  • 他秘密地为纽时报报道搜集信息,结果事后险些被送上军事法庭,不过却赢得了国家出版人大奖。
    Narrowly avoided court-martial but won a National Publishers award.
  • 翰好为沽名钓誉作出点牺牲。
    John like to make a martyr of himself.
  • 廷德尔,威廉1494?-1536英国宗教改革家和殉教者,他对新的翻译是詹姆士也一世钦定圣经的基础
    English religious reformer and martyr whose translation of the New Testament was the basis of the King James Bible.
  • 令人伤心的经历;保护其不受伤心的战争事件的伤害——翰·梅森·布朗。
    a bruising experience; protected from the bruising facts of battle- John Mason Brown.
  • 枯燥的书;充满琐碎细节的枯燥演讲;书本知识如果脱离生活则是干瘪的和无趣的-翰.梅森.布朗。
    a dry book; a dry lecture filled with trivial details; dull and juiceless as only book knowledge can be when it is unrelated to...life- John Mason Brown.
  • 中的一卷,讲述以斯帖如何拯救她的人民免遭大屠杀。
    a book of the Old Testament that tells how Esther saved her people from massacre.
  • 以斯帖在旧圣经中波斯犹太人的皇后,曾经将人民从大屠杀中拯救出来
    In the Old Testament, the Jewish queen of Persia who saved her people from massacre.
  • 翰作为普通水手在海上航行了三年。
    John sailed for three years before the mast.
  • 二零零一年,有49%的孕妇及95%的初生婴儿前往母婴健康院接受检查。
    About 49 per cent and 95 per cent respectively of expectant mothers and newborns attended maternal and child health centres in 2001.
  • 年内,有45%的孕妇及94%的初生婴儿前往母婴健康院接受检查。
    About 45 per cent and 94 per cent respectively of expectant mothers and local new-borns attended Maternal and Child Health Centres in 1999.
  • 我数学考试得a,跟玛莉
    I aced the math test and made a date with Mary
  • 我数学考试得a,跟玛莉会。
    I aced the math test and make a date with mary.
  • 吉布斯,西亚·威拉德1839-1903美国数学家和物理学家,他系统地阐述了物理化学的基础理论,发展了向量解析并进行光学和热力学的研究
    American mathematician and physicist who formulated the theoretical foundation of physical chemistry, developed vector analysis, and conducted optical and thermodynamic research.
  • 翰的成绩报告单清楚地表明他的教学才能。
    John's report card points up his talent for maths.
  • 举例说,在新加坡,一个2004年到期,息票利率为3.5%的政府债券,目前能提供的收益大概是3.4%。也就是说,每100新元票面价值的债券,现售价为100.50元。所以年息如果是3.50元,便是实价的大3.4%。
    In Singapore, for example, a govern-ment bond maturing in 2004 with a cou-pon of 3.5% will currently yield about 3.4%.This is to say, for every S$100 of face value, the bond is currently selling for S$100.50, so that the annual coupon ofS$3.50 is worth about 3.4% of the actual price.
  • 而且有3个国家:加拿大、毛里求斯和爱尔兰,一签字就批准了该条,这清楚地表明了尽快使条生效的政治意愿。
    And as a clear indication of the political will to bring this treaty into force as soon as possible, three countries ratified the treaty upon -- signature Canada, Mauritius and Ireland.
  • 诚如副总理李显龙在政府奖学金颁奖仪式上所言,“把奖学金当成是雇佣合,并以为可以借着它来开拓个人的事业和前途,这不只错误,也是自私自利的想法。”
    Deputy Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong was certainly right when he pointed out this at the recent government scholarship presentation:"It is wrong for scholars to think that the scholarship is a purely mercenary contract, and that they are entitled to try to maximise their own careers and prospects in this selfish way."
  • “中国国际高新技术成果交易会”以高新技术为先导,以国际惯例和我国缔结的多双边国际条为准则,借助经济特区优势和便利条件,广邀台港澳在内的国内外高科技企业、大学、科研机构及跨国公司参加。
    Focusing on high and new technology and following international norms as well as multilateral and bilateral treaties China has entered into, China Hi-tech Fair is designed to maximize the advantages and convenient conditions of this special economic zone to attract wide participation of domestic and foreign hi-tech enterprises, universities, scientific and research institutes and multinational corporations, including those form Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.
  • 麦氏公司及滴滴香浓意犹未尽乃美国纽州通用食品公司注册商标。
    Maxwell House and Good to the Last Drop are registered trademark of General Foods Corporation, NY, USA.
  • 马克斯韦尔这时看起来已不再是一个有血有肉的凡人,他已走进一个繁忙的纽股票经纪人的角色。
    Maxwell didn't seem to be a man anymore.He had changed into a busy New York stockbroker.
  • 这座位于墨西哥南部的玛雅古城保存极为完好,建于公元前300年,直到1931年方被发现。
    An exceptionally well-preserved Mayan city in southern Mexico.It was founded in about 300 B.C.and not discovered until 1931.
  • 翰竞选市长,当选希望很小。
    John was a long shot for mayor.
  • 翰和吉姆争吵时,母亲充当调解人。
    Mother acts as a mediator when John and Jim quarrel.
  • 现实生活中的翰·纳什从未有过幻觉,1970年之后他就停止了药物治疗。
    The real John Nash never saw visions, and after 1970 he never took medication.
  • 彼此未见过面的男女的
    Arrangement to meet socially made between a man and a woman who have not met each other before
  • 处理200万像素的相机起价大是280英镑。
    Two mega pixel cameras start at around £280.
  • 发动机要为航天器的每磅重量提供大1兆瓦的能量。
    The engine would have to deliver about a megawatt of power for every pound of weight of the ship.
  • 是不同国籍的人的聚居地。
    New York is a vast melting-pot of different nationalities.
  • 是不同国籍的人的聚居地.
    New York is a vast melting pot of different nationalities.
  • 克茨人这个民族的成员
    A member of this group.
  • 习惯:喜欢《纽邮政》和《人民》报刊,不喜欢邮件、计算机和备忘录。
    Habits: Loves the New York Post and People. Hates E-mail, computers, memos.
  • 如果我没记错的话,我们第一次相遇是在纽
    We first met in New York, if my memory serves me.