  • 在巴厘岛中心的一家木雕作坊,老板马德·布迪尔萨他手下有75名工匠,大多数人在上班时间都在大块的木头边打瞌睡。
    At a wood-carving workshop in the central Bali, owner Made Budiarsa said most of his 75 craftsmen often sleep around huge chunks of log during working hours.
  • 巴厘,祭献之岛,大之不,小至每天,都得在门前祭供,花、椰叶、米饭,即为供品。
    Along with cooked rice, they are normal gifts to gods as the natives of Bali, “Island of Sacrifices”, set offerings in front of their houses every day, not to mention on special dates.
  • 世界自然保护基金会(wwf)科学家卡拉斯·特尔在巴厘岛成立了的一个海龟保护组织,“在过去的50-60年里,海龟的数量骤然减少”,他:“很难列出具体数字,但80%尚趋保守”。
    “There have been massively significant drops in the past 50 to 60 years,” says Klaas Teule, a scientist with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), which runs a turtle conservation prject in Bali. “it's hard to put an exact figure on it, but 80% would be on the conservative side.”
  • 巴厘人,一切托佑,当地导游,设若家居着火,只余半间,他们会庆幸,还好没烧尽,凡事往好处着眼,为巴厘人乐天知命的根本。
    The Balinese entrust everything in life to divine providence. Even when a house is virtually burnt down, our local guide told us, people would celebrate their good fortune if any part of it were spared by the fire. Such contentment is what leads the islanders through life in their peculiar happy-go-lucky manner.
  • 对我来,价格太高是一个障碍。
    The high price is a balk to me.
  • 我认为你美国是世界和平的障碍是不对的。
    I don't think it is correct of you to say that America is a balk to world peace.
  • 哈姆莱恩一个二年级学生詹·鲍克:“你知道,20年前根本不是这样的,那时都是男人去上学,得到好的工作,那时是这样的男女界线。
    "You know, 20 years ago it was not this way at all," says Jen Balk, a Hamline sophomore. "It was all the men going to school and getting the good jobs, and there was such a barrier.
  • 每个人都认为如果莱特曼离去,国家广播公司已经有卡维等候接替。可是一位国家广播公司的高级主管,“事情根本尚未销定。”首先,卡维并未接受。
    Everyone presumes that NBC has Dana Carvey waiting in the wings if Letterman bolts. But, says an NBC executive,"that's a long way from a lock." For openers, Carvey is balking.
  • 每个人都认为如果莱特曼离去,国家广播公司已经有卡维等候接替。可是一位国家广播公司的高级主管,“事情根本尚未销定。”首先,卡维并未接受。
    Everyone presumes that NBC has Dana Carvey waiting in the wings if Letterman bolts. But, says an NBC executive, "that's a long way from a lock." For openers, Carvey is balking.
  • 那些已与体积大的pc机、莫名其妙的(系统)崩溃、中断和代价高昂的软硬件升级以及对服务和支持无止境的需求打了十几年交道的人来,网络计算机提供了简洁性,去掉了使pc应用复杂化的软硬件、只留下网络访问与显示功能,网络计算机对软件、服务、处理、数据和资源几乎全部都依赖网络。
    To those who have spent a dozen years wrestling with balky PCs and their inexplicable crashes, disruptive and costly hardware and software upgrades, and insatiable demands for service and support, the network computer offers simplicity. Stripped of the hardware and software that complicate PC life and only capable of network access and display, the network computer relies on the network for virtually all software, services, processing, data, and resources.
  • 这位音乐家把传编成了一首美丽的民谣。
    The musician made the legend into a beautiful ballad.
  • 《格萨尔王传》是藏族民间艺人创作、加工并一直作为口头唱艺术在民间流传的英雄史诗,被西藏自治区列为重点研究课题,并设立专门机构进行抢救、整理有关研究机构已收集民间艺人传唱资料录音5000多盘,录像数百盘。
    The popular "Life of King Gesar," the oral epic of the Tibetan people handed down for generations by ballad singers, has been included in the Region's key research projects, with a special institute founded to take charge of collecting more than 5,000 cassettes and several hundred video tapes dealing with the epic.
  • 依据该法,中国不仅对文字作品,口述作品,音乐、戏剧、曲艺、舞蹈作品,美术、摄影作品,电影、电视、录像作品,工程设计、产品设计图纸及其明,地图、示意图等图形作品给予保护,而且把计算机软件纳入著作权保护范围。
    The law provides that in addition to protecting the copyright of written works, oral works, music, operas, quyi (folk art forms including ballad singing, story telling, comic dialogues, clapper talks, cross talks, etc), choreography, works of fine arts, photographs, films, TV programmes, video tapes, engineering designs, product designs and their descriptions, maps, sketch maps and other graphic works, China also protects computer software.
