  • 战争的目的
  • 我们把取和平作为对外政策的首要任务。
    Peace is the prime objective of our foreign policy.
  • 社会主义社会中的阶级斗是一个客观存在,不应该缩小,也不应该夸大。
    Class struggle exists objectively in socialist society.It should be neither underestimated nor exaggerated.
  • 保护世界免於核子战是我们的义务。
    It is obligatory upon us to protect the world from nuclear war.
  • 发生了这样不愉快的吵之后,我觉得有必要离开。
    I felt obliged to leave after such an unpleasant quarrel.
  • 只有现在,当有关多利这个一度引人注目而现在被人遗忘的绵羊的消息成为文化论的一部分时,我们才开始平息了这一心灵上的撞击。
    Only now, as the news of Dolly, the sublimely oblivious sheep, becomes part of the cultural debate, are we beginning to come to terms with those soulquakes.
  • 没有名气的家族;战中的无名英雄。
    an obscure family; unsung heroes of the war.
  • 克服在斗中对抗困难或者障碍的胜利
    Success in a struggle against difficulties or an obstacle.
  • 除非骄傲和固执起作用,常识会告诉你什么时候放弃斗
    Unless pride and obstinacy come into play, common sense tells you when to give up a struggle.
  • 事实上,总统和国会大部分时间都在吵不休,说什么如果对方不是那么顽固,某些事可能真的会成功。
    In practice, the President and Congress spend most of their time blathering about how something might really be accomplished if the other weren't so obstinate.
  • 文艺工作者,要同教育工作者、理论工作者、新闻工作者、政治工作者以及其他有关同志相互合作,在意识形态领域中,同各种妨害四个现代化的思想习惯进行长期的、有效的斗
    The writers and artists, together with the educators, theorists, journalists, political workers and other comrades concerned, should carry out a protracted and effective struggle in the ideological sphere against all ideas and habits that obstruct the four modernizations.
  • 台湾当局企图以“民主和制度之”阻挠统一,妄想居住在中国大陆的十二亿多人实行台湾的政治、经济制度,是毫无道理的,也是不民主的。
    It is totally unreasonable and undemocratic for the Taiwan authorities to seek to obstruct reunification on the pretext of the "controversy about democracy and system" and to force the more than 1.2 billion people living on the Chinese mainland to practice the political and economic systems in Taiwan.
  • 得,取得通过辩羸得或获得
    To win or obtain by argument.
  • 他们之间偶尔也发生论。
    Disputes occasionally occur between them.
  • 战前的发生或存在于战之前的
    Existing or occurring before a war.
  • 〔1〕这个战发生于一九二七年十月。
    [1] This war took place in October 1927.
  • 在与所有不同意见的斗中取得的不可思议的胜利
    An inconceivable victory against all odds.
  • 他勇敢地与癌症做斗活了下来。
    He survived the cancer against all odds.
  • 用饭的时候,德国泡菜味和大蒜的气味相散发。
    At meal times the odour of sauerkraut vies with that of garlic.
  • 恋母情结理论认为小男孩下意识中和父亲竞母亲的情感。
    The theory of oedipus complex say that young boy unconsciously rival their father for their mother's affection
  • 在战时期违反国际法律的罪犯。
    an offender who violates international law during times of war.
  • 为了赢得战,我们不得不冒触怒中立国的危险。
    In order to win the war we had to take the risk of offending neutral nations.
  • 在全国的战略防御和战略进攻(正确地说,战略反攻)中间,每一游击战的根据地上面及其周围,也有其小规模的战略防御和战略进攻,前者是敌取攻势我取守势时的战略形势和战略方针,后者是敌取守势我取攻势时的战略形势和战略方针。
    Within the nation-wide strategic defensive or strategic offensive (to be more exact, the strategic counter-offensive), small-scale strategic defensives and offensives take place in and around each guerrilla base area. By strategic defensive we mean our strategic situation and policy when the enemy is on the offensive and we are on the defensive; by strategic offensive we mean our strategic situation and policy when the enemy is on the defensive and we are on the offensive.
  • 这个阶段,战已不是战略防御,而将变为战略反攻了,在现象上,并将表现为战略进攻;
    In the third stage, our war will no longer be one of strategic defensive, but will turn into a strategic counter-offensive manifesting itself in strategic offensives;
  • 者们正在大量报盘。
    The competitors are offering freely.
  • 我决定力得到俄亥俄州的那份工作。
    I've decided to go after that job in Ohio.
  • 休战期间,任何人不得动用武器,不得发动战,不得携带武器进入奥林匹亚,所以古奥运会开始时就是一个和平与友谊的象征。
    During the Month of Holy Cease-fire, nobody was allowed to use weapons, nobody was allowed to start a war and nobody was al-lowed to carry weapons into Olympiad. Therefore, the ancient Olym-pics was a symbol of peace and friendship at the beginning.
  • 奥林匹克先赛是一种团体赛。
    Olympic sprint is a team race.
  • 取能参加奥林匹克赛。
    She tried for the Olympics.
  • 在简短序幕之后,影片《救大兵瑞恩》镜头直接切换到战场面,长达24分钟的战斗场景真实地再现了1944年6月6日奥马哈海滩登陆的情。
    After a brief prologue[1], "Saving Private Ryan" goes straight into the battle scene, a 24 minute recreation of the D-Day[2] landing at Omaha Beach on June 6, 1944.
  • 要制蛋卷就得破鸡蛋,要发动战也得付出同样的代价。
    Omelettes can't be made without breaking eggs, and war can't be waged without losses or this kind occurring.
  • 一种战即将来临的恶兆。
    an ominous sign that war threatens.