  • 他们约定一个地交换邮票。
    They appointed a place to exchange stamps.
  • 我们今晚约一个地见面好吗?
    Shall we appoint a place to meet this evening?
  • 我们很高兴任命你为我的业务代表。
    We are very happy to appoint you as our representative.
  • 如果达成协议,我们将指定你为我的代理。
    If we come to terms, we'll appoint you as our agent.
  • 你有没有考虑过让我们做贵在巴西的总代理?
    Have you ever consider appoint us as your sole agent in brazil?
  • 你有没有考虑过让我们做贵在巴西的总代理?
    Have you ever considered to appoint us as your sole agent in Brazi?
  • 我们要用投票式决定三大任命。
    We had to vote to appoint all three officers: President, Secretary and Treasurer.
  • 只要指定我们为你的独家代理,我们可以增营业额。
    We will increase our turnover if you appoint us as your sole agent.
  • 农民和农业生产经营组织有权拒绝任何式的摊派。
    And peasants or agricultural production and operation organizations shall have the right to refuse apportionment in any form.
  •  任何机关或者单位不得以任何式向农民或者农业生产经营组织进行摊派。
    No apportionment shall be made by any State organs or units to peasants or agricultural production and operation organizations in any form.
  • 除法律、法规另有规定外,任何机关和单位以任何式要求农民或者农业生产经营组织提供人力、财力、物力的,属于摊派。
    Any exaction of manpower, financial resources or materials from peasants or agricultural production and operation organizations shall be categorized as apportionment, except as otherwise provided in laws or regulations.
  • 该处负责政府契约的签发、续期和修订等事宜,又草拟和签立以拍卖式出售、批出和交换政府土地的条件,以及分摊地租及地价和追缴欠交的地租。
    It is responsible for the issue, renewal and variation of government leases as well as the drafting and execution of conditions of sale by auction, grants and exchanges of government land, the apportionment of government rents and premia, and the recovery of outstanding arrears of government rents.
  • 对我们所处形势的实际估计;实际的劳工领导者;他做生意的法十分实际;务实不空想的政见。
    a hardheaded appraisal of our position; a hard-nosed labor leader; completely practical in his approach to business; not ideology but pragmatic politics.
  •    第一百零七条县级以上地各级人民政府依照法律规定的权限,管理本行政区域内的经济、教育、科学、文化、卫生、体育事业、城乡建设事业和财政、民政、公安、民族事务、司法行政、监察、计划生育等行政工作,发布决定和命令,任免、培训、考核和奖惩行政工作人员。
    Article 107. Local people's governments at and above the county level, within the limits of their authority as prescribed by law, conduct the administrative work concerning the economy, education, science, culture, public health, physical culture, urban and rural development, finance, civil affairs, public security, nationalities affairs, judicial administration, supervision and family planning in their respective administrative areas; issue decisions and orders; appoint, remove and train administrative functionaries, appraise their work and reward or punish them.
  • 老实说,如果吐痰的动作以审美的式完成,我并不以喷到空气中的微菌为意,因为我虽受过许多微菌的袭击,可是我的健康并没有遇到什么不良的影响。
    I really don't mind the germs thus let out into the air, if the spitting is aesthetically done, for I have survived the germs without any appreciable effect on my health.
  • 初次从事专利代理工作的人员,实习满一年后,专利代理机构可发给《专利代理人工作证》。
    Beginners shall not be issued "Patent Agent Work Permit" until after a full year of apprenticeship.
  • 处理这个问题有好几个法。
    There are several ways of approaching the problem.
  • 新方案有:
    This new approach is
  • 航空兵战斗活动方法
    approach of aviation operation
  • 全新的方法
    A truly original approach.
  • []采取的方法是。
    The approach taken by [] is
  • 教学的多学科方法
    A multidisciplinary approach to teaching.
  • 我完全赞同他们的工作针。
    I fully endorse their approach.
  • 哪一个是正确的法?
    Which is the right approach?
  • 在高尔夫球中一种高的靠近球法。
    a high approach shot in golf.
  • 但这种法存在一定的风险。
    But that approach has inherent risks.
  • 我赞成集体探讨法。
    I lean to the group approach.
  • 我运作gamers.com和我玩游戏用的法是一样的。
    I approach Gamers.com in the same way I approach a play.
  • 因此他不用城里人的式而是用乡村的式表达感情。
    So he rejects the city approach, and he uses country approach to express feelings.
  • 方法是基于
    The approach be based on...
  • 一个可以从尼日尔河的支流到达的地
    a site approachable from a branch of the Niger.
  • 官方的批准;认可
    An official approbation; sanction.