Chinese English Sentence:
  • 最初住在东加拿大亚北极地区,说阿尔冈琴语的北美洲印第安民族人;许多从密西西比河到大西洋海岸的阿尔冈琴人向迁移到了森林地区。
    a member of any of the North American Indian groups speaking an Algonquian language and originally living in the subarctic regions of E Canada; many Algonquian tribes migrated south into the woodlands from the Mississippi River to the Atlantic coast.
  • 单子叶植物纲的四个亚纲或总目之一;包含5个科中6400个种类的乔木灌木陆生草类和一些浮游水生植物;棕榈科;天星科;露兜树科。
    one of four subclasses or superorder of Monocotyledones; comprises about 6400 species in 5 families of trees and shrubs and terrestrial herbs and a few free-floating aquatics including: Palmae; Araceae; Pandanaceae: and Lemnaceae.
  • 印度雅利安的是或属于或与亚次大陆任何一支说印欧语言有关的人种的
    Of, relating to, or being any of the peoples of the Indian subcontinent who speak an Indo-European language.
  • 非常绿或落叶植物的一个小属。
    small genus of South African evergreen or deciduous plants; sometimes placed in family or subfamily Aliaceae.
  • 以新加坡来说,有些东亚研究所只订阅《联合早报》,顶多加《海峡时报》。
    In the case of Singapore, for instance, some institutes subscribe only to Lianhe Zaobao, or , at most, The Straits Times as well.
  • 弗林德斯,马修1774-1814英国探险家,曾航行到新威尔士州(1795年),随后对澳大利亚的海岸作了详尽的研究
    British explorer who sailed to New South Wales(1795) and subsequently made a thorough study of the Australian coast.
  • 其后,上海、江苏、湖等地也相继采取了类似的清查行动。
    Subsequently, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Hunan also took actions to deal with these problems.
  • 但不少华人以新加坡作为过境站,从这里迁徙到东亚其他地方。
    Many used Singapore as a transit center and relocated themselves subsequently to other places in Southeast Asia.
  • 1943年,仅河省饿死者就达300万人,另有1500万人靠啃草根、吃树皮度日,濒临死亡边缘。
    In 1943, a crop failure in Henan Province took the lives of 3 million people and left 15 million subsisting on grass and bark and struggling on the verge of death.
  • 弗尔多,你也知道我母亲去世已一年多了,我几乎完全靠着大伙儿救济才得以维持生计,你有时装着要我帮你的忙,好借此让我分享你捕鱼得来的收获,我接受了,弗尔多,因为你是我的表兄,我们从小一起长大的,更因为,假如我拒绝,会伤了你的心。
    She has been dead a year, and you know, Fernand, I have subsisted almost entirely on public charity. Sometimes you pretend I am useful to you, and that is an excuse to share with me the produce of your fishing, and I accept it, Fernand, because you are the son of my father's brother, because we were brought up together, and still more because it would give you so much pain if I refuse.
  • 自一九八九年三月以来,已有超过67000名越船民从香港返回越,至今并无任何船民证实受到迫害。
    Since March 1989, more than 67000 Vietnamese migrants have returned home from Hong Kong and there has not been a single substantiated case of persecution.
  • 半球热带和亚热带地区的一个陆生蕨类植物小属。
    small genus of terrestrial ferns of tropical and subtropical southern hemisphere.
  • 位于佛罗里达部的大片的亚热带湿地,因其野生动植物而出名。
    a large subtropical swamp in southern Florida that is noted for its wildlife.
  • 埃弗格来兹美国佛罗里达州部的一片亚热带沼泽地区,内有大沼泽国家公园,以其内的野生动物,特别以鳄鱼、短吻鳄鱼和白鹭而闻名
    A subtropical swamp area of southern Florida including Everglades National Park. It is noted for its wildlife, especially crocodiles, alligators, and egrets.
  • 热带一个多毛灌木或草本属,产于热带或亚热带,尤产于美。
    genus of tropical hairy shrubs or herbs of tropics and subtropics especially South America.
  • 阿美里卡纳巴西东部城市,圣保罗的郊区,人口121,743
    A city of southeast Brazil, a suburb of S鉶 Paulo. Population,121, 743.
  • 塞浦路斯加利福尼亚部一城市,长滩的一个郊区。人口42,655
    A city of southern California, a suburb of Long Beach. Population,42, 655.
  • 克尔顿美国加利福尼亚州部城市,是圣伯纳蒂诺城郊。人口40,213
    A city of southern California, a suburb of San Bernardino. Population,40, 213.
  • 八尾日本本州部一城市,是大阪一郊区。人口276,397
    A city of southern Honshu, Japan, a suburb of Osaka. Population,276, 397.
  • 韦恩美国密歇根州东部城市,底特律的制造业效区。人口19,899
    A city of southeast Michigan, a manufacturing suburb of Detroit. Population,19, 899.
  • 伯明翰美国密歇根州东部一城市,底特律的一个住宅郊区。人口19,997
    A city of southeast Michigan, a residential suburb of Detroit. Population,19, 997.
  • 南方工业发达。
    Industry thrives in the south.
  • 亚植物,广泛种植,叶子多汁暗绿色可食用。
    southwestern Asian plant widely cultivated for its succulent edible dark green leaves.
  • 一种肉质的成地毯状的植物,花小而美丽、粉中透着微红;产自美国西部。
    succulent carpet-forming plant having small brilliant reddish-pink flowers; southwestern United States.
  • 长有或多或少的肉质的茎干的一年生的或多年生的草本;除了在美,澳大利亚,和新西兰而四海为家的植物。
    annual or perennial herbs with stems more or less succulent; cosmopolitan except for South America, Australia, and New Zealand.
  • 多汁草本或小型灌木多产于非但在新西兰和北美也有;粟米草;万寿菊。
    succulent herbs or small shrubs mostly of South Africa but also New Zealand and North America: carpetweeds; fig marigolds.
  • 非的灌木,有一个肿胀的多汁的根,在叶子落去的时候有艳丽的粉色和白色的花;在热带作为一种装饰树很流行。
    South African shrub having a swollen succulent stem and bearing showy pink and white flowers after the leaves fall; popular as an ornamental in tropics.
  • 伊斯梅利亚埃及东北部城市,在苏伊士运河岸边。它由费迪德·德·雷塞布于1863年修建,作为开挖运河的工作基地。人口191,700
    A city of northeast Egypt on the Suez Canal. It was founded in1863 by Ferdinand de Lesseps as a base of operations during the building of the canal. Population,191, 700.
  • 原产于东亚的一个高大多年生禾草属,像芦苇;甘蔗,糖蔗。
    tall perennial reedlike grass originally of southeastern Asia: sugarcane.
  • 北朝至隋唐时期,祆教流行于新疆各地,吐鲁番地区尤为盛行。
    It became prevalent throughout Xinjiang during the period of the Southern and Northern Dynasties and the Sui and Tang dynasties. It was particularly popular in the Turpan area.
  • 公元608年,隋军进驻伊吾,建筑城郭,设鄯善(今若羌)、且末(今且末西)、伊吾(今哈密境内)三郡。
    In 608, troops of the Sui Dynasty occupied Yiwu (Aratürük), built a city wall there, and established the three prefectures of Shanshan (modern Ruoqiang, or Qarkilik), Qiemo (southwest of modern Qiemo) and Yiwu (within the territory of modern Hami).
  • 这过程怎么跑出一个长住在新加坡的苏丹?为什么在甘榜格还有座苏丹王宫?
    Why was there a Sultan living in Singapore and an Istana Kampong Glam?