kong has achieved, in every respect, most enviable success. At US$25,000, our GDP per capita is the second highest in Asia.
  • 我们会发展符合环保原则的运输系统,同时力求土地运用得宜,使人和就业机会分布更平均。
    We will work towards an environmentally-friendly transport system and an efficient land use pattern to create a more balanced distribution of people and jobs.
  • 迈向二十一世纪,世界各国恗面临很多挑战,包括人膨胀、资源短缺,以及环境受到人为因素的破坏。
    As we enter the 21st Century, various countries in the world are faced with many challenges, such as overpopulation, shortage of resources as well as environmentally unfriendly activities.
  • 经历货币危机后,我预计东南亚国家会重新制定更稳健、以出为主导的策略,促进东南亚经济增长,从而刺激制造业资金、科技和基建支援的需求。
    Following the currency crisis, I envisage a return to sounder, export-led strategies for growth in Southeast Asia which will, in turn, create demand for more manufacturing investment, technology and infrastructure support.
  • 1998年3月,国务院发出《关于进一步加强麻黄素管理的通知》,规定对麻黄素的生产、经营、运输、使用、出实行专项管理。
    In March 1998, the State Council issued the Notice on Further Strengthening the Control of Ephedrine. The notice stipulates that the production, trading, transportation, use and export of ephedrine shall be subject to special control.
  • 1998年12月,有关部门联合下发《关于加强麻黄素类产品出管理有关问题的通知》,对麻黄素各种盐类、粗品、衍生物和单方制剂等12个品种全部实行出管制。
    In December 1998, the relevant departments jointly issued the Notice on Issues Pertaining to the Strengthened Control of the Export of Ephedrine-typed Products, exercising control over the export of the 12 saline products, semi-finished products, derivatives and single preparations of ephedrine.
  • 1998年12月,有关部门联合下发《关于加强麻黄素类产品出管理有关问题的通知》,对麻黄素各种盐类、粗品、衍生物和单方制剂等12个品种全部实行出管制。
    In December 1998, the relevant departments jointly issued the Notice on Issues.Pertaining to the Strengthened Control of the Export of Ephedrine- typed Products, exercising control over the export of the 12 saline products, semi-finished products, derivatives and single preparations of ephedrine.