  • “我们遇到越来越多的人因为他们的车被拖走而大为懊恼,”德尔瓦。“很多攻击事件,没等检查员开口就发生了。
    "We're running into more and more people who go ballistic at having their cars towed away," Del Valle said. "A lot of these attacks occur before the inspector opens his mouth."
  • “真是一场恶梦,”帕利克,两部分的考试他必须重新考。“我用了1600张卡片准备考试,听到这个消息,真叫人懊恼。
    "What a nightmare," said Eric Pawlik, who must take two parts of the exam again. "I studied from 1,600 note cards. When I heard about this, I really went ballistic."
  • 经济建设也在逐步发展,也搞了一些东西,比如原子弹、氢弹搞成功了,洲际导弹也搞成功了,但总的来,很长时间处于缓慢发展和停滞的状态,人民的生活还是贫困。
    It is true that our economy was gradually expanding and that we succeeded in developing certain things, such as the atomic bomb, the hydrogen bomb and even intercontinental ballistic missiles. But on the whole, the economy grew slowly or remained at a standstill for long periods, and our people were still living in poverty.
  • 比如,我过去也谈过,将来香港当然是香港人来管理事务,这些人用普遍投票的方式来选举行吗?
    For example, as I have said before, Hong Kong's affairs will naturally be administered by Hong Kong people, but will it do for the administrators to be elected by a general ballot?
  • 如果你问我多少是合理的,恐怕我得还不到这个数字的一半。
    If you asked me what is in the ballpark, I am afraid I have to say it is not half as much.
  • 你好,欢迎收看“你”。
    Hi. Welcome to"Let's Talk.".
  • 大家好,欢迎再次收看“你”栏目。
    Hi, welcome back to"Let's Talk".
  • 你好,欢迎收看“你”。
    "Hi. Welcome to ""Let's Talk.""."
  • 但是位于巴尔的摩的约翰斯·霍普金斯大学的梅尔文·麦金尼斯博士,一位研究躁郁症的专家在一次采访中,他认为凯尔索博士的新研究和近期的其他有关研究都有力地证明这种病同某种特殊的基因有关。
    But one expert, Dr. Melvin McInnis of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, said in an interview that he thinks Kelsoe's new work and another recent study provide the strongest evidence for involvement of particular genes in the disease.
  • 就在这时候,他觉得有人在拉他大氅的下摆,心里相当恼火,掉过头去一看,好不容易才露出笑容。话回来,不做出笑脸不行:拉他的是芳号叫让茜安娜的美人儿吉斯盖特,她的玉臂穿过栏杆,用这种方式来请他注意,:
    At that moment he felt a pluck at the edge of his surcoat, and turning round, not in the best of humours, he forced an unwilling smile to his lips, for it was the pretty hand of Gisquette la Gencienne thrust through the balustrade and thus soliciting his attention.
  • 这支乐队相对于艾米纳姆的有害影响来是一个安全的港湾,而对于西斯科的平庸之作来又上了一个档次,并且这种音乐耳熟能详。
    The band is a safe harbor from the evils of Eminem and an entire staircase up from the banality of Sisqó . Also, the music is familiar.
  • 这儿的气候对某些果树(如香蕉树)来,显得太冷了点。
    It's cold here for certain fruit trees, such as the banana.
  • 到处传她将作下届主席。
    Her name is being banded about as the next chairperson.
  • “笑笑现在扎上绷带,一切正常,”他
    "Shao-Shao is tolerating the banding very well, "he said.
  • 土匪对姑娘如果她动一下就把她杀死。
    The bandit said he would kill the girl if she moved a muscle.
  • 匪首吼叫道:“我们得狠狠地打,使这家伙出藏放财宝的地方!
    The bandit chieftain shouted, “We’ll have to beat the fellow into telling where the treasure has been hidden!”
  • “换个年轻些的人也许还能轻而易举地摆脱这种令人绝望的经济困境,但这位老太太却对此忧心忡忡,以至于沦为匪徒,”巴克先生
    "A younger person may have been able to take this desperate financial situation in their stride but it worried this lady so much that she turned bandit, said Mr. Barker.
  • 肖特女士把平克形容成一个略带绅士气派的强盗。她在她的家庭律师奥戴的办公室举行记者招待会时,“他并没有充满敌意、蛮横或作威作福。”
    She described Mr.Pink as something of a gentleman bandit. "He wasn't hostile, pushy or throwing his weight around," Mrs.Schott said at a news conference at the office here of her family lawyer, David J.O'Dea.
  • 就目前,土匪为患还很严重,封建势力原封未动,征粮收税任务的完成都还差得很远。
    Banditry is still rampant, the feudal forces remain intact, and we still have a long way to go to fulfil the quotas for public grain and taxes.