  • 我们信奉关于中东的艾森豪威尔信,并在参议院通过了它。
    We relied on the Eisenhower Doctrine for the Middle East which passed the Senate.
  • 路你随便走哪一
    You may take either of the roads.
  • 你走哪一条都可以。
    You may take either road.
  • 很薄的箔;可以喷射到空中作为一种反雷达措施。
    foil in thin strips; ejected into the air as a radar countermeasure.
  • 我们可以看到,毛泽东同志在这一个时间,这一个件,对某一个问题所讲的话是正确的,在另外一个时间,另外一个件,对同样的问题讲的话也是正确的;但是在不同的时间、件对同样的问题讲的话,有时分寸不同,着重点不同,甚至一些提法也不同。
    We can then see that what Comrade Mao Zedong said with regard to a specific question at a given time and under particular circumstances was correct, and that what he said with regard to the same question at a different time and under different circumstances was also correct, despite occasional differences in the extent of elaboration, in emphasis and even in the formulation of his ideas.
  • 一种y形的小木棍,上边两丫之间有一橡皮筋;常用来射出小石块(以攻击别人)。
    Y-shaped stick with elastic between the arms; used to propel small stones.
  • 他在人群中挤出一路。
    He elbowed his way through the crowd.
  • 党提名候选人连战竞选口号的“六大主张”中,“彻底消灭黑金”和“彻底消灭贪污”就占了两
    In the recent electoral campaign, the KMT candidate LienChan put forward six planks in his party's platform, among which were "wiping out money politics" and "eradicating corruption".
  • 党提名候选人连战竞选口号的“六大主张”中,“彻底消灭黑金”和“彻底消灭贪污”就占了两
    In the recent electoral campaign, the KMT candidate Lien Chan put forward six planks in his party's platform, among which were "wiping out money politics" and "eradicating corruption".
  • 主要是“发装置”,电动操作的在下一个部分。
    Mainly clockwork. The electrically operated are in the next section.
  • 不幸的是,洗钱者在享受银行服务的时候,更有可能穿着细纹的衣服,采用电子手段在世界范围内转移掠夺来的钱财。
    Unfortunately for the banks whose services they use, they are more likely to wear pinstripes and move their loot around the world electronically.
  • 你穿这裙子显的很漂亮。
    You look elegant in that dress.
  • 关於eleven和eleventh的用法见five和fifth词中的示例
    For the use of eleven and eleventh see the examples at five and fifth
  • 那家报纸在最后五分钟把一重要的消息插入头版。
    That newspaper at the eleventh hour inesrted an important news item on its front page.
  • 从十一届三中全会到十二大,我们打开了一一心一意搞建设的新路。
    Between the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee and the Twelfth National Congress, we have blazed a new path: concentrating on economic development.
  • 我们现在执行的这路线是党的十一届三中全会制定的,也是经过党的十二大肯定的。
    The line we are following was formulated at the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the CPC and affirmed at the Twelfth National Party Congress.
  • 其实收资本件按其境外总行的计算。
    Their paid-in capital eligibility shall be based on their overseas headquarters' capital.
  • 在监狱有6个月的好品行后,他有资格获得有件的释放。
    After six months' good conduct in prison she is eligible for parole.
  • 在监狱有6个月的好品行后,他有资格获得有件的释放。
    After six months' good conduct in prison she was eligible for parole.
  • 积极支持符合件的大企业到境外上市。
    We should actively support eligible large enterprises to become listed on overseas stock markets.
  • 中程导弹条约
    Treaty for the Elimination of Medium-range Missile
  • 当埃伦看见她前面的路上有一蛇时,她急忙退了回来。
    When Ellen saw the snake on the path in front of her, she quickly backed away.
  • 歧散枝向四周散开成很多分支,没有主轴,如榆树的树干
    To branch out into numerous subdivisions that lack a main axis, as the stem of an elm.
  • 具备某种特定件的细长的区域。
    an elongated region where a specific condition is found.
  • 可以围绕住身体或是四肢的一长带子。
    something elongated that is worn around the body or one of the limbs.
  • “保佑这头小狗吧!”我姨吗叫道,“假如它有猫那么多性命,而且将近全数丧失时,它也要用它最后的气力向我叫呢,我相信!”
    "Bless the little dog!" exclaimed my aunt. "If he had as many lives as a cat, and was on the point of losing' em all, he'd bark at me with his last breath, I believe!"
  • 解放思想,开动脑筋,一个十分重要的件就是要真正实行无产阶级的民主集中制。
    One important condition for getting people to emancipate their minds and use their heads is genuine practice of the proletarian system of democratic centralism.
  • 现在,我们提倡解放思想,重申毛泽东主席提出的“百花齐放、百家争鸣”的方针,目的就是创造件调动全民的积极性,使中国人的聪明智慧充分地发挥出来。
    But now we are encouraging people to emancipate their minds and reiterating the policy of "letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend", as was proposed by Chairman Mao Zedong, so as to create the necessary conditions for arousing the Chinese people's initiative and bringing their intelligence and wisdom into full play.
  • 战线上的群众和干部,都要做解放思想的促进派,安定团结的促进派,维护祖国统一的促进派,实现四个现代化的促进派。
    The masses and cadres in all fields of endeavour should promote the emancipation of the mind, foster stability and unity, support the reunification of the motherland, and strive for the four modernizations.
  • 全区已建成大小灌溉水渠1.3万多,水库、塘坝5200余座,总库容2.7亿多立方米;河道堤防工程18处,堤防总长约250公里。
    It has seen the building of over 13,000 major and minor irrigation channels, some 5,200 large and small reservoirs able to hold more than 270 million cubic meters of water, and 18 river embankment projects, with a total length of about 250 km.
  • 但是那时候没有件,人家封锁我们。
    But the necessary conditions were not present, because at the time an embargo was being imposed on China.
  • 根据“十七协议”中有关逐步发展西藏民族的语言、文字和学校教育的规定,1952年拉萨小学建立,1956年拉萨中学建立,西藏走上了现代教育的轨道。
    Under the stipulation of the 17-Article Agreement concerning the gradual development of the spoken and written Tibetan language and school education, the Lhasa Primary School was founded in 1952 and the Lhasa Middle School established in 1956. this enabled Tibet to embark on the road to modern education.