  • 他们把他打倒在地,抢走了他的文包。
    They knocked him down and robbed him of his briefcase.
  • 他将所有文件都装进文包。
    He put all the files into his briefcase.
  • 闯入者持刀向我刺来,我急忙抓起一个文包抵挡。
    The intruder lunged at me with a knife; I snatched up a briefcase to ward off the blow.
  • 他带着一个饰有浮凸的姓名首字母的皮事包。
    He carried a leather briefcase embossed with his initials.
  • 有人把文包忘带走了。
    Someone forgot a briefcase.
  • 请打开您的公文包。
    Open your briefcase, please.
  • 列车员:您的文包找到了。
    We've found your briefcase.
  • 有人错拿了我的文包。
    Someone took my briefcase by mistake.
  • 我关不上公事包.
    I can't shut my briefcase.
  • 他把文件收进事包。
    He locked the papers in the briefcase.
  • 我在没有文包的情况下去上班
    I went to work minus my briefcase.
  • 你究竟把我的文包放哪儿了?
    Where ever have you put my briefcase?
  • 他的文包里装着几份文件和一份合同。
    His briefcase contained several document and a contract.
  • 她总是在事包里带著一把伞。
    She always carries an umbrella in her briefcase.
  • 布鲁斯把许多文件都塞进了他的文包里。
    Bruce stuffed a mass of papers into his briefcase.
  • 外宾:是的,这是我的箱子和文包。
    Yes, here's my suitcase and my briefcase.
  • 伯恩:(从他的文包里取出一张名片。)
    (Takes out a business card from his briefcase.)
  • 秘密武器;他文包里的暗层。
    a concealed weapon; a concealed compartment in his briefcase.
  • 他的文包丢了,里面有些重要文件。
    His briefcase was missing with some important documents in it.
  • 装在盒子里像文包的便携式电脑。
    a portable computer housed in a box that resembles a briefcase.
  • 他突然想起他忘了带文包了。
    It occurred to him that he had forgotten to take his briefcase.
  • 你的名片应放在便于拿出的地方--放在兜里或文包里。
    Make sure your cards are readily available in a pocket or briefcase.
  • 老人死死抓住他的文包。
    The old man was hanging on to his briefcase like grim death.
  • 然后,她坐下来,把文包放在膝盖上,把拐棍放在腿的一边。
    Then she settled in, placed her briefcase on her lap and rested her cane against her leg.
  • 或者想出一些表示爱的小点子,比如在午饭盒里或是文包里留个条子等。
    Or finding little ways to express love, such as leaving a note in a lunch box or briefcase.
  • 闯入者持刀向史蒂文斯刺去;史蒂文斯急忙抓起一只事皮包抵挡。
    The intruder lunged at Stevens with a knife; Stevens snatched up a briefcase to ward off the blow.
  • 我得把文包修理一下,包的把手同包的其它部分已分家了。
    I’ll have to get my briefcase mended, the handle has parted company with the rest of it.
  • 李先生从他的文包里取出两封信,他的一位在中国的朋友说这两封信很急。
    From his briefcase, Mr Li takes out two letter which a friend of him in China told him were urgent.
  • 我们谈完后,我走到我的文包旁,拿出我获得的第一枚金牌,给他戴在脖子上。
    When we finished talking,I went to my briefcase and pulled out the first gold medal I won and put it around his neck.
  • 他将手伸入他的文包,拿出一个小首饰盒、一封信和一叠用纸巾仔细包好、用一个褪了色的粉丝带系住的旧信封。
    He reached into his briefcase and brought out a small jewelry box,a letter,and a stack of envelopes neatly wrapped in tissue paper and tied with a fading pink ribbon.
  • 这种踏板车是获奖发明人迪恩·卡门的最新制作,他曾发明过第一个便携式胰岛素泵、文包大小的透析机和能爬楼梯的轮椅。
    The scooter is the latest gadget from award-winning inventor Dean Kamen, who has also developed the first insulin pump, a briefcase-sized dialysis machine, and a wheelchair that can climb stairs.
  • 自80年代中叶,美国被财经界似乎漫无止境的丑闻所泛滥。这个时代最具代表性的人物有莱文,皮箱盛满靠内幕消息赚来的现款;“烂债券”亿万富翁米尔肯,他的诡计拖垮了德莱克塞尔;以及萨洛蒙兄弟司的头头古特弗雷因德,对他司职员违规买卖国库债视若无睹。堕落的行为日积月累,难道美国商业道德已经破产了吗?
    Since the mid-80's, the nation has been swept by a seemingly endless wave of scandals from the world of finance. Defining the era are figures like Dennis Levine, with his briefcase full of insidertrading cash, Michael R.Milken, the junk bond billionaire whose machinations led to the demise of Drexel Burnham Lambert, and John H.Gutfreund, the head of Salomon Brothers Inc., who turned a blind eye on wayward Treasury bond traders. The cumulative weight of all this turpitude raises the question of whether American business has suffered a moral collapse.