  • (生物学)纯种的符合自群体的明确标准。
    (biology) conforming to the definitive criteria of a natural group.
  • 随着时间的过去仍保持着相同的原则或者行动的方针。
    conforming to the same principles or course of action over time.
  • 随着自的生长而发展。
    cause to grow and differentiate in ways conforming to its natural development.
  • 美国人不相信日本人,因为后者和他们截不同:集体倾向、性别歧视、规规矩矩、种族单一。
    Americans distrust the Japanese because they are everything the Americans are not: group-oriented,sexist, conformist, and ethnically monotonous.
  • 使得某事物与自状态相一致。
    the quality of being brought into conformity with nature.
  • 存在于或与自或客观世界一致的。
    existing in or in conformity with nature or the observable world.
  • “剧种是不应搞混的。要是一出傻剧,那当可以。”
    The different sorts of plays must not be confounded. Now, if it were sotie,2
  • 他突转过身来面对着那些指控他的人.
    He swung round to confront his accusers.
  • 我们的民事服务是殖民地时代的遗产,儒家思想的影响,却有助于使它成为世界上最佳的民事服务之一。
    While Singapore’s civil service is a legacy of its colonial past, the Confucian influence has helped make it one of the best in the world.
  • 此派之流弊在文字上易流于俚俗(袁中郎),在思想上易流于怪妄(金圣叹),讥讽先哲(李卓吾),而为正人君子所痛心疾首,思想之进步终赖性灵文人有此气魄,抒发胸襟,为之别开生面也,否则陈陈相因,千篇一律,而一国思想陷于抄袭模仿停滞,而终至于死亡。
    The dangers of this school are that a writer's style may degenerate into plainness (Yuan Chunglang), or he may develop eccentricity of ideas (Chin Shengt'an), or his ideas may differ violently from those of established authorities (Li Chowu). That is why the School of Self-Expression was so hated by the Confucian critics. But as a matter of fact, it is these original writers who saved Chinese thought and literature from absolute uniformity and death. They are bound to come into their own in the next few decades.
  • 而,杜教授的“文化中国”以儒家为根本,我们的“和”所涵盖的范围却更为广泛。
    However, the core of his "cultural China" is Confucianism, while our "he" contains much more than that.
  • 而,杜教授的“文化中国”以儒家为根本,我们的“和”所涵盖的范围却更为广泛。
    There is a reservation: his "cultural China" has a core in Confucianism. Our "he" is larger than that.
  • 由于本港市民深受儒家思想影响,故很多人都有拜祭祖先的习惯。儒家思想虽不算是一种宗教,但却宣扬一套以人际关系为本的道德标准。
    Ancestor worship is widely practised in Hong Kong owing to the strong influence of Confucianism, which is not a religion but teaches a moral code based on human relations.
  • (正义不伸)最后,在道家和儒家两方面,这种哲学的结论和最高的理想是对自的完全理解,及与自的和谐;如果我们需要一个名词以便分类的话,我们可以称这种哲学做“合理的自主义”(reason-able naturalism)。
    Eventually, both in Taoism and in Confucianism, the conclusion and highest goal of this philosophy is complete understanding of and harmony with nature, resulting in what I may call "reasonable naturalism, " if we must have a term for classification.
  • 相信人类灵魂的不朽显是基督教徒、希腊人、道教和孔教观念上相同的地方。
    Evidently the belief in immortality of the human soul is something which the Christian, Greek, Taoist and Confucianist views have in common.
  • 而,持有这种看法的人或许会接受亚洲一些国家(譬如奉行儒家思想的社会)享有共同价值观的事实。
    Those who hold this view may, however, contend that some countries in Asia, for example, the Confucianist societies, do share a common set of values.
  • 我们也努力提倡儒家思想,放眼新加坡社会,儒家的理念贯彻了几分?
    Despite the government's efforts to promote the teachings of Confucius, one can see little of the sage's ideal put into practice in our society.
  • 苟胸中不以为,千金不可易之,圣贤不可改之。
    but if their conscience disapproves, they will not give Confucius and Mencius the right of way. They can be neither bribed with gold nor threatened with ostracism.
  • 他对于讲解孔子教义的工作感到厌倦,有一天突心血来潮(这在传教士说来,一定是“神灵的召唤”),觉得应该去寻找这个失踪的哥哥。
    Tired of teaching the doctrines of Confucius, one day he felt what among missionaries would be regarded as a "divine call" to search for this lost brother.
  • 如今,人类的新世纪虽来临了,而,人如果还要追求真正是“人”的生活、是“人”的社会的确实获致与享有,则孔、孟的思想恐怕仍无例外,还是继续有用的罢!
    We have indeed progressed into a new era, but so long as we are still keen in our pursuit to lead a truly "human" life and live in a truly "human" society, the thoughts of Confucius and Mencius will always be relevant and useful.
  • 这当是好意,我记得从前孔子的学生,有一位名叫曾参的,对他的父亲很孝敬,时常买一种小枣子(羊枣)和烧肉(脍炙)给父亲吃。因为这些东西,是他老人家喜欢吃的。
    These are naturally his very kind thoughts. I recall that Confucius had a disciple by the name of Zengshenn who treated his father with the utmost filial love and respect. He frequently bought dates (yang zao)and shredded roast meat(kuai zhi) for his father, because these were his father's favorite food.
  • 橄榄球员突换了个方向跑,迷惑了对方球员,带着球跑了20码。
    By breaking back, the player was able to confuse the opposing players and run twenty yards with the ball.
  • 演讲人突改变了论调,把我们都搞糊涂了。
    The speaker suddenly changed tack and left us all rather confused.
  • 无法了解的;困惑的;茫
    Puzzledbadjiunable to understand; perplexed or confused
  • 她的突出现使他手足无措。
    He was confused at her sudden appearance.
  • 我对她的突生气感到困惑不解。
    I was confused by her sudden anger.
  • 你把两件截不同的事物混到一起了。
    You are confusing two perfectly different things.
  • 她的发球虽迷惑人,但多数的球埃琳娜予以了有力的反击。
    Confusing as it was, Elena managed to return it with force most of the time.
  • 露营者摆脱了繁忙的生活,远离喧嚣拥塞的城市,投身到大自母亲的怀抱中。
    Campers are freed from busy lives in the noisy and congested city, throwing themselves into the embrace of Mother Nature.
  • 后代表大会选出主席团。
    Then the congress elected its presidium.
  • 国会牧师一向是新教派的成员,但他们并不都属于同一教派天主教徒和犹太教徒有时也被邀请主持祈祷。
    Although the Congressional chaplains have always been members of Protestant denominations, they have not all been of the same denomination; and Catholics and Jews are sometimes invited to lead devotions.
  • “虽纳米前景看好,一些科学家认为纳米技术的定义太模糊,大部分有关它的宣传与目前科学的推测并不相符”,国会研究部门的报告指出。
    "While nanotechnology may hold great promise, some scientists contend that the field's definition is too vague and that much of its 'hype' may not match the reality of present scien tific speculation", noted a Congressional Research Service report last year.