  • 没有一条通往光荣的道路是铺满鲜的。
    No road of flowers lead to glory.
  • 牵牛用卷须攀着树干。
    The morning glory climbs the trunk with its tendril.
  • 那棵树是这个园里最壮观的。
    That tree is the glory of the garden.
  • 没有一条铺满鲜之路通往光荣。
    No path of flower lead to glory.
  • 一种澳大利亚产的乔木,木材硬,白色,绿叶,有光泽,白色,产单籽有光泽的蓝色果实。
    Australian tree having hard white timber and glossy green leaves with white flowers followed by one-seeded glossy blue fruit.
  • 亮光薄呢由棉和绒线或棉和马海毛编织而成的光亮织物
    A glossy fabric made from cotton and worsted or cotton and mohair.
  • 一种灌木,具有暗绿色平滑的叶子和单生的淡黄色;生长在中国北部。
    shrub with dark-green glossy foliage and solitary pale yellow flowers; northern China.
  • 一种北美洲常绿灌木,有平滑的叶子和白色或玫瑰色的
    a North American evergreen shrub having glossy leaves and white or rose-colored flowers.
  • 一种常绿灌木,因其芳香、光滑的大白和平滑的叶而被广泛栽培。
    evergreen shrub widely cultivated for its large fragrant waxlike white flowers and glossy leaves.
  • 南美洲旺盛的常青攀援植物,有带光泽的皮革似的叶子和金黄色的
    vigorous evergreen climbing plant of South America having glossy leathery foliage and golden yellow flowers.
  • 魔术师从戴著手套的手里变出一束束鲜
    The magician produce bunch of flower out of his glove hand.
  • 魔术师从戴著手套的手里变出一束束鲜
    The magician produced a bunch of flowers out of his glove hand.
  • 开满鲜艳花朵的花园
    a garden full of glowing flowers
  • 最好插放在可爱而具浪漫情调的玻璃、水晶或银制瓶里。
    Glow in lovely, romantic vases of clear glass, crystal and silver.
  • 萤火虫在园里一边飞一边发光。
    The fireflies were glowing and flying about in the garden.
  • 由氧化锌、胶水、染料混合而成的一种水基漆;作为墙和天板的粉刷材料。
    a water-base paint containing zinc oxide and glue and coloring; used as a wash for walls and ceilings.
  • 美国东南部的一种小而树皮粗糙洋槐,有开粉红色朵的总状序和粘的树枝和种子。
    small rough-barked locust of southeastern United States having racemes of pink flowers and glutinous branches and seeds.
  • 斯替维亚属的任何植物或与皮奎属紧密相关的植物,叶胶粘,白色或紫色;中、南美洲。
    any plant of the genus Stevia or the closely related genus Piqueria having glutinous foliage and white or purplish flowers; Central and South America.
  • 我的头发渐变白了。
    My hair is going grey .
  • 他所有的钱都在买书上。
    All his money goes on books.
  • 我们有一半的钱在食物上。
    Half of our money goes on food.
  • 政府似乎大笔大笔地乱纳税人的税款。
    The government seems to gobble up the taxpayers' money.
  • 芙罗拉花神
    The goddess of flowers.
  • 她的钱花在衣服上。
    Her money goes on clothes.
  • "在这种糟糕的天气情况下我们了五个小时到达了那里,这种速度确是很快的了。"
    "We arrived there in five hours under such bad weather, which was really good going."
  • 一年生植物,夜间开芬芳的金黄色
    annual grown especially for its fragrant golden nocturnal flowers.
  • 和草地一枝黄相似,略小一些。
    similar to meadow goldenrod but usually smaller.
  • 美洲西部的一枝黄,黄色的小组成狭长的簇状。
    western American goldenrod with long narrow clusters of small yellow flowers.
  • 是粗壮而美丽的一枝黄,通常生于北美东部沿海一带和海湾海岸。
    vigorous showy goldenrod common along eastern and Gulf coasts of North America.
  • 欧洲南部和东南部的一种早期培植的多年生紫菀,冠类似于黄
    early-flowering perennial of southern and southeastern Europe with flower heads resembling those of goldenrod.
  • 生长在美国东部(尤其在宾夕法尼亚洲的蓝岭),芳香,能制成药用茶。
    goldenrod of eastern America (especially Blue Mountains of Pennsylvania) having aromatic leaves from which a medicinal tea is made.
  • 冰雹摧毁了我的芙蓉
    The ice storm got my hibiscus; the cat got the goldfish.