Chinese English Sentence:
  • 西在黑暗中叭哒叭哒地走动。
    something going flip-flap in the night.
  • 可用来把桶或瓶上的孔关闭的西。
    used to close a hole in a barrel or flask.
  • 奉承某人以得到某种西。
    flatter with the intention of getting something.
  • 美味食品;珍馐美味特别美味或芳香的西
    Something with an especially delicious flavor or fragrance.
  • 广菜中的“烤乳猪”和“冬瓜盅”。
    "Toast Sucking Pigs" and "Wax Gourd Soup" in Guangdong flavour dishes.
  • 但你知道广风味菜的主要特点是什么吗?
    But do you know what's the main characteristic of Guangdong flavour dishes.
  • 这是鲁莽家和门外汉的理论和实际,是丝毫也没有马克思主义气味的西,是反马克思主义的西。
    They were the theories and practices of hotheads and ignoramuses; they did not have the slightest flavour of Marxism about them; indeed they were anti-Marxist.
  • 他们很多时候还是把“纽约”和“伦敦”穿在身上,但是,他们似乎意识到世界在变,他们的流行世界也就有了一点方的色彩。
    While most of the time “New York” and “London” are still preferable, these young people seem to have noticed that the world is changing and a little oriental flavour has been added to their sense of what is fashionable.
  • 世上没有十全十美的西。
    Nothing in the world is flawless and perfect.
  • 毛泽同志说过,要打破“金要足赤,人要完人”的形而上学思想。
    Comrade Mao Zedong once said that we should do away with the metaphysical idea that "gold must be 100 per cent pure and man must be flawless".
  • 一文,现在我知道什么是跳蚤市场了。在那儿你可以买到许多有趣的西。
    Yonne, now I see what a flea market looks like. And you can buy a lot of interesting things there.
  • 舰队驶离海岸进行演习。
    The fleet is-ring off the east coast.
  • 无实质之物没有实质、没有价值或飞逝的西
    Something insubstantial, worthless, or fleeting.
  • 我飞往东京出差。
    I flew to Tokyo on business.
  • 灵活性就是具体地表现主动性的西。
    Flexibility is a concrete expression of the initiative.
  • 一种又长又细又柔韧的西。
    something long and thin and flexible.
  • 中国南部小竹,幼年竹竹竿纤细弯曲。
    small bamboo of southeastern China having slender culms flexuous when young.
  • 一种附生植物,在多种乔木的树干和枝丫上形成灰绿色头发状、一束束的悬垂丛;生长于美国的南部和西印度至南美地区。
    dense festoons of greenish-gray hairlike flexuous strands anchored to tree trunks and branches by sparse wiry roots; southeastern United States and West Indies to South America.
  • 北美洲部大型金翼啄木鸟,颈红色,腹部、翅膀和尾巴为黄色。
    large flicker of eastern North America with a red neck and yellow undersurface to wings and tail.
  • 似蜘蛛网的事物轻薄透明或易破碎的似蜘蛛网的西
    Something resembling the web of a spider in gauziness or flimsiness.
  • 过去他常把不需要的西扔掉。
    He used to fling out things he did not need.
  • 比彻美国密歇根州中部一城市,为弗林特的一个郊区。人口17,178
    A city of east-central Michigan, a suburb of Flint. Population,17, 178.
  • 奥尔巴尼美国佐治亚州西南部弗林特河沿岸的城市,位于哥伦布的南部。它是山核桃和花生种植区中的工业和制造业中心。人口78,122
    A city of southwest Georgia on the Flint River southeast of Columbus. It is an industrial and processing center in a pecan- and peanut-growing area. Population,78, 122.
  • 简欠了房很多房租,她突然出走,在北京某个地方找了个新工作。
    Jan owed her landlord so much rent that she did a moonlight flit and got a new job up north somewhere.
  • "菲利浦,你看见在远处有个什么红色的西漂浮在水上吗?"
    "Phillip, can you see something red floating in the distance on the water?"
  • 漂浮者,浮体飘浮着的或能飘浮着的西,如人或物体
    One, such as a person or an object, that floats or is capable of floating.
  • 不要随地乱扔东西。
    Don't litter the floor.
  • 有东西掉到地板上。
    Something dropped to the floor.
  • 去年春,两名美国芝笔记本电脑用户以电脑软盘驱动控制器在使用过程中存在数据遗失或损坏现象为由,向法院提出集体诉讼。
    Early last year, two American users of Toshiba notebook computers filed a lawsuit collectively against the company over a floppy-disk drive malfunction causing data loss or damage.
  • 你可以忘掉硬盘或软盘,完全不用担心软件、硬件和其它的西,因为你所需要的任何西均由中央服务器来决定和编程。
    You can forget about having a hard disk or a floppy disk;and worry not about software, hardware and other things down the line, because whatever you need is determined and programmed from a central server.
  •  在美国“破财消灾”后,芝去年底在自身的网站上提供免费下载的“补丁”软件。
    By the end of last year, after paying the US consumers, Toshiba put up free "patch" software on its website for users of its notebooks to download as a remedy for the floppy-disk drive malfunction.
  • 美国佛罗里达州北部港口城市和一个重要的商业中心。
    a port and important commercial center in northeastern Florida.