Chinese English Sentence:
  • 喜爱远距离散步
    Delights in taking long walks.
  • 他喜欢作长距散步。
    He loved taking long walks.
  • 避免离开正题
    avoid wandering off on tangents
  • 同我母亲进行有成效的讨论很困难,因为她总是突然开话题,扯到其它一些事情上去。
    It is difficult to have a sensible discussion with my mother because she's always flying off at a tangent and talking about something else.
  • 油轮沉下去时,5万加仑的油漂浮在海岸3英里远的海面上。
    When the tanker sank, fifty thousand gallons of oil went into the sea three miles off the coast.
  • 她站得我很近,近得她头发上的香气袭人。
    She was standing very close to me, so close that the perfume from her hair was tantalizing.
  • 印度洋中远非洲东海岸的一个岛屿;是坦桑尼亚共和国的一部分。
    an island in the Indian Ocean off the east coast of Africa; part of the United Republic of Tanzania.
  • 这次射得远离目标.
    The shot was way off target.
  • 她射的离目标很远。
    Her shot was wide (of the target).
  • 年龄的条件不能说得过死。如果开了现在的干部队伍,我们的一切任务都不能完成,也就不可能实现干部队伍的年轻化等等。
    The age requirement should not be too rigid, if only because without our present contingent of cadres we could fulfil none of our tasks -- including the task of reducing the average age of cadres.
  • 纳税人:什么是临时境?
    Taxpayer: what is the meaning of the temporary absence?
  • 这个节日没有喧闹的音乐,没有激情的舞者--只有沉浸在故事中的听众;这些故事或意境优美,或奇诡异,或寓意深刻,每个都引人入胜。
    The festival features no loud music, no dancers, no loudspeakers - just people absorbed in beautiful tales, ghost stories and a variety of fables that tease all the emotions.
  • 跟我一起开去喝点咖啡吧,这演讲又臭又长。
    Come off with me and have some coffee, it's a tedious speech.
  • 高尔夫球棒一种高尔夫球棒,头宽把长,用于从球座处发长距
    A golf club with a wide head and a long shaft, used for making long shots from the tee.
  • 年轻人在20岁左右开了家园。
    The youngsters leave when they are in their late teens or early twenties.
  • 由远距照相术发射或拍摄的照片。
    a photograph transmitted and reproduced by telephotography.
  • 包括计算机及其软件、通信、广播电视、微电子及基础元器件各产业,重点是移动通信(gsm、cdma、wcdma)技术、多媒体通信技术、高清晰度电视技术、数字式视听技术、等子显示技术(pdp)、网络技术、文字/语音/图形图象识别和处理技术。
    It includes the computer and software, telecommunications, broadcasting and television, micro-electronics and basic components and highlights mobile telecommunications technology (GSM, CDMA and WCDMA), multimedia technology, high-definition televisual technology, digital audio-visual technology, PDP, network technology, character/speech/graph recognition and processing technologies.
  • 电传按电文所需传送的距与所花的传送时间计费。
    The charge for a telex is based on the distance the message has to travel and the time spent in transmission.
  • 当一个人居住在公寓里,开了土地的时候,最优越的艺术脾性又有什么用处呢?
    What can one do with the best artistic temperament, when one lives in anapartment and away from the soil?
  • 如果是必须脱生产的,也应该抽出一部分时间参加体力劳动,这对于联系群众和锻炼自己,都有很大的利益。
    those who cannot take part in such activities should try to find time to do some manual labour. This is of great benefit in maintaining contact with the masses and tempering oneself.
  • 卫星传送到地面接收器的时间信息越精确,就越有利于接收器计算出信号传递所经过的距,并利用3颗以上卫星的数据进行三角定位。
    The more precise the temporal information sent from the satellites to receivers on the ground, the better the receivers can calculate the distance traveled by the signals and then"triangulate" a position using measurements from at least three satellites.
  • 曾经有人以高薪诱惑他开他目前的职位可他拒绝了。
    Someone has tried to tempt him from his present post with a high pay, but he refused.
  • 一部好的电视剧或其他杰克喜欢的东西就能轻易地引诱他,使他开工作。
    It's easy enough to tempt Jack from his work with a good television film or something else that he enjoys.
  • 她的房客未付房租就带著全部财物去了。
    Her tenant left, with bags and baggages, without paying the rent.
  • 别提他婚的事---那是个敏感话题。
    Don't mention his divorce---it's a very tender subject.
  • 近20年来,数万人纷纷国外流,以期到别处谋到更好的生活。
    In the last twenty years, tens of thousands of people have voted with their feet in the hope of finding a better life elsewhere.
  • 要有步骤地和稳妥地实行干部休、退休的制度,废除实际上存在的干部领导职务的终身制。
    Systematic measures should be adopted to institute a retirement system for cadres and abolish what is virtually a system of life tenure for leading cadres.
  • 想到自己即将开人世,詹姆斯突然感到害怕,因为他已和几年前照料他并使他恢复健康的女孩坠入了爱河。
    The prospect of losing his life had suddenly become more terrifying because he had fallen in love with the woman who had nursed him back to health just a couple of years earlier.
  • 当他开营地后遇到了一个恐怖分子。
    He was confronted by a terrorist as he left his camp.
  • 士兵们开营房时,迎面遇到两个恐怖分子。
    The soldiers were confronted by two terrorists as they left their camp.
  • 长距比赛考验了游泳者们的持久力。
    The long race tested the swimmer's endurance.
  • 在线测试过程中,能使线路中的每一个元件独立进行测试的隔技术。
    The technique of isolation that enables each component in a circuit to be tested independently during an in-circuit testing procedure.