  • 在军队中,新兵必须学习的要务之就是服从命令。
    In the army one of the most important things the new recruit one must learn is to take orders.
  • 各院校亦可录取非本地研究院研究生,人数最多为批准收生总额的三分之
    Furthermore, they are allowed to recruit non-local research postgraduates up to one-third of the total numbers.
  • 鉴于赤角新机场将于九九八年启用,香港海关共召开了3次遴选委员会,为新机场招聘500名督察及关员。
    With the new airport at Chek Lap Kok opening in 1998, three selection boards were held to recruit the 500 people required.
  • 我建议中央总结下用人的问题,尊重人才,广开进贤之路。
    I suggest that you leading comrades review your experience in this regard, respect professionally trained people and recruit them in large numbers.
  • 头部疼痛是她遭受的许多痛苦之
    Pain in the head is among the many affliction she suffer.
  • 在电脑辅助筛选法中,求职者与位“电子面试考官”进行交谈。
    During a computer? assisted screening, job seekers speak to a" tele recruiter.
  • 例如,如果他们想找位服务员,“电子面试考官”可能就会问你如何对付位难缠的顾客。
    For example, if interviewing for a customer service job, the tele? recruiter might ask how you handled a difficult customer.
  • 种称为电视会议式的面试方法,很受那些无法访问各所学校的校园召募人员的青睐。
    Videoconferencing, another form of interviewing,has become very popular with campus recruiters who cannot visit every school.
  • 尽管她成绩优异,英语流利,心想在专业上有所建树,但所有的招聘者问她的却都是有关她的社交生活或是否愿意接受文书工作等很琐碎的问题。
    Although she had been getting excellent grades,spoke English fluently and was bursting with professional ambition,all the recruiters were asking trivial questions about her social life or how she would feel about accepting a clerical position.
  • 例如,电子生意产生了类新的基于网络的中间商,他们正在替代长久以来就有的中间环节,如传统的分销商和提供全套服务的中介商。比如,monster.com利用web双向交互的能力,把求职者与人事招聘联系起来。
    For example, electronic business is creating a new class of Web-based middlemen that are displacing some longtime intermediaries like traditional distributors and full-service brokerages.Monster.com, for example, is taking advantage of the Web's capabilities for two-way interaction by linking job seekers with human resources recruiters.
  • 象线样的小蠕虫,大批滋生在人类特别是孩子的肠子和直肠中。
    small threadlike worm infesting human intestines and rectum esp. in children.
  • 我们被件可怕不幸的事情吓着了。
    We've been gallied at a terrible affliction.
  • 结肠从盲肠到直肠的大肠的部分
    The section of the large intestine extending from the cecum to the rectum.
  • 子宫托,子宫套种置于阴道内支撑或纠正子宫或直肠位置的装置
    Any of various devices worn in the vagina to support or correct the position of the uterus or rectum.
  • 把这三种方法加在起看来能降低患某些最常见癌症的危险,比如:结肠癌、直肠癌、乳腺癌、肺癌和胃癌。
    ogether, these three measures appear to lower the risk of developing some of the most common kinds of cancer, including cancers of the colon, rectum, breast, lung and stomach.
  • 会阴身体上有尿道和直肠口的盆骨里的个部分,前邻阴道,后临尾骨,再后是臀骨的部分
    The portion of the body in the pelvis occupied by urogenital passages and the rectum, bounded in front by the pubic arch, in the back by the coccyx, and laterally by part of the hipbone.
  • 这是桩有点叫人头痛的事,它会折磨人些时间,不过不会很长。
    It's a light affliction and will last but for a season.
  • 四方联组四张或四张以上呈长方形的联张邮票
    A group of four or more unseparated postage stamps forming a rectangle.
  • 梅花形五点排列将五个物体分别安排在个长方形或正方形的四个边角和个中心里
    An arrangement of five objects with one at each corner of a rectangle or square and one at the center.
  • 种多变量逻辑函数(求值用)的方格图,横行表示组变量(与取值),纵向表示另组变量(与取值),重迭(相交)的方格表示若干逻辑变量的种唯的组合(与取值),而且表示了所有可能的逻辑变量的组合(与取值)。
    A rectangular diagram of a logic function of variables drawn with overlapping sub-rectangles such that each intersection of overlapping rectangles represents a unique combination of the logic variables and such that an intersection is shown for all combinations.
  • 跳房子种儿童游戏,其玩法是:游戏者将小物体投入画于地上的标有数字的矩形格子内,然后单足或双足跳过格子去取回物体
    A children's game in which players toss a small object into the numbered spaces of a pattern of rectangles outlined on the ground and then hop or jump through the spaces to retrieve the object.
  • 他可能从来没有把握从哪儿搞到下顿饭,但他没有别人遭受到的千般烦恼。
    He may never be sure where the next meal is coming from, but it is free from the thousands of anxieties which afflict other people.
  • 种包含给定数量字的磁心矩形网格,其中的每个字由构成矩形阵列的给定位数组成。
    A rectangular grid of cores containing a given number of words each of a given number of bits making up the rectangular array.
  • 计算机图形学中的种显示单元。它是由许多大小相等的矩形象元组成的个矩形网格,每个象元具有单种颜色和强度。
    In computer graphics, a display element that consists of a rectangular grid of equal-sized rectangular cells, each having a single color and intensity.
  • 边框画或印刷的封闭的通常呈矩形的线条
    A closed, often rectangular border of drawn or printed lines.
  • 暴力犯罪仅是为害现代社会的弊病之
    Violent crime is only one of the malady afflict modern society.
  • 种平的可移动的平面(通常是矩形的)它可以用来玩在板上玩的游戏。
    a flat portable surface (usually rectangular) designed for board games.
  • 长是宽两倍的个矩形。
    a rectangular figure twice as long as it is wide.
  • 种固体块状物品(通常有平整的矩形侧面)。
    a solid piece of something (usually having flat rectangular sides).
  • 担架,独轮车个扁平的长方形托架,两端都有手把
    A flat, rectangular tray or cart with handles at each end.
  • 支柱交叉处的长方形柱子,支撑个拱顶或屋顶
    A pillar, rectangular in cross section, supporting an arch or roof.
  • 艺术家脾气,是折磨业余爱好者的种病。
    The artistic temperament is a disease that afflict amateur